Opik MCP Server

.PHONY: help install build test lint clean start dev precommit start-sse start-stdio test-transport # Default target help: @echo "Available commands:" @echo " make install - Install dependencies" @echo " make build - Build the project" @echo " make test - Run tests" @echo " make test-transport - Run transport-specific tests" @echo " make lint - Run linter" @echo " make clean - Remove build artifacts" @echo " make start - Start the MCP server" @echo " make dev - Start the server in development mode" @echo " make precommit - Run pre-commit checks manually" @echo " make start-sse - Start the MCP server with SSE transport" @echo " make start-stdio - Start the MCP server with stdio transport" # Install dependencies install: npm install # Build the project build: npm run build # Run tests test: npm test # Run linter lint: npm run lint # Clean build artifacts clean: rm -rf build rm -rf dist rm -rf coverage rm -rf .tmp rm -rf *.tsbuildinfo # Start the server start: node build/index.js # Start in development mode dev: npm run dev # Run all checks (lint and test) check: lint test @echo "All checks passed!" # Run pre-commit checks manually precommit: npm run lint && npm run test # Start the MCP server with SSE transport start-sse: @echo "Starting MCP server with SSE transport on port 3001..." @npm run start:sse # Start the MCP server with stdio transport start-stdio: @echo "Starting MCP server with stdio transport..." @npm run start:stdio # Run transport-specific tests test-transport: npm run test:transport