Instagram MCP Server
by duhlink
import { InstagramMcpServer } from './src/features/instagram/instagram.mcp';
import { McpError, ErrorCode } from './src/core/types/mcp';
async function testProfileSchemaValidation() {
const server = new InstagramMcpServer();
// Test valid profile request
const validProfileRequest = {
name: 'get_profile_data',
arguments: {
username: 'pinkinkcosmetictattoo',
dataTypes: ['posts', 'stories'] as ('posts' | 'stories')[],
limit: 10,
includeMetadata: true,
includeEngagement: true
// Test invalid profile request (missing required fields)
const invalidProfileRequest = {
name: 'get_profile_data',
arguments: {
username: '',
dataTypes: []
try {
// Test valid request
const validResponse = await server['handleProfileData'](validProfileRequest.arguments);
console.log('Valid profile request test passed');
// Test invalid request
try {
await server['handleProfileData'](invalidProfileRequest.arguments);
console.error('Invalid profile request test failed - should have thrown error');
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof McpError && error.code === ErrorCode.InvalidParams) {
console.log('Invalid profile request test passed');
} else {
console.error('Invalid profile request test failed - wrong error type');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Profile schema validation tests failed:', error);
async function testPostSchemaValidation() {
const server = new InstagramMcpServer();
// Test valid post request
const validPostRequest = {
name: 'get_post_data',
arguments: {
url: '',
includeComments: true,
includeLikers: true,
includeMetadata: true
// Test invalid post request (invalid URL)
const invalidPostRequest = {
name: 'get_post_data',
arguments: {
url: 'not-a-valid-url',
includeComments: true
try {
// Test valid request
const validResponse = await server['handlePostData'](validPostRequest.arguments);
console.log('Valid post request test passed');
// Test invalid request
try {
await server['handlePostData'](invalidPostRequest.arguments);
console.error('Invalid post request test failed - should have thrown error');
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof McpError && error.code === ErrorCode.InvalidParams) {
console.log('Invalid post request test passed');
} else {
console.error('Invalid post request test failed - wrong error type');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Post schema validation tests failed:', error);
async function main() {
await testProfileSchemaValidation();
await testPostSchemaValidation();