MCP Server Make

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Provides access to make functionality, allowing execution of targets from a Makefile in a controlled environment. Enables running build processes, tests, formatting, and other development tasks defined in Makefiles.

MCP Server Make

A Model Context Protocol server that provides make functionality. This server enables LLMs to execute make targets from a Makefile in a safe, controlled way.


The server exposes make functionality through the Model Context Protocol, allowing LLMs like Claude to:

  • Run make targets safely with output capture
  • Understand and navigate build processes
  • Help with development tasks
  • Handle errors appropriately
  • Respect working directory context


Using uv (recommended):

uv pip install mcp-server-make

Using pip:

pip install mcp-server-make


Basic Usage

# Run with default Makefile in current directory uvx mcp-server-make # Run with specific Makefile and working directory uvx mcp-server-make --make-path /path/to/Makefile --working-dir /path/to/working/dir

MCP Client Configuration

To use with Claude Desktop, add to your Claude configuration (claude_desktop_config.json):

{ "mcpServers": { "make": { "command": "uvx", "args": [ "mcp-server-make", "--make-path", "/absolute/path/to/Makefile", "--working-dir", "/absolute/path/to/working/dir" ] } } }

Enhancing Development Workflows

This server enables powerful development workflows by giving LLMs direct access to make functionality:

For Developers

  1. Automated Assistance
    • Let Claude run and interpret test results
    • Get build system suggestions and improvements
    • Automate repetitive development tasks
    • Get immediate feedback on changes
  2. Project Management
    • Let Claude handle dependency updates
    • Automate release processes
    • Maintain consistent code quality
    • Track project status

For Claude

  1. Self-Validation Capabilities
    • Run tests to verify changes: make test
    • Check code quality: make lint
    • Format code: make format
    • Full validation: make check
  2. Project Understanding
    • View project structure: make x
    • Check recent changes: make z
    • Full context snapshot: make r
  3. Independent Development
    • Manage complete development cycles
    • Self-contained testing and validation
    • Build and prepare releases
    • Generate informed commit messages

Available Tools

The server exposes a single tool:

  • make - Run a make target from the Makefile
    • target (string, required): Target name to execute

Error Handling

The server handles common errors gracefully:

  • Missing Makefile
  • Invalid working directory
  • Failed make commands
  • Invalid targets

All errors are returned with descriptive messages through the MCP protocol.

Working Directory Behavior

  • If --working-dir is specified, changes to that directory before executing make
  • If omitted, uses the directory containing the Makefile
  • Always restores original working directory after execution

Example Integration

Here's how Claude can help with development tasks:

Human: Can you run our test suite and format any code that needs it? Claude: I'll help run the tests and format the code: 1. First, let's format the code: [Calling make tool with args {"target": "format"}] 2 files reformatted, 3 files left unchanged 2. Now let's run the tests: [Calling make tool with args {"target": "test"}] Running tests... 4 passed, 0 failed All formatting and tests completed successfully. The code is now properly formatted and all tests are passing.


Common issues:

  1. "Makefile not found": Verify the --make-path points to a valid Makefile
  2. "Working directory error": Ensure --working-dir exists and is accessible
  3. "Tool execution failed": Check make target exists and command succeeds
  4. "Permission denied": Verify file and directory permissions


We welcome contributions to improve mcp-server-make! Here's how:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch
  3. Make your changes
  4. Run full validation: make check
  5. Submit a pull request


MIT License - see LICENSE file for details

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - not found
quality - confirmed to work

A Model Context Protocol server that enables LLMs to safely execute make targets from a Makefile, allowing AI assistants to run tests, format code, and automate various development tasks through natural language interaction.

  1. Overview
    1. Installation
      1. Configuration
        1. Basic Usage
          1. MCP Client Configuration
          2. Enhancing Development Workflows
            1. For Developers
              1. For Claude
              2. Available Tools
                1. Error Handling
                  1. Working Directory Behavior
                    1. Example Integration
                      1. Troubleshooting
                        1. Contributing
                          1. License