Codebase MCP

import { UriTemplate } from "./uriTemplate.js"; describe("UriTemplate", () => { describe("isTemplate", () => { it("should return true for strings containing template expressions", () => { expect(UriTemplate.isTemplate("{foo}")).toBe(true); expect(UriTemplate.isTemplate("/users/{id}")).toBe(true); expect(UriTemplate.isTemplate("{path}/{file}")).toBe(true); expect(UriTemplate.isTemplate("/search{?q,limit}")).toBe(true); }); it("should return false for strings without template expressions", () => { expect(UriTemplate.isTemplate("")).toBe(false); expect(UriTemplate.isTemplate("plain string")).toBe(false); expect(UriTemplate.isTemplate("")).toBe(false); expect(UriTemplate.isTemplate("{}")).toBe(false); // Empty braces don't count expect(UriTemplate.isTemplate("{ }")).toBe(false); // Just whitespace doesn't count }); }); describe("simple string expansion", () => { it("should expand simple string variables", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("{username}"); expect(template.expand({ username: "fred" })).toBe( "", ); }); it("should handle multiple variables", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("{x,y}"); expect(template.expand({ x: "1024", y: "768" })).toBe("1024,768"); }); it("should encode reserved characters", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("{var}"); expect(template.expand({ var: "value with spaces" })).toBe( "value%20with%20spaces", ); }); }); describe("reserved expansion", () => { it("should not encode reserved characters with + operator", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("{+path}/here"); expect(template.expand({ path: "/foo/bar" })).toBe("/foo/bar/here"); }); }); describe("fragment expansion", () => { it("should add # prefix and not encode reserved chars", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("X{#var}"); expect(template.expand({ var: "/test" })).toBe("X#/test"); }); }); describe("label expansion", () => { it("should add . prefix", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("X{.var}"); expect(template.expand({ var: "test" })).toBe("X.test"); }); }); describe("path expansion", () => { it("should add / prefix", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("X{/var}"); expect(template.expand({ var: "test" })).toBe("X/test"); }); }); describe("query expansion", () => { it("should add ? prefix and name=value format", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("X{?var}"); expect(template.expand({ var: "test" })).toBe("X?var=test"); }); }); describe("form continuation expansion", () => { it("should add & prefix and name=value format", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("X{&var}"); expect(template.expand({ var: "test" })).toBe("X&var=test"); }); }); describe("matching", () => { it("should match simple strings and extract variables", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("{username}"); const match = template.match(""); expect(match).toEqual({ username: "fred" }); }); it("should match multiple variables", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("/users/{username}/posts/{postId}"); const match = template.match("/users/fred/posts/123"); expect(match).toEqual({ username: "fred", postId: "123" }); }); it("should return null for non-matching URIs", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("/users/{username}"); const match = template.match("/posts/123"); expect(match).toBeNull(); }); it("should handle exploded arrays", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("{/list*}"); const match = template.match("/red,green,blue"); expect(match).toEqual({ list: ["red", "green", "blue"] }); }); }); describe("edge cases", () => { it("should handle empty variables", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("{empty}"); expect(template.expand({})).toBe(""); expect(template.expand({ empty: "" })).toBe(""); }); it("should handle undefined variables", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("{a}{b}{c}"); expect(template.expand({ b: "2" })).toBe("2"); }); it("should handle special characters in variable names", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("{$var_name}"); expect(template.expand({ "$var_name": "value" })).toBe("value"); }); }); describe("complex patterns", () => { it("should handle nested path segments", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("/api/{version}/{resource}/{id}"); expect(template.expand({ version: "v1", resource: "users", id: "123" })).toBe("/api/v1/users/123"); }); it("should handle query parameters with arrays", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("/search{?tags*}"); expect(template.expand({ tags: ["nodejs", "typescript", "testing"] })).toBe("/search?tags=nodejs,typescript,testing"); }); it("should handle multiple query parameters", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("/search{?q,page,limit}"); expect(template.expand({ q: "test", page: "1", limit: "10" })).toBe("/search?q=test&page=1&limit=10"); }); }); describe("matching complex patterns", () => { it("should match nested path segments", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("/api/{version}/{resource}/{id}"); const match = template.match("/api/v1/users/123"); expect(match).toEqual({ version: "v1", resource: "users", id: "123" }); }); it("should match query parameters", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("/search{?q}"); const match = template.match("/search?q=test"); expect(match).toEqual({ q: "test" }); }); it("should match multiple query parameters", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("/search{?q,page}"); const match = template.match("/search?q=test&page=1"); expect(match).toEqual({ q: "test", page: "1" }); }); it("should handle partial matches correctly", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("/users/{id}"); expect(template.match("/users/123/extra")).toBeNull(); expect(template.match("/users")).toBeNull(); }); }); describe("security and edge cases", () => { it("should handle extremely long input strings", () => { const longString = "x".repeat(100000); const template = new UriTemplate(`/api/{param}`); expect(template.expand({ param: longString })).toBe(`/api/${longString}`); expect(template.match(`/api/${longString}`)).toEqual({ param: longString }); }); it("should handle deeply nested template expressions", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("{a}{b}{c}{d}{e}{f}{g}{h}{i}{j}".repeat(1000)); expect(() => template.expand({ a: "1", b: "2", c: "3", d: "4", e: "5", f: "6", g: "7", h: "8", i: "9", j: "0" })).not.toThrow(); }); it("should handle malformed template expressions", () => { expect(() => new UriTemplate("{unclosed")).toThrow(); expect(() => new UriTemplate("{}")).not.toThrow(); expect(() => new UriTemplate("{,}")).not.toThrow(); expect(() => new UriTemplate("{a}{")).toThrow(); }); it("should handle pathological regex patterns", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("/api/{param}"); // Create a string that could cause catastrophic backtracking const input = "/api/" + "a".repeat(100000); expect(() => template.match(input)).not.toThrow(); }); it("should handle invalid UTF-8 sequences", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("/api/{param}"); const invalidUtf8 = "���"; expect(() => template.expand({ param: invalidUtf8 })).not.toThrow(); expect(() => template.match(`/api/${invalidUtf8}`)).not.toThrow(); }); it("should handle template/URI length mismatches", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("/api/{param}"); expect(template.match("/api/")).toBeNull(); expect(template.match("/api")).toBeNull(); expect(template.match("/api/value/extra")).toBeNull(); }); it("should handle repeated operators", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("{?a}{?b}{?c}"); expect(template.expand({ a: "1", b: "2", c: "3" })).toBe("?a=1&b=2&c=3"); }); it("should handle overlapping variable names", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("{var}{vara}"); expect(template.expand({ var: "1", vara: "2" })).toBe("12"); }); it("should handle empty segments", () => { const template = new UriTemplate("///{a}////{b}////"); expect(template.expand({ a: "1", b: "2" })).toBe("///1////2////"); expect(template.match("///1////2////")).toEqual({ a: "1", b: "2" }); }); it("should handle maximum template expression limit", () => { // Create a template with many expressions const expressions = Array(10000).fill("{param}").join(""); expect(() => new UriTemplate(expressions)).not.toThrow(); }); it("should handle maximum variable name length", () => { const longName = "a".repeat(10000); const template = new UriTemplate(`{${longName}}`); const vars: Record<string, string> = {}; vars[longName] = "value"; expect(() => template.expand(vars)).not.toThrow(); }); }); });