MCP Browser Automation Server

  • src
  • apple_notes_mcp
import sqlite3 import logging from contextlib import closing from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, List, Dict import os import stat logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class NotesDatabase: def __init__( self, db_path: str = "~/Library/Group Containers/", ): self.db_path = str(Path(db_path).expanduser()) self._validate_path() self._init_database() def _validate_path(self): """Validate database path and permissions""" db_path = Path(self.db_path) if not db_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( f"Notes database not found at: {self.db_path}\n" "Please verify the path and ensure you have granted Full Disk Access" ) # Check file permissions try: mode = os.stat(self.db_path).st_mode readable = bool(mode & stat.S_IRUSR) if not readable: raise PermissionError( f"No read permission for database at: {self.db_path}\n" "Please check file permissions and Full Disk Access settings" ) except OSError as e: raise PermissionError( f"Cannot access database at {self.db_path}: {str(e)}\n" "You may need to grant Full Disk Access permission in System Preferences" ) def _init_database(self): logger.debug("Initializing database connection")"Initializing database with path: {self.db_path}") try: with closing(sqlite3.connect(self.db_path)) as conn: conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row # Verify we can access key Apple Notes tables cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='ZICCLOUDSYNCINGOBJECT'" ) if not cursor.fetchone(): raise ValueError( "This doesn't appear to be an Apple Notes database - missing required tables" ) except sqlite3.Error as e: if "database is locked" in str(e): raise RuntimeError( f"Database is locked: {self.db_path}\n" "Please close Notes app or any other applications that might be accessing it" ) elif "unable to open" in str(e): raise PermissionError( f"Cannot open database: {self.db_path}\n" "Please verify:\n" "1. You have granted Full Disk Access permission\n" "2. The file exists and is readable\n" "3. The Notes app is not exclusively locking the database" ) else: logger.error(f"Failed to initialize database: {e}") raise def _execute_query( self, query: str, params: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Execute a SQL query and return results as a list of dictionaries""" logger.debug(f"Executing query: {query}") try: with closing(sqlite3.connect(self.db_path)) as conn: conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor: if params: cursor.execute(query, params) else: cursor.execute(query) results = [dict(row) for row in cursor.fetchall()] logger.debug(f"Query returned {len(results)} rows") return results except sqlite3.Error as e: logger.error(f"Database error executing query: {e}") raise def get_all_notes(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Retrieve all notes with their metadata""" query = """ SELECT 'x-coredata://' || zmd.z_uuid || '/ICNote/p' || note.z_pk AS id, note.z_pk AS pk, note.ztitle1 AS title, folder.ztitle2 AS folder, datetime(note.zmodificationdate1 + 978307200, 'unixepoch') AS modifiedAt, note.zsnippet AS snippet, acc.zname AS account, note.zidentifier AS UUID, (note.zispasswordprotected = 1) as locked, (note.zispinned = 1) as pinned, (note.zhaschecklist = 1) as checklist, (note.zhaschecklistinprogress = 1) as checklistInProgress FROM ziccloudsyncingobject AS note INNER JOIN ziccloudsyncingobject AS folder ON note.zfolder = folder.z_pk LEFT JOIN ziccloudsyncingobject AS acc ON note.zaccount4 = acc.z_pk LEFT JOIN z_metadata AS zmd ON 1=1 WHERE note.ztitle1 IS NOT NULL AND note.zmodificationdate1 IS NOT NULL AND note.z_pk IS NOT NULL AND note.zmarkedfordeletion != 1 AND folder.zmarkedfordeletion != 1 ORDER BY note.zmodificationdate1 DESC """ results = self._execute_query(query) return results def get_note_by_title(self, title: str) -> Dict[str, Any] | None: """Retrieve a specific note by its title including content and metadata""" query = """ SELECT 'x-coredata://' || zmd.z_uuid || '/ICNote/p' || note.z_pk AS id, note.z_pk AS pk, note.ztitle1 AS title, folder.ztitle2 AS folder, datetime(note.zmodificationdate1 + 978307200, 'unixepoch') AS modifiedAt, datetime(note.zcreationdate1 + 978307200, 'unixepoch') AS createdAt, note.zsnippet AS snippet, notedata.zdata AS content, acc.zname AS account, note.zidentifier AS UUID, (note.zispasswordprotected = 1) as locked, (note.zispinned = 1) as pinned, (note.zhaschecklist = 1) as checklist, (note.zhaschecklistinprogress = 1) as checklistInProgress FROM ziccloudsyncingobject AS note INNER JOIN ziccloudsyncingobject AS folder ON note.zfolder = folder.z_pk LEFT JOIN ziccloudsyncingobject AS acc ON note.zaccount4 = acc.z_pk LEFT JOIN zicnotedata AS notedata ON note.znotedata = notedata.z_pk LEFT JOIN z_metadata AS zmd ON 1=1 WHERE note.ztitle1 = ? AND note.zmarkedfordeletion != 1 AND folder.zmarkedfordeletion != 1 LIMIT 1 """ results = self._execute_query(query, (title,)) return results[0] if results else None def search_notes(self, query_text: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Search notes by title, content, or snippet with ranking by relevance""" query = """ SELECT 'x-coredata://' || zmd.z_uuid || '/ICNote/p' || note.z_pk AS id, note.z_pk AS pk, note.ztitle1 AS title, folder.ztitle2 AS folder, datetime(note.zmodificationdate1 + 978307200, 'unixepoch') AS modifiedAt, datetime(note.zcreationdate1 + 978307200, 'unixepoch') AS createdAt, note.zsnippet AS snippet, notedata.zdata AS content, acc.zname AS account, note.zidentifier AS UUID, (note.zispasswordprotected = 1) as locked, (note.zispinned = 1) as pinned, (note.zhaschecklist = 1) as checklist, (note.zhaschecklistinprogress = 1) as checklistInProgress, CASE WHEN note.ztitle1 LIKE ? THEN 3 WHEN note.zsnippet LIKE ? THEN 2 WHEN notedata.zdata LIKE ? THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as relevance FROM ziccloudsyncingobject AS note INNER JOIN ziccloudsyncingobject AS folder ON note.zfolder = folder.z_pk LEFT JOIN ziccloudsyncingobject AS acc ON note.zaccount4 = acc.z_pk LEFT JOIN zicnotedata AS notedata ON note.znotedata = notedata.z_pk LEFT JOIN z_metadata AS zmd ON 1=1 WHERE note.zmarkedfordeletion != 1 AND folder.zmarkedfordeletion != 1 AND (note.ztitle1 LIKE ? OR note.zsnippet LIKE ? OR notedata.zdata LIKE ?) ORDER BY relevance DESC, note.zmodificationdate1 DESC """ search_pattern = f"%{query_text}%" # We need 6 parameters because the pattern is used twice in the query # 3 times for relevance scoring and 3 times for WHERE clause params = (search_pattern,) * 6 return self._execute_query(query, params) def get_note_content(self, note_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any] | None: """ Retrieve full note content and metadata by note ID This note ID is provided by the resource URI inside Claude """ query = """ SELECT 'x-coredata://' || zmd.z_uuid || '/ICNote/p' || note.z_pk AS id, note.z_pk AS pk, note.ztitle1 AS title, folder.ztitle2 AS folder, datetime(note.zmodificationdate1 + 978307200, 'unixepoch') AS modifiedAt, datetime(note.zcreationdate1 + 978307200, 'unixepoch') AS createdAt, note.zsnippet AS snippet, notedata.zdata AS content, acc.zname AS account, note.zidentifier AS UUID, (note.zispasswordprotected = 1) as locked, (note.zispinned = 1) as pinned FROM ziccloudsyncingobject AS note INNER JOIN ziccloudsyncingobject AS folder ON note.zfolder = folder.z_pk LEFT JOIN ziccloudsyncingobject AS acc ON note.zaccount4 = acc.z_pk LEFT JOIN zicnotedata AS notedata ON note.znotedata = notedata.z_pk LEFT JOIN z_metadata AS zmd ON 1=1 WHERE note.z_pk = ? AND note.zmarkedfordeletion != 1 AND folder.zmarkedfordeletion != 1 LIMIT 1 """ results = self._execute_query(query, (note_id,)) return results[0] if results else None