
by sanderkooger
# RAG Documentation Server Agreements This file stores agreed-upon conventions and prompt context for interacting with the AI assistant. ## Formatting Rules - Add new agreements under relevant sections with dates - Use `code fences` for technical terms - Prefix temporary rules with [WIP] ## Core Agreements - Repository hosts only one TypeScript package - Conform code you write with the rules in .prettierrc - Prefer arrow functions ## TypeScript Configuration - Uses NodeNext module resolution (configured in tsconfig.json) - All imports must use explicit file extensions: - `.js` for JavaScript/TypeScript files - `.json` for JSON files - Other asset types as appropriate - Type checking enabled for all files ## GitHub Integration Rules ### Local Operations (Use CLI) - All Git operations (commits/branches/pushes): - Must use raw git commands - Format commit messages directly via CLI - Never use `npm run commit` or GitHub MCP tools ### Platform Interactions (Use MCP) - Limit GitHub MCP to: - PR management/comments - Issue tracking - Repository metadata - Secret management ### Security & Configuration - Never store credentials in code/configs - Derive repository info from: - Local .git/config - package.json metadata ## RagDocs Usage - When installing packages, always add their documentation to ragdocs-mcp - Before starting problem solving, first query ragdocs-mcp for relevant documentation - Use RAG-based knowledge retrieval for technical decisions rather than assumptions ## Package Management Rules - Never modify package.json directly - always use `npm install <package>` commands - Prefer exact version specifications when adding dependencies - Ensure package-lock.json is committed after dependency changes ## Testing Conventions - Use Mocha and Chai for all unit tests - Follow AAA pattern (Arrange-Act-Assert) - Colocate tests with `*.test.ts` suffix next to source files - Use `__tests__` directories for complex modules - Maintain these coverage thresholds: ```text Statements: 80% Branches: 75% Functions: 85% Lines: 80% ``` ## Documentation Structure 1. Main README.md serves as package consumer documentation: - Must include package consumption instructions (installation, basic usage) - Contains high-level overview and essential usage - Links to detailed documentation files (e.g. TECHNICAL_DESIGN.md) - Development/debug setup belongs in CONTRIBUTING.md - Maintains these mandatory sections: - Main Title - Badges - Introduction (1-3 sentence summary) - Features - Table of Contents 2. Documentation maintenance rules: - New chapters require immediate Table of Contents updates - Technical design specifics reside in TECHNICAL_DESIGN.md - Contributor guidelines remain in CONTRIBUTING.md - AI-specific instructions belong in .clinerules - Human-facing documentation lives in MD files (README.md, CONTRIBUTING.md etc.) - Additional documentation files must include ## "A TITLE" section with: - One-sentence summary of the file's purpose - Link to the related MD file for detailed guidelines