Opik MCP Server

  • src
/** * Test client for Opik API * This helps test API calls and view the responses */ // Load environment variables first import './utils/env.js'; import config from './config.js'; // Type definitions for API responses import { ProjectResponse, TraceResponse, TraceStatsResponse, MetricsResponse, PromptResponse, SingleProjectResponse, SingleTraceResponse, } from './types.js'; // Simple test client for MCP import { Client } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/index.js'; import { StdioClientTransport } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/client/stdio.js'; /** * Make an API request to the Opik API */ async function makeApiRequest<T>( path: string, options: RequestInit = {} ): Promise<{ data: T | null; error: string | null }> { // Prepare headers based on configuration // According to the documentation: // - authorization header should NOT include "Bearer" prefix // - Comet-Workspace header should be included for cloud installations const API_HEADERS: Record<string, string> = { Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', authorization: config.apiKey, }; // Add workspace header for cloud version (and on-premise installations of Comet platform) if (config.workspaceName) { API_HEADERS['Comet-Workspace'] = config.workspaceName; if (config.debugMode) { console.log(`Using workspace: ${config.workspaceName}`); } } const url = `${config.apiBaseUrl}${path}`; console.log(`Making API request to: ${url}`); if (config.debugMode) { console.log('Headers:', JSON.stringify(API_HEADERS, null, 2)); } try { const response = await fetch(url, { ...options, headers: { ...API_HEADERS, ...options.headers, }, }); // Get the response body text const responseText = await response.text(); let responseData: any = null; // Try to parse the response as JSON try { responseData = JSON.parse(responseText); } catch (e) { // If it's not valid JSON, use the raw text responseData = responseText; } if (!response.ok) { return { data: null, error: `HTTP error! status: ${response.status} ${JSON.stringify(responseData)}`, }; } return { data: responseData as T, error: null, }; } catch (error) { const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error occurred'; console.error('Error making API request:', error); return { data: null, error: errorMessage, }; } } /** * Test functions for different API endpoints */ const api = { // Simple test endpoint async testConnection() { // Test with the projects endpoint which we know works return makeApiRequest<any>('/v1/private/projects'); }, // Workspaces async listWorkspaces() { return makeApiRequest<any>('/v1/private/workspaces'); }, // Projects async listProjects(page = 1, size = 10) { return makeApiRequest<ProjectResponse>(`/v1/private/projects?page=${page}&size=${size}`); }, async getProject(projectId: string) { return makeApiRequest<SingleProjectResponse>(`/v1/private/projects/${projectId}`); }, // Traces async listTraces(page = 1, size = 10, projectId?: string) { let url = `/v1/private/traces?page=${page}&size=${size}`; if (projectId) url += `&project_id=${projectId}`; return makeApiRequest<TraceResponse>(url); }, async getTrace(traceId: string) { return makeApiRequest<SingleTraceResponse>(`/v1/private/traces/${traceId}`); }, async getTraceStats(projectId?: string) { let url = `/v1/private/traces/stats`; if (projectId) url += `?project_id=${projectId}`; return makeApiRequest<TraceStatsResponse>(url); }, // Prompts async listPrompts(page = 1, size = 10) { return makeApiRequest<PromptResponse>(`/v1/private/prompts?page=${page}&size=${size}`); }, // Metrics async getMetrics(metricName?: string, projectId?: string) { const params = []; if (metricName) params.push(`metric_name=${metricName}`); if (projectId) params.push(`project_id=${projectId}`); let url = `/v1/private/metrics`; if (params.length > 0) { url += `?${params.join('&')}`; } return makeApiRequest<MetricsResponse>(url); }, }; /** * Find workspaces and projects with traces */ async function findWorkspacesAndProjects() { // Define the types for our results type ProjectWithTraces = { workspaceName: string; projectId: string; projectName: string; traceCount: number; }; const results: { availableWorkspaces: any[]; projectsWithTraces: ProjectWithTraces[]; } = { availableWorkspaces: [], projectsWithTraces: [], }; try { // Try the predefined workspace first (from config) if (config.workspaceName) { console.log(`Using predefined workspace: ${config.workspaceName}`); // List projects in this workspace const projectsResponse = await api.listProjects(); if (projectsResponse.data && projectsResponse.data.content) { // Check each project for traces for (const project of projectsResponse.data.content) { const tracesResponse = await api.listTraces(1, 1, project.id); if (tracesResponse.data && tracesResponse.data.total > 0) { results.projectsWithTraces.push({ workspaceName: config.workspaceName, projectId: project.id, projectName: project.name, traceCount: tracesResponse.data.total, }); } } } } else { // If no workspace is defined, try to discover available workspaces console.log('No predefined workspace, attempting to discover workspaces...'); // This endpoint may not exist, but we can try const workspacesResponse = await api.listWorkspaces(); if (workspacesResponse.data) { results.availableWorkspaces = workspacesResponse.data; // Try each workspace for (const workspace of results.availableWorkspaces) { // Temporarily set workspace for API calls const originalWorkspace = config.workspaceName; config.workspaceName = workspace.name; // List projects in this workspace const projectsResponse = await api.listProjects(); if (projectsResponse.data && projectsResponse.data.content) { // Check each project for traces for (const project of projectsResponse.data.content) { const tracesResponse = await api.listTraces(1, 1, project.id); if (tracesResponse.data && tracesResponse.data.total > 0) { results.projectsWithTraces.push({ workspaceName: workspace.name, projectId: project.id, projectName: project.name, traceCount: tracesResponse.data.total, }); } } } // Restore original workspace setting config.workspaceName = originalWorkspace; } } else { // Try with "default" workspace const originalWorkspace = config.workspaceName; config.workspaceName = 'default'; // List projects in default workspace const projectsResponse = await api.listProjects(); if (projectsResponse.data && projectsResponse.data.content) { // Check each project for traces for (const project of projectsResponse.data.content) { const tracesResponse = await api.listTraces(1, 1, project.id); if (tracesResponse.data && tracesResponse.data.total > 0) { results.projectsWithTraces.push({ workspaceName: 'default', projectId: project.id, projectName: project.name, traceCount: tracesResponse.data.total, }); } } } // Restore original workspace setting config.workspaceName = originalWorkspace; } } } catch (error) { console.error('Error finding workspaces and projects:', error); } return results; } /** * Run tests for all API endpoints */ async function runApiTests() { console.log('šŸ” Testing Opik API with the following configuration:'); console.log(`- API Base URL: ${config.apiBaseUrl}`); console.log(`- Self-hosted: ${config.isSelfHosted ? 'Yes' : 'No'}`); console.log(`- Workspace: ${config.workspaceName || 'None'}`); // Set debug mode for this run config.debugMode = true; console.log(`- Debug mode: ${config.debugMode ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled'}`); console.log('\n'); try { // Find workspaces and projects with traces console.log('šŸ”Ž FINDING WORKSPACES AND PROJECTS WITH TRACES'); const discovery = await findWorkspacesAndProjects(); if (discovery.projectsWithTraces.length > 0) { console.log(`\nFound ${discovery.projectsWithTraces.length} projects with traces:`); discovery.projectsWithTraces.forEach((project, index) => { console.log( `${index + 1}. Workspace: ${project.workspaceName}, Project: ${project.projectName} (${project.projectId}), Traces: ${project.traceCount}` ); }); // Look for the 'Therapist Chat' project first let testProject = discovery.projectsWithTraces.find(p => p.projectName === 'Therapist Chat'); // If not found, use the first project with traces if (!testProject) { testProject = discovery.projectsWithTraces[0]; } console.log( `\nUsing project "${testProject.projectName}" in workspace "${testProject.workspaceName}" for testing` ); // Set the workspace for testing const originalWorkspace = config.workspaceName; config.workspaceName = testProject.workspaceName; // Test basic connection first console.log('\nšŸ”Œ TESTING CONNECTION'); const connectionTest = await api.testConnection(); if (connectionTest.data) { console.log('Connection successful'); if (connectionTest.data.total) { console.log(`Found ${connectionTest.data.total} projects`); } console.log(JSON.stringify(connectionTest.data, null, 2)); } else { console.log(`Connection failed: ${connectionTest.error}`); } console.log('\n'); // Continue with other tests only if connection was successful if (connectionTest.error) { console.error('Cannot continue tests due to connection issues'); return; } // Test traces for the selected project console.log('\nšŸ” TESTING TRACES API'); console.log(`Using project ID: ${testProject.projectId} for traces`); const tracesResponse = await api.listTraces(1, 10, testProject.projectId); if (tracesResponse.data) { console.log(`Found ${tracesResponse.data.total} traces`); console.log(JSON.stringify(tracesResponse.data, null, 2)); // If there are traces, get details for the first one if (tracesResponse.data.content && tracesResponse.data.content.length > 0) { const traceId = tracesResponse.data.content[0].id; console.log(`\nGetting details for trace: ${traceId}`); const traceDetail = await api.getTrace(traceId); console.log(JSON.stringify(traceDetail.data, null, 2)); } } else { console.error('Error fetching traces:', tracesResponse.error); } // Restore original workspace setting config.workspaceName = originalWorkspace; } else { console.log('\nNo projects with traces found. Continuing with general tests...'); // Default test flow... // Test Projects API console.log('šŸ“ TESTING PROJECTS API'); const projectsResponse = await api.listProjects(); let firstProjectId = null; if (projectsResponse.data) { console.log(`Found ${projectsResponse.data.total} projects`); console.log(JSON.stringify(projectsResponse.data, null, 2)); // If there are projects, get details for the first one if (projectsResponse.data.content && projectsResponse.data.content.length > 0) { firstProjectId = projectsResponse.data.content[0].id; console.log(`\nGetting details for project: ${firstProjectId}`); const projectDetail = await api.getProject(firstProjectId); console.log(JSON.stringify(projectDetail.data, null, 2)); } } else { console.error('Error fetching projects:', projectsResponse.error); } // Test Trace Stats API console.log('\nšŸ“Š TESTING TRACE STATS API'); if (firstProjectId) { console.log(`Using project ID: ${firstProjectId} for trace stats`); const traceStatsResponse = await api.getTraceStats(firstProjectId); if (traceStatsResponse.data) { console.log('Trace statistics:'); console.log(JSON.stringify(traceStatsResponse.data, null, 2)); } else { console.error('Error fetching trace stats:', traceStatsResponse.error); } } else { console.log('No projects available to test trace stats API'); } // Test Prompts API console.log('\nšŸ“ TESTING PROMPTS API'); const promptsResponse = await api.listPrompts(); if (promptsResponse.data) { console.log(`Found ${promptsResponse.data.total} prompts`); console.log(JSON.stringify(promptsResponse.data, null, 2)); } else { console.error('Error fetching prompts:', promptsResponse.error); } // Test Metrics API console.log('\nšŸ“ˆ TESTING METRICS API'); const metricsResponse = await api.getMetrics(); if (metricsResponse.data) { console.log('Metrics:'); console.log(JSON.stringify(metricsResponse.data, null, 2)); } else { console.error('Error fetching metrics:', metricsResponse.error); } // Test with specific 'Therapist Chat' project console.log('\nšŸ§  TESTING WITH THERAPIST CHAT PROJECT'); const therapistChatProjectId = '0194fdd8-de46-73c4-b0ac-381cec5fbf5c'; // Get project details console.log(`\nGetting details for Therapist Chat project: ${therapistChatProjectId}`); const therapistChatProject = await api.getProject(therapistChatProjectId); if (therapistChatProject.data) { console.log(JSON.stringify(therapistChatProject.data, null, 2)); // Get traces for this project console.log('\nGetting traces for Therapist Chat project:'); const therapistChatTraces = await api.listTraces(1, 10, therapistChatProjectId); if (therapistChatTraces.data) { console.log(`Found ${therapistChatTraces.data.total} traces`); console.log(JSON.stringify(therapistChatTraces.data, null, 2)); // Get details for first trace if available if (therapistChatTraces.data.content && therapistChatTraces.data.content.length > 0) { const traceId = therapistChatTraces.data.content[0].id; console.log(`\nGetting details for trace: ${traceId}`); const traceDetail = await api.getTrace(traceId); console.log(JSON.stringify(traceDetail.data, null, 2)); } } else { console.error('Error fetching Therapist Chat traces:', therapistChatTraces.error); } } else { console.error('Error fetching Therapist Chat project:', therapistChatProject.error); } } } catch (err) { console.error('Error running API tests:', err); } } async function main() { console.log('Starting MCP test client...'); // Create a transport that runs our server const transport = new StdioClientTransport({ command: 'node', args: ['build/index.js', '--debug', 'true'], }); // Add event handlers for lifecycle events transport.onerror = (error: Error) => { console.error('Transport error:', error); }; transport.onclose = () => { console.log('Transport connection closed'); }; // Create the client const client = new Client( { name: 'test-client', version: '1.0.0', }, { capabilities: { tools: {}, // We're interested in tools }, } ); try { // Connect to the server console.log('Connecting to MCP server...'); await client.connect(transport); console.log('Connected successfully!'); // List available tools console.log('Requesting tool list...'); const tools = await client.listTools(); console.log('Available tools:'); console.log(JSON.stringify(tools, null, 2)); // Close the connection await client.close(); console.log('Connection closed.'); } catch (error) { console.error('Error:', error); } } // ESM-compatible entry point detection const isMainModule = import.meta.url === `file://${process.argv[1]}`; // Run the tests when this file is executed directly if (isMainModule) { runApiTests().then(() => { console.log('\nāœ… API tests completed'); }); } main().catch(error => { console.error('Fatal error:', error); process.exit(1); }); export { api, makeApiRequest };