MCP Server for MySQL

MIT License
  • Linux
  • Apple
import * as mysql2 from 'mysql2/promise'; import { describe, it, expect, beforeAll, afterAll } from 'vitest'; import * as dotenv from 'dotenv'; // Load test environment variables dotenv.config({ path: '.env.test' }); describe('MySQL Integration', () => { let pool: any; beforeAll(async () => { // Create a connection pool for testing const config: any = { host: process.env.MYSQL_HOST || '', port: Number(process.env.MYSQL_PORT || '3306'), user: process.env.MYSQL_USER || 'root', database: process.env.MYSQL_DB || 'mcp_test', connectionLimit: 5, multipleStatements: true }; // Only add password if it's set if (process.env.MYSQL_PASS) { config.password = process.env.MYSQL_PASS; } pool = mysql2.createPool(config); // Create a test table if it doesn't exist const connection = await pool.getConnection(); try { await connection.query(` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ) `); // Clear the table await connection.query('TRUNCATE TABLE test_table'); // Insert test data await connection.query(` INSERT INTO test_table (name) VALUES ('Test 1'), ('Test 2'), ('Test 3') `); } finally { connection.release(); } }); afterAll(async () => { // Clean up test data const connection = await pool.getConnection(); try { await connection.query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table'); } finally { connection.release(); } // Close the pool await pool.end(); }); it('should connect to the database', async () => { const connection = await pool.getConnection(); expect(connection).toBeDefined(); connection.release(); }); it('should execute a query and return results', async () => { const connection = await pool.getConnection(); try { const [rows] = await connection.query('SELECT * FROM test_table') as [any[], any]; expect(Array.isArray(rows)).toBe(true); expect(rows.length).toBe(3); } finally { connection.release(); } }); it('should execute a parameterized query', async () => { const connection = await pool.getConnection(); try { const [rows] = await connection.query( 'SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE name = ?', ['Test 2'] ) as [any[], any]; expect(Array.isArray(rows)).toBe(true); expect(rows.length).toBe(1); expect(rows[0].name).toBe('Test 2'); } finally { connection.release(); } }); it('should handle transactions correctly', async () => { const connection = await pool.getConnection(); try { // Start transaction await connection.beginTransaction(); // Insert a new record await connection.query( 'INSERT INTO test_table (name) VALUES (?)', ['Transaction Test'] ); // Verify the record exists const [rows] = await connection.query( 'SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE name = ?', ['Transaction Test'] ) as [any[], any]; expect(rows.length).toBe(1); // Rollback the transaction await connection.rollback(); // Verify the record no longer exists const [rowsAfterRollback] = await connection.query( 'SELECT * FROM test_table WHERE name = ?', ['Transaction Test'] ) as [any[], any]; expect(rowsAfterRollback.length).toBe(0); } finally { connection.release(); } }); });