import { z } from "zod";
import { RequestHandler } from "express";
import { OAuthRegisteredClientsStore } from "../clients.js";
import { OAuthClientInformationFull } from "../../../shared/auth.js";
import { InvalidRequestError, InvalidClientError, ServerError, OAuthError } from "../errors.js";
export type ClientAuthenticationMiddlewareOptions = {
* A store used to read information about registered OAuth clients.
clientsStore: OAuthRegisteredClientsStore;
const ClientAuthenticatedRequestSchema = z.object({
client_id: z.string(),
client_secret: z.string().optional(),
declare module "express-serve-static-core" {
interface Request {
* The authenticated client for this request, if the `authenticateClient` middleware was used.
client?: OAuthClientInformationFull;
export function authenticateClient({ clientsStore }: ClientAuthenticationMiddlewareOptions): RequestHandler {
return async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const result = ClientAuthenticatedRequestSchema.safeParse(req.body);
if (!result.success) {
throw new InvalidRequestError(String(result.error));
const { client_id, client_secret } =;
const client = await clientsStore.getClient(client_id);
if (!client) {
throw new InvalidClientError("Invalid client_id");
// If client has a secret, validate it
if (client.client_secret) {
// Check if client_secret is required but not provided
if (!client_secret) {
throw new InvalidClientError("Client secret is required");
// Check if client_secret matches
if (client.client_secret !== client_secret) {
throw new InvalidClientError("Invalid client_secret");
// Check if client_secret has expired
if (client.client_secret_expires_at && client.client_secret_expires_at < Math.floor( / 1000)) {
throw new InvalidClientError("Client secret has expired");
req.client = client;
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof OAuthError) {
const status = error instanceof ServerError ? 500 : 400;
} else {
console.error("Unexpected error authenticating client:", error);
const serverError = new ServerError("Internal Server Error");