
by spences10
import { EnhancementProvider, EnhancementResult, ErrorType, ProviderError, } from '../../../common/types.js'; import { handle_rate_limit, retry_with_backoff, sanitize_query, validate_api_key, } from '../../../common/utils.js'; import { config } from '../../../config/env.js'; export interface EnrichmentResponse { data: Array<{ title: string; url: string; snippet: string; rank?: number; }>; meta?: { total_hits: number; api_balance?: number; }; } export class KagiEnrichmentProvider implements EnhancementProvider { name = 'kagi_enrichment'; description = 'Provides supplementary content from specialized indexes (Teclis for web, TinyGem for news). Ideal for discovering non-mainstream results and enriching content with specialized knowledge.'; async enhance_content(content: string): Promise<EnhancementResult> { const api_key = validate_api_key( config.enhancement.kagi_enrichment.api_key,, ); const enrich_request = async () => { try { // Try both web and news endpoints const results = await Promise.all([ fetch( `${new URLSearchParams({ q: sanitize_query('artificial intelligence software development'), limit: '5', })}`, { method: 'GET', headers: { Authorization: `Bot ${api_key}`, Accept: 'application/json', }, signal: AbortSignal.timeout( config.enhancement.kagi_enrichment.timeout, ), }, ), fetch( `${new URLSearchParams({ q: sanitize_query('artificial intelligence code generation testing'), limit: '5', })}`, { method: 'GET', headers: { Authorization: `Bot ${api_key}`, Accept: 'application/json', }, signal: AbortSignal.timeout( config.enhancement.kagi_enrichment.timeout, ), }, ), ]); const [webResponse, newsResponse] = results; // Parse and validate responses let webData: EnrichmentResponse & { message?: string }; let newsData: EnrichmentResponse & { message?: string }; try { const webText = await webResponse.text(); webData = JSON.parse(webText); } catch (error) { throw new ProviderError( ErrorType.API_ERROR, `Invalid JSON response from web endpoint: ${ error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error' }`,, ); } try { const newsText = await newsResponse.text(); newsData = JSON.parse(newsText); } catch (error) { throw new ProviderError( ErrorType.API_ERROR, `Invalid JSON response from news endpoint: ${ error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error' }`,, ); } if (!webResponse.ok || ! { const error_message = webData.message || webResponse.statusText; switch (webResponse.status) { case 401: throw new ProviderError( ErrorType.API_ERROR, 'Invalid API key',, ); case 429: handle_rate_limit(; case 500: throw new ProviderError( ErrorType.PROVIDER_ERROR, 'Kagi Enrichment API internal error',, ); default: throw new ProviderError( ErrorType.API_ERROR, `Unexpected error from web endpoint: ${error_message}`,, ); } } if (!newsResponse.ok || ! { const error_message = newsData.message || newsResponse.statusText; switch (newsResponse.status) { case 401: throw new ProviderError( ErrorType.API_ERROR, 'Invalid API key',, ); case 429: handle_rate_limit(; case 500: throw new ProviderError( ErrorType.PROVIDER_ERROR, 'Kagi Enrichment API internal error',, ); default: throw new ProviderError( ErrorType.API_ERROR, `Unexpected error from news endpoint: ${error_message}`,, ); } } // Combine and filter results const allData = [,] .filter(result => // Filter for results about software/development/AI result.snippet?.toLowerCase().includes('software') || result.snippet?.toLowerCase().includes('develop') || result.snippet?.toLowerCase().includes('programming') || result.snippet?.toLowerCase().includes('code') || result.snippet?.toLowerCase().includes('artificial intelligence') || result.snippet?.toLowerCase().includes('ai') ); // Clean and combine snippets const enhanced_content = allData .map((result) => result.snippet) .filter(Boolean) .map(snippet => // Fix HTML entities snippet .replace(/&#39;/g, "'") .replace(/&quot;/g, '"') .replace(/&amp;/g, '&') .replace(/&lt;/g, '<') .replace(/&gt;/g, '>') ) .join('\n\n'); return { original_content: content, enhanced_content, enhancements: [ { type: 'content_enrichment', description: 'Added supplementary information from Teclis (web) and TinyGem (news) specialized indexes', }, ], sources: => ({ title: result.title, url: result.url, })), source_provider:, }; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof ProviderError) { throw error; } throw new ProviderError( ErrorType.API_ERROR, `Failed to fetch: ${ error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error' }`,, ); } }; return retry_with_backoff(enrich_request); } }