MCP Server

import { describe, it, expect, vi, beforeEach } from 'vitest'; import { ScraperAPI } from '../lib/scraper-api.js'; // Mock fetch vi.mock('node-fetch', () => ({ default: vi.fn() })); // Mock nanoid vi.mock('nanoid', () => ({ nanoid: () => 'test-chat-id' })); // Define a mock type for fetch interface MockFetch { mockResolvedValueOnce: (value: unknown) => MockFetch; } describe('ScraperAPI', () => { let api: ScraperAPI; beforeEach(() => { api = new ScraperAPI('test-api-key', ''); // Reset mocks vi.resetAllMocks(); // Mock global fetch global.fetch = vi.fn() as unknown as typeof fetch; }); describe('screenshot', () => { it('should call the screenshot endpoint with the correct parameters', async () => { // Mock fetch response (global.fetch as unknown as MockFetch).mockResolvedValueOnce({ json: async () => ({ success: true }) }); // Call the method await api.screenshot(''); // Check that fetch was called correctly expect(global.fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ url: '', chat_id: 'test-chat-id' }), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'x-api-key': 'test-api-key' } } ); }); }); describe('scrape', () => { it('should return data directly if no job_id is present', async () => { // Mock fetch response for initial request (global.fetch as unknown as MockFetch).mockResolvedValueOnce({ json: async () => ({ markdown: 'Test markdown', screenshot: { url: '' } }) }); // Call the method const result = await api.scrape('Scrape', 'markdown'); // Check the result expect(result).toEqual({ markdown: 'Test markdown', screenshot: { url: '' } }); // Check that fetch was called correctly expect(global.fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ prompt: 'Scrape', chat_id: 'test-chat-id', html_only: false }), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'x-api-key': 'test-api-key' }, redirect: 'follow' } ); }); it('should poll for results if job_id is present', async () => { // Mock fetch responses (global.fetch as unknown as MockFetch) // Initial request returns job_id .mockResolvedValueOnce({ json: async () => ({ job_id: 'test-job-id' }) }) // First poll shows processing .mockResolvedValueOnce({ json: async () => ({ processing: true, status: 'processing' }) }) // Second poll shows completed with data .mockResolvedValueOnce({ json: async () => ({ processing: false, status: 'completed', markdown: 'Test markdown', screenshot: { url: '' } }) }); // Mock sleep to avoid actual waiting vi.spyOn(global, 'setTimeout').mockImplementation((callback: TimerHandler) => { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } return 0 as unknown as NodeJS.Timeout; }); // Call the method const result = await api.scrape('Scrape', 'markdown'); // Check the result expect(result).toEqual({ processing: false, status: 'completed', markdown: 'Test markdown', screenshot: { url: '' } }); // Check that fetch was called correctly for polling expect(global.fetch).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith( 2, '', { method: 'GET', headers: { 'x-api-key': 'test-api-key' } } ); }); }); });