by alohays
- openai_tool2mcp
- translator
import json
from typing import Any
from ..models.mcp import MCPResponse
from ..models.openai import ToolResponse
from ..utils.logging import logger
def translate_response(openai_response: ToolResponse) -> MCPResponse:
Translate an OpenAI response to an MCP response format.
openai_response: The OpenAI response to translate
An MCP response object
# Extract tool output
tool_output = openai_response.tool_outputs[0] if openai_response.tool_outputs else None
# Log the translation
logger.debug("Translating OpenAI response to MCP format")
if not tool_output:
# Handle case where there's no tool output
logger.warning("No tool output found in OpenAI response")
return MCPResponse(
content="No result", error="Tool returned no output", context={"thread_id": openai_response.thread_id}
# Format the output content
# Try to parse as JSON for structured output
output_content = tool_output.output
if isinstance(output_content, str):
# If it's a JSON string, parse it
parsed_content = json.loads(output_content)
# Format it nicely if possible
if isinstance(parsed_content, dict) and "result" in parsed_content:
content = str(parsed_content["result"])
content = json.dumps(parsed_content, indent=2)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
# Not JSON, use as is
content = output_content
# Not a string, convert to string
content = str(output_content)
except Exception as e:
# Fallback for any errors
logger.error(f"Error formatting tool output: {e!s}")
content = str(tool_output.output)
# Create MCP response
error = tool_output.error if hasattr(tool_output, "error") and tool_output.error else None
mcp_response = MCPResponse(content=content, error=error, context={"thread_id": openai_response.thread_id})
return mcp_response
def format_search_results(results: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> str:
Format search results in a human-readable format
if not results:
return "No results found."
formatted_results = []
for result in results:
title = result.get("title", "Untitled")
content = result.get("content", "")
formatted_results.append(f"# {title}\n\n{content}")
return "\n\n".join(formatted_results)
def format_code_result(result: dict[str, Any] | str) -> str:
Format code execution result in a human-readable format
if isinstance(result, str):
return result
output = result.get("output", "")
error = result.get("error")
if error:
return f"Error: {error}\n\nOutput:\n{output}"
return output