Opik MCP Server
by comet-ml
- docs
# API Reference
This document provides detailed information about all the available tools and endpoints in the Opik MCP server.
## Architecture Overview
The Opik API follows a hierarchical structure:
- **Workspaces** are top-level containers that organize all resources (typically "default" for most users)
- **Projects** exist within workspaces and are used to group related traces (e.g., "Therapist Chat", "Demo chatbot 🤖")
- **Traces** are always associated with a specific project
> **Important Note**: Do not confuse workspaces with projects. The workspace name is typically "default" unless you've explicitly created additional workspaces. Project names like "Therapist Chat" are not valid workspace names and will cause API errors if used as such.
### Project Name Mapping
When using the MCP server, you can work with specific projects in several ways:
1. **Project ID**: Most tools accept a `projectId` parameter to specify which project to use
2. **Project Name**: Many tools also accept a `projectName` parameter as an alternative to using the ID
3. **Default Behavior**: If neither is provided, the server will automatically use the first available project in your workspace
For example, when listing traces, you can specify:
// Using project ID
name: "list-traces",
parameters: {
page: 1,
size: 10,
projectId: "0194fdd8-de46-73c4-b0ac-381cec5fbf5c" // Specific project ID
// Using project name
name: "list-traces",
parameters: {
page: 1,
size: 10,
projectName: "Therapist Chat" // Project name is automatically mapped to the correct ID
## Available Tools
### Prompts
#### 1. List Prompts
Lists all available prompts with pagination support.
name: "list-prompts",
parameters: {
page: number, // Page number for pagination
size: number // Number of items per page
#### 2. Create Prompt
Creates a new prompt.
name: "create-prompt",
parameters: {
name: string // Name of the prompt
#### 3. Create Prompt Version
Creates a new version of an existing prompt.
name: "create-prompt-version",
parameters: {
name: string, // Name of the original prompt
template: string, // Template content for the prompt version
commit_message: string // Commit message for the prompt version
#### 4. Get Prompt by ID
Retrieves details of a specific prompt.
name: "get-prompt-by-id",
parameters: {
promptId: string // ID of the prompt to fetch
#### 5. Update Prompt
Updates an existing prompt's information.
name: "update-prompt",
parameters: {
promptId: string, // ID of the prompt to update
name: string // New name for the prompt
#### 6. Delete Prompt
Deletes an existing prompt.
name: "delete-prompt",
parameters: {
promptId: string // ID of the prompt to delete
### Projects/Workspaces
#### 1. List Projects
Lists all available projects with pagination support.
name: "list-projects",
parameters: {
page: number, // Page number for pagination
size: number, // Number of items per page
sortBy?: string, // Optional field to sort by
sortOrder?: string, // Optional sort order (asc/desc)
workspaceName?: string // Optional workspace name override
#### 2. Get Project by ID
Retrieves details of a specific project.
name: "get-project-by-id",
parameters: {
projectId: string, // ID of the project to fetch
workspaceName?: string // Optional workspace name override
#### 3. Create Project
Creates a new project.
name: "create-project",
parameters: {
name: string, // Name for the new project
description?: string // Optional description for the new project
#### 4. Update Project
Updates an existing project.
name: "update-project",
parameters: {
projectId: string, // ID of the project to update
name?: string, // Optional new name for the project
description?: string, // Optional new description for the project
workspaceName?: string // Optional workspace name override
#### 5. Delete Project
Deletes an existing project.
name: "delete-project",
parameters: {
projectId: string // ID of the project to delete
### Traces
> **Important**: The Opik API requires either a project ID or project name for most trace endpoints. You can specify either:
> - `projectId`: The unique identifier of the project (e.g., "0194fdd8-de46-73c4-b0ac-381cec5fbf5c")
> - `projectName`: The human-readable name of the project (e.g., "Therapist Chat")
> If neither is provided, the MCP server will automatically use the first available project in your workspace.
#### 1. List Traces
Lists all available traces with pagination and filtering support.
name: "list-traces",
parameters: {
page: number, // Page number for pagination
size: number, // Number of items per page
projectId?: string, // Project ID to filter traces
projectName?: string // Project name to filter traces (alternative to projectId)
#### 2. Get Trace by ID
Retrieves details of a specific trace.
name: "get-trace-by-id",
parameters: {
traceId: string // ID of the trace to fetch
#### 3. Get Trace Stats
Retrieves trace statistics.
name: "get-trace-stats",
parameters: {
projectId?: string, // Project ID to filter traces
projectName?: string, // Project name to filter traces (alternative to projectId)
startDate?: string, // Optional start date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD)
endDate?: string // Optional end date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD)
### Metrics
#### 1. Get Metrics
Retrieves metrics data with filtering support.
name: "get-metrics",
parameters: {
metricName?: string, // Optional metric name to filter
projectId?: string, // Optional project ID to filter metrics
startDate?: string, // Optional start date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD)
endDate?: string // Optional end date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD)
### Server Configuration
#### 1. Get Server Info
Retrieves information about the Opik server configuration.
name: "get-server-info",
parameters: {}
## Response Format
All tools return responses in the following format:
content: [
type: "text",
text: string, // Response message or formatted data