MCP Prompts Server

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#!/usr/bin/env node import fs from 'fs/promises'; import path from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; const __dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); const distDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist'); // Regular expressions to find and replace CommonJS patterns const EXPORTS_REGEX = /Object\.defineProperty\(exports, "__esModule", \{ value: true \}\);/g; const EXPORTS_DECLARE_REGEX = /exports\.(\w+) = void 0;/g; const USE_STRICT_REGEX = /"use strict";/g; // Function to recursively process all JavaScript files in a directory async function processDirectory(dir) { const entries = await fs.readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true }); for (const entry of entries) { const fullPath = path.join(dir,; if (entry.isDirectory()) { await processDirectory(fullPath); } else if ('.js')) { await fixModuleImports(fullPath); } } } // Function to fix a single JavaScript file async function fixModuleImports(filePath) { try { console.log(`Processing ${filePath}...`); let content = await fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8'); // Remove the "use strict" directive (not needed in ESM) content = content.replace(USE_STRICT_REGEX, ''); // Remove the exports.__esModule assignment content = content.replace(EXPORTS_REGEX, ''); // Remove exports declarations (void 0) content = content.replace(EXPORTS_DECLARE_REGEX, ''); // Replace requires with imports content = content.replace(/const (\w+)_(\d+) = require\("([^"]+)"\);/g, (match, name, num, path) => { // Handle Node.js ESM compatibility const importPath = path; return `import * as ${name}_${num} from "${importPath}";`; }); // Replace CommonJS export assignments with ESM exports // First handle class and function exports content = content.replace(/^(class|function) (\w+)/gm, (match, type, name) => { // Replace any "export const X = X" at the end to avoid duplicates const exportPattern = new RegExp(`export const ${name} = ${name};`); content = content.replace(exportPattern, ''); return `export ${type} ${name}`; }); // Handle all the different export patterns content = content.replace(/exports\.(\w+) = (\w+);/g, 'export const $1 = $2;'); content = content.replace(/exports\.default = (\w+);/g, 'export default $1;'); content = content.replace(/exports\.(\w+) = {/g, 'export const $1 = {'); content = content.replace(/module\.exports = {/g, 'export {'); content = content.replace(/module\.exports = (\w+);/g, 'export default $1;'); // Fix double exports content = content.replace(/export class (\w+)[\s\S]*?export const \1 = \1;/g, 'export class $1'); await fs.writeFile(filePath, content, 'utf8'); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error processing ${filePath}:`, error); } } // Main function async function main() { try { console.log('Fixing ESM compatibility issues in the dist directory...'); await processDirectory(distDir); console.log('Done!'); } catch (error) { console.error('Error:', error); process.exit(1); } } main();