
by sanderkooger
import { describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach } from 'mocha'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import path from 'path'; import fs from 'fs/promises'; import { ClearQueueTool } from './clear-queue.js'; const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename); const QUEUE_FILE = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'queue.txt'); describe('ClearQueueTool', () => { let tool: ClearQueueTool; let fsStub: sinon.SinonStubbedInstance<typeof fs>; beforeEach(() => { tool = new ClearQueueTool(); fsStub = sinon.stub(fs); }); afterEach(() => { sinon.restore(); }); describe('execute', () => { it('should clear non-empty queue and return success message', async () => { // Arrange const testUrls = ['https://example.com/1', 'https://example.com/2']; fsStub.access.resolves(); fsStub.readFile.resolves(testUrls.join('\n')); fsStub.writeFile.resolves(); // Act const result = await tool.execute({}); // Assert expect(fsStub.writeFile.calledWith(QUEUE_FILE, '')).to.equal(true); expect(result.content[0]!.text).to.equal( 'Queue cleared successfully. Removed 2 URLs from the queue.' ); }); it('should handle empty queue file scenario', async () => { // Arrange fsStub.access.rejects(new Error('File not found')); // Act const result = await tool.execute({}); // Assert expect(result.content[0]!.text).to.equal( 'Queue is already empty (queue file does not exist)' ); }); it('should report singular URL count correctly', async () => { // Arrange fsStub.access.resolves(); fsStub.readFile.resolves('https://example.com/1\n'); fsStub.writeFile.resolves(); // Act const result = await tool.execute({}); // Assert expect(result.content[0]!.text).to.include('1 URL'); }); it('should handle filesystem errors during clearance', async () => { // Arrange const testError = new Error('Permission denied'); fsStub.access.resolves(); fsStub.readFile.rejects(testError); // Act const result = await tool.execute({}); // Assert expect(result.isError).to.equal(true); expect(result.content[0]!.text).to.include( `Failed to clear queue: ${testError}` ); }); it('should handle write operation failures', async () => { // Arrange const testError = new Error('Disk full'); fsStub.access.resolves(); fsStub.readFile.resolves('https://example.com/1\nhttps://example.com/2'); fsStub.writeFile.rejects(testError); // Act const result = await tool.execute({}); // Assert expect(result.isError).to.equal(true); expect(result.content[0]!.text).to.include( `Failed to clear queue: ${testError}` ); }); it('should handle existing empty file', async () => { // Arrange fsStub.access.resolves(); fsStub.readFile.resolves(''); // Act const result = await tool.execute({}); // Assert expect(fsStub.writeFile.calledWith(QUEUE_FILE, '')).to.equal(true); expect(result.content[0]!.text).to.equal( 'Queue cleared successfully. Removed 0 URLs from the queue.' ); }); it('should validate tool definition', () => { // Act const definition = tool.definition; // Assert expect(definition.name).to.equal('clear_queue'); expect(definition.description).to.equal('Clear all URLs from the queue'); expect(definition.inputSchema).to.deep.equal({ type: 'object', properties: {}, required: [] }); }); }); });