local-only server
The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.
A PDF form manipulation toolkit built with MCP and PyMuPDF.
- Find PDF files across multiple directories
- Extract form field information from PDF files
- Visualize form fields in PDF documents
The server component provides PDF-related tools via MCP's API:
Or to add to claude-code:
Once installed, you can use the package to work with PDF forms. The package provides tools through the MCP interface.
PDF Discovery Tool
The PDF Discovery tool helps you find PDF files across specified directories.
- Input: Directory paths to search for PDFs
- Output: List of PDF files found in the specified directories
- Usage: Use this to quickly locate all PDF files in your project or specified folders
Form Field Extraction Tool
The Form Field Extraction tool extracts information about all form fields in a PDF document.
- Input: Path to a PDF file
- Output: Detailed information about each form field including field name, type, position, and other properties
- Usage: Use this to analyze form structure and understand the fields available for filling
Field Highlight Visualization Tool
The Field Highlight tool creates a visual representation of form fields in the PDF.
- Input: Path to a PDF file
- Output: Modified PDF with all form fields highlighted for easy identification
- Usage: Use this to visually inspect the layout and position of form fields in your document
Libraries Used
- MCP - Machine Conversation Protocol framework
- PyMuPDF - Python bindings for MuPDF, a high-performance PDF library
This server cannot be installed
A server providing PDF form manipulation tools via MCP's API, allowing users to find PDFs across directories, extract form field information, and visualize form fields in documents.