MCP Server

import { LinearClient, Issue, Comment, IssueRelation } from '@linear/sdk'; import { McpError, ErrorCode } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js'; import { GetIssueArgs, SearchIssuesArgs, CreateIssueArgs, UpdateIssueArgs, CreateCommentArgs, GetTeamsArgs, DeleteIssueArgs, LinearIssue, LinearIssueSearchResult, LinearComment, LinearRelationship, LinearTeam, LinearUser, extractMentions, cleanDescription } from '../types/linear.js'; export interface LinearClientInterface extends Pick<LinearClient, 'issue' | 'issues' | 'createIssue' | 'teams' | 'createComment' | 'viewer' | 'deleteIssue'> {} export class LinearAPIService { private client: LinearClientInterface; async getTeams(args: GetTeamsArgs): Promise<LinearTeam[]> { try { const teams = await this.client.teams(); let filteredTeams = teams.nodes.filter(team => team &&; // Only require id to be present // Apply name filter if provided if (args.nameFilter) { const filter = args.nameFilter.toLowerCase(); filteredTeams = filteredTeams.filter(team => { const name = || ''; const key = team.key || ''; return name.toLowerCase().includes(filter) || key.toLowerCase().includes(filter); }); } return => ({ id:, name: || '', // Default to empty string if undefined key: team.key || '', // Default to empty string if undefined description: team.description || undefined })); } catch (error) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Failed to fetch teams: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}` ); } } constructor(clientOrApiKey: string | LinearClientInterface) { if (typeof clientOrApiKey === 'string') { if (!clientOrApiKey) { throw new Error('LINEAR_API_KEY is required'); } this.client = new LinearClient({ apiKey: clientOrApiKey }); } else { this.client = clientOrApiKey; } } private async getCurrentUser(): Promise<LinearUser> { const viewer = await this.client.viewer; return { id:, name:, email: }; } private async getComments(issue: Issue): Promise<LinearComment[]> { const comments = await issue.comments(); return Promise.all( (comment: Comment): Promise<LinearComment> => { const user = await comment.user; return { id:, body: comment.body, userId: user?.id ?? '', userName: user?.name, createdAt: comment.createdAt.toISOString(), updatedAt: comment.updatedAt?.toISOString(), }; }) ); } private async getRelationships(issue: Issue): Promise<LinearRelationship[]> { const relationships: LinearRelationship[] = []; // Get parent const parent = await issue.parent; if (parent) { relationships.push({ type: 'parent', issueId:, identifier: parent.identifier, title: parent.title, }); } // Get sub-issues const children = await issue.children(); for (const child of children.nodes) { relationships.push({ type: 'sub', issueId:, identifier: child.identifier, title: child.title, }); } // Get other relationships const relations = await issue.relations(); for (const relation of relations.nodes) { const relatedIssue = await relation.relatedIssue; if (relatedIssue) { relationships.push({ type: relation.type.toLowerCase() as 'related' | 'blocked' | 'blocking' | 'duplicate', issueId:, identifier: relatedIssue.identifier, title: relatedIssue.title, }); } } return relationships; } async getIssue(args: GetIssueArgs): Promise<LinearIssue> { try { const issue = await this.client.issue(args.issueId); if (!issue) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, `Issue not found: ${args.issueId}`); } // Get all issue data using SDK const [ state, assignee, team, creator, labels, parent, children, relations ] = await Promise.all([ issue.state, issue.assignee,, issue.creator, issue.labels(), issue.parent, issue.children(), issue.relations() ]); const issueData = { id:, identifier: issue.identifier, title: issue.title, description: issue.description, priority: issue.priority, createdAt: issue.createdAt, updatedAt: issue.updatedAt, estimate: issue.estimate, dueDate: issue.dueDate, parent: parent ? { id:, identifier: parent.identifier, title: parent.title } : undefined, children: { nodes: => ({ id:, identifier: child.identifier, title: child.title })) }, relations: { nodes: => ({ type: relation.type, relatedIssue: relation.relatedIssue })) }, state: { name: state?.name }, assignee: { name: assignee?.name }, team: { name: team?.name }, creator: { name: creator?.name }, labels: { nodes: => ({ name: })) } }; // Get relationships (always included) const relationships = await this.getRelationships(issue); // Get comments if requested let comments; if (args.includeRelationships) { comments = await this.getComments(issue); } // Extract mentions from description and comments const descriptionMentions = extractMentions(issueData.description); const commentMentions = comments?.reduce( (acc, comment) => { const mentions = extractMentions(comment.body); return { issues: [...acc.issues, ...mentions.issues], users: [...acc.users, ...mentions.users] }; }, { issues: [] as string[], users: [] as string[] } ); // Combine and deduplicate mentions const mentionedIssues = [ Set([ ...descriptionMentions.issues, ...(commentMentions?.issues || []) ])]; const mentionedUsers = [ Set([ ...descriptionMentions.users, ...(commentMentions?.users || []) ])]; return { id:, identifier: issueData.identifier, title: issueData.title, description: cleanDescription(issueData.description), status: issueData.state?.name, assignee: issueData.assignee?.name, priority: issueData.priority, createdAt: new Date(issueData.createdAt).toISOString(), updatedAt: new Date(issueData.updatedAt).toISOString(), teamName:, creatorName: issueData.creator?.name, labels: { name: string }) =>, estimate: issueData.estimate, dueDate: issueData.dueDate ? new Date(issueData.dueDate).toISOString() : undefined, parent: issueData.parent ? { id:, identifier: issueData.parent.identifier, title: issueData.parent.title } : undefined, subIssues: { id: string; identifier: string; title: string }) => ({ id:, identifier: child.identifier, title: child.title })), comments, relationships, mentionedIssues, mentionedUsers, }; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof McpError) { throw error; } throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error) ); } } async createIssue(args: CreateIssueArgs): Promise<LinearIssue> { // If parentId provided, verify it exists and get its team if (args.parentId) { const parent = await this.client.issue(args.parentId); if (!parent) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, `Parent issue not found: ${args.parentId}`); } // Use parent's team if not explicitly provided if (!args.teamId) { const parentTeam = await; if (!parentTeam) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, `Could not get team from parent issue: ${args.parentId}`); } args.teamId =; } } try { // If no teamId provided and no parentId, throw error if (!args.teamId && !args.parentId) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, 'Either teamId or parentId must be provided'); } // Handle self-assignment let assigneeId = args.assigneeId; if (assigneeId === 'me') { const currentUser = await this.getCurrentUser(); assigneeId =; } // Create the issue const createdIssue = await this.client.createIssue({ teamId: args.teamId!, // We know it's defined because of the check above title: args.title, description: args.description, priority: args.priority, assigneeId, parentId: args.parentId, labelIds: args.labelIds }).then(response => response.issue); if (!createdIssue) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InternalError, 'Failed to create issue: No issue returned'); } // Return full issue details using existing getIssue method return this.getIssue({ issueId: }); } catch (error) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Failed to create issue: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}` ); } } async updateIssue(args: UpdateIssueArgs): Promise<LinearIssue> { try { const issue = await this.client.issue(args.issueId); if (!issue) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, `Issue not found: ${args.issueId}`); } // Handle self-assignment let assigneeId = args.assigneeId; if (assigneeId === 'me') { const currentUser = await this.getCurrentUser(); assigneeId =; } // Prepare update payload with only defined fields const updatePayload: Record<string, any> = {}; if (args.title !== undefined) updatePayload.title = args.title; if (args.description !== undefined) updatePayload.description = args.description; if (args.status !== undefined) updatePayload.status = args.status; if (args.priority !== undefined) updatePayload.priority = args.priority; if (assigneeId !== undefined) updatePayload.assigneeId = assigneeId; if (args.labelIds !== undefined) updatePayload.labelIds = args.labelIds; // Update the issue await issue.update(updatePayload); // Return full issue details using existing getIssue method return this.getIssue({ issueId: args.issueId }); } catch (error) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Failed to update issue: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}` ); } } async createComment(args: CreateCommentArgs): Promise<LinearComment> { try { // Verify issue exists const issue = await this.client.issue(args.issueId); if (!issue) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, `Issue not found: ${args.issueId}`); } // Create comment using the client const result = await (this.client as LinearClient).createComment({ issueId:, body: args.body }); if (!result.success || !result.comment) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InternalError, 'Failed to create comment'); } // Get the created comment const comment = await result.comment; const user = await comment.user; // Format response using our existing comment structure return { id:, body: comment.body, userId: user?.id ?? '', userName: user?.name, createdAt: comment.createdAt.toISOString(), updatedAt: comment.updatedAt?.toISOString(), }; } catch (error) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Failed to create comment: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}` ); } } async deleteIssue(args: DeleteIssueArgs): Promise<void> { // Verify issue exists const issue = await this.client.issue(args.issueId); if (!issue) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, `Issue not found: ${args.issueId}`); } try { // Delete the issue await issue.delete(); } catch (error) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Failed to delete issue: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}` ); } } async searchIssues(args: SearchIssuesArgs): Promise<LinearIssueSearchResult[]> { try { // Build filter conditions const conditions: any[] = []; // Add search query condition if provided if (args.query) { conditions.push({ or: [ { title: { contains: args.query } }, { description: { contains: args.query } }, ], }); } // Handle user filters if (args.filter) { const currentUser = args.filter.assignedTo === 'me' || args.filter.createdBy === 'me' ? await this.getCurrentUser() : null; if (args.filter.assignedTo) { conditions.push({ assignee: { id: { eq: args.filter.assignedTo === 'me' ? currentUser!.id : args.filter.assignedTo } } }); } if (args.filter.createdBy) { conditions.push({ creator: { id: { eq: args.filter.createdBy === 'me' ? currentUser!.id : args.filter.createdBy } } }); } } // Combine all conditions with AND const filter = conditions.length > 0 ? { and: conditions } : undefined; const issues = await this.client.issues({ filter }); return Promise.all( (issue) => { const [state, assignee, team, labels] = await Promise.all([ issue.state, issue.assignee,, issue.labels(), ]); return { id:, identifier: issue.identifier, title: issue.title, status: state?.name, assignee: assignee?.name, priority: issue.priority, teamName: team?.name, labels: =>, }; }) ); } catch (error) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error) ); } } }