MCP Server

import { generateChatId, sleep } from '../utils/index.js'; import { ScraperResponse } from '../types/index.js'; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; /** * ScraperAPI client for interacting with the API */ // If fetch doesn't exist in global scope, add it if (!globalThis.fetch) { globalThis.fetch = fetch as unknown as typeof global.fetch; } export class ScraperAPI { private apiKey: string; private apiBase: string; private pollingInterval: number; /** * Creates a new ScraperAPI client * @param apiKey The API key for * @param apiBase The base URL for the API * @param pollingInterval The interval in milliseconds to poll for results */ constructor( apiKey: string, apiBase: string = '', pollingInterval: number = 5000 ) { this.apiKey = apiKey; this.apiBase = apiBase; this.pollingInterval = pollingInterval; } /** * Takes a screenshot of a URL * @param url The URL to screenshot * @returns Promise with the screenshot data */ async screenshot(url: string): Promise<Record<string, unknown>> { const chatId = generateChatId(); const response = await fetch(`${this.apiBase}/screenshot`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ url, chat_id: chatId }), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'x-api-key': this.apiKey } }); return response.json() as Promise<Record<string, unknown>>; } /** * Scrapes content based on a prompt * @param prompt The prompt describing what to scrape * @param format The format to return ('markdown', 'html', 'screenshot', 'json', 'quick') * @param onProgress Optional callback for progress updates * @returns Promise with the scraped data */ async scrape( prompt: string, format: string, onProgress?: (progress: number) => Promise<void> ): Promise<ScraperResponse> { const chatId = generateChatId(); // Start the extraction job const response = await fetch(`${this.apiBase}/extract_prompt`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ prompt, chat_id: chatId, html_only: false }), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'x-api-key': this.apiKey }, redirect: 'follow' }); const data = await response.json() as ScraperResponse; // If no job ID was returned, return the data as is if (!data.job_id) { return data; } // Poll for results let fetchCount = 0; let polling = true; while (polling) { fetchCount++; // Report progress if callback provided if (onProgress) { await onProgress(fetchCount); } // Get the current status const scraperUrl = `${this.apiBase}/get_data?chat_id=${chatId}&format=quick`; const scraperResponse = await fetch(scraperUrl, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'x-api-key': this.apiKey } }); const scraperData: ScraperResponse = await scraperResponse.json() as ScraperResponse; // If still processing, wait and try again if (scraperData.processing === true) { await sleep(this.pollingInterval); continue; } // Check if we've reached a terminal status const scraperStatus = scraperData.status || null; const isTerminalStatus = ['completed', 'failed'].includes(scraperStatus || ''); if (scraperStatus && isTerminalStatus) { // Check for errors if (scraperData.error) { throw new Error(`Scraper error: ${scraperData.error}`); } // Check if we have actual data if (!scraperData.markdown && !scraperData.screenshot) { await sleep(this.pollingInterval); continue; } else { // Report 100% progress if (onProgress) { await onProgress(100); } polling = false; return scraperData; } } else { await sleep(this.pollingInterval); } } throw new Error('Polling ended without data'); } }