Xano MCP Server

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/** * @fileovertitle Titan Memory Model 2.0 - Neural Memory Architecture with Transformer-XL Inspired Mechanisms */ import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs-node'; import { ITensor, IMemoryState, ISurpriseMetrics, IAttentionBlock, IMemoryUpdateResult, IModelGradients, TensorContainer, unwrapTensor, wrapTensor, IMemoryModel } from './types.js'; import * as fs from 'fs/promises'; import { z } from 'zod'; import { checkNullOrUndefined, validateTensor, validateTensorShape, SafeTensorOps } from './utils.js'; // Add polyfill for isNullOrUndefined const isNullOrUndefined = (value: any): value is null | undefined => value === null || value === undefined; // Patch TensorFlow.js Node backend const originalCreateTensorsTypeOpAttr = (tf as any).backend().createTensorsTypeOpAttr; if (originalCreateTensorsTypeOpAttr) { (tf as any).backend().createTensorsTypeOpAttr = function (...args: any[]) { // Replace any usage of isNullOrUndefined with our polyfill const patchedArgs = args.map(arg => { if (typeof arg === 'function' && arg.name === 'isNullOrUndefined') { return isNullOrUndefined; } return arg; }); return originalCreateTensorsTypeOpAttr.apply(this, patchedArgs); }; } // Enhanced configuration schema const ModelConfigSchema = z.object({ inputDim: z.number().int().positive().default(768), hiddenDim: z.number().int().positive().default(512), memoryDim: z.number().int().positive().default(1024), transformerLayers: z.number().int().positive().max(12).default(6), numHeads: z.number().int().positive().default(8), ffDimension: z.number().int().positive().default(2048), dropoutRate: z.number().min(0).max(0.9).default(0.1), maxSequenceLength: z.number().int().positive().default(512), memorySlots: z.number().int().positive().default(5000), similarityThreshold: z.number().min(0).max(1).default(0.65), surpriseDecay: z.number().min(0).max(1).default(0.9), pruningInterval: z.number().int().positive().default(1000), gradientClip: z.number().positive().default(1.0), learningRate: z.number().positive().default(0.001), vocabSize: z.number().int().positive().default(50000), decayRate: z.number().min(0).max(1).default(0.9), }); type TitanMemoryConfig = z.infer<typeof ModelConfigSchema>; interface WeightInfo { shape: number[]; dtype: string; } export class TitanMemoryModel implements IMemoryModel { private config: TitanMemoryConfig = ModelConfigSchema.parse({}); private transformerStack: tf.LayersModel[] = []; private memoryProjector!: tf.LayersModel; private similarityNetwork!: tf.LayersModel; private optimizer!: tf.Optimizer; private stepCount = 0; private vocabulary: Map<string, number> = new Map(); private reverseVocabulary: Map<number, string> = new Map(); // Enhanced memory state with temporal dynamics private memoryState: IMemoryState = { shortTerm: tf.zeros([0]), longTerm: tf.zeros([0]), meta: tf.zeros([0]), timestamps: tf.zeros([0]), accessCounts: tf.zeros([0]), surpriseHistory: tf.zeros([0]) }; constructor(config?: Partial<TitanMemoryConfig>) { // Initialize with empty config first this.config = ModelConfigSchema.parse(config || {}); // Don't initialize components yet - wait for backend } private async initializeBackend(): Promise<void> { try { // Ensure TensorFlow.js is properly initialized await tf.ready(); // Set the backend explicitly await tf.setBackend('tensorflow'); // Double check backend is set and ready const backend = tf.getBackend(); if (!backend) { throw new Error('TensorFlow backend not initialized'); } // Initialize components after backend is ready this.initializeComponents(); this.initializeMemoryState(); console.log('TensorFlow backend initialized:', backend); } catch (error) { console.error('Error initializing TensorFlow backend:', error); throw error; } } private initializeVocabulary(): void { // Initialize with special tokens this.vocabulary.clear(); this.reverseVocabulary.clear(); this.vocabulary.set('[PAD]', 0); this.vocabulary.set('[UNK]', 1); this.vocabulary.set('[CLS]', 2); this.vocabulary.set('[SEP]', 3); // Add basic characters and common tokens const basicChars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.,!?-_\'"`()[]{}:;/\\+=<>'.split(''); basicChars.forEach((char, i) => { this.vocabulary.set(char, i + 4); }); // Create reverse mapping this.vocabulary.forEach((value, key) => { this.reverseVocabulary.set(value, key); }); } public async encodeText(text: string): Promise<tf.Tensor1D> { return tf.tidy(() => { // Tokenize text into subwords/characters const tokens = this.tokenize(text); // Convert tokens to IDs and pad sequence const tokenIds = this.padSequence( tokens.map(token => this.vocabulary.get(token) || this.vocabulary.get('[UNK]')!) ); // Create tensor and apply embedding const inputTensor = tf.tensor2d([tokenIds], [1, this.config.maxSequenceLength]); let encoding = this.applyPositionalEncoding(inputTensor); // Process through transformer stack for (const layer of this.transformerStack) { encoding = layer.apply(encoding) as tf.Tensor2D; } // Mean pooling over sequence length return tf.mean(encoding, 1).squeeze() as tf.Tensor1D; }); } private tokenize(text: string): string[] { // Simple character-level tokenization with basic subword units const tokens: string[] = []; let currentToken = ''; const addToken = () => { if (currentToken) { tokens.push(currentToken); currentToken = ''; } }; for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { const char = text[i]; // Handle special characters if ('.,!?-_\'"`()[]{}:;/\\+=<>'.includes(char)) { addToken(); tokens.push(char); continue; } // Handle whitespace if (char === ' ') { addToken(); continue; } // Build subword tokens currentToken += char; // Check if current token exists in vocabulary if (this.vocabulary.has(currentToken)) { if (i === text.length - 1 || !this.vocabulary.has(currentToken + text[i + 1])) { addToken(); } } } addToken(); return tokens; } private padSequence(tokens: number[]): number[] { const padded = tokens.slice(0, this.config.maxSequenceLength); while (padded.length < this.config.maxSequenceLength) { padded.push(this.vocabulary.get('[PAD]')!); } return padded; } private applyPositionalEncoding(input: tf.Tensor2D): tf.Tensor2D { return tf.tidy(() => { const position = tf.range(0, input.shape[1]); // Always use config dimension since we're working with 2D tensors const numDimensions = this.config.inputDim; // Create position encodings const positionMatrix = position.expandDims(1); const divTerm = tf.exp( tf.mul( tf.range(0, numDimensions, 2).cast('float32'), tf.scalar(-(Math.log(10000.0) / numDimensions)) ) ); const sinTerms = tf.sin(tf.matMul(positionMatrix, divTerm.reshape([1, -1]))); const cosTerms = tf.cos(tf.matMul(positionMatrix, divTerm.reshape([1, -1]))); const positionalEncoding = tf.concat([sinTerms, cosTerms], 1); // Add positional encoding to input return tf.add(input, positionalEncoding.expandDims(0)); }); } private initializeComponents(): void { // Initialize transformer stack this.transformerStack = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.config.transformerLayers; i++) { const layer = tf.sequential({ layers: [ tf.layers.dense({ units: this.config.hiddenDim, inputShape: [this.config.inputDim], activation: 'linear', useBias: true, kernelInitializer: 'glorotNormal', biasInitializer: 'zeros' }), tf.layers.layerNormalization(), tf.layers.dense({ units: this.config.ffDimension, activation: 'elu', kernelInitializer: 'glorotNormal', biasInitializer: 'zeros' }), tf.layers.dropout({ rate: this.config.dropoutRate }), tf.layers.dense({ units: this.config.hiddenDim, kernelInitializer: 'glorotNormal', biasInitializer: 'zeros' }), tf.layers.layerNormalization() ] }); this.transformerStack.push(layer); } // Initialize memory projector this.memoryProjector = tf.sequential({ layers: [ tf.layers.dense({ units: this.config.memoryDim, inputShape: [this.config.hiddenDim], activation: 'tanh', kernelInitializer: 'glorotNormal', biasInitializer: 'zeros' }), tf.layers.layerNormalization() ] }); // Initialize similarity network this.similarityNetwork = tf.sequential({ layers: [ tf.layers.dense({ units: this.config.hiddenDim, inputShape: [this.config.memoryDim], activation: 'relu', kernelInitializer: 'glorotNormal', biasInitializer: 'zeros' }), tf.layers.dense({ units: 1, activation: 'sigmoid', kernelInitializer: 'glorotNormal', biasInitializer: 'zeros' }) ] }); // Initialize optimizer this.optimizer = tf.train.adam(this.config.learningRate); } private initializeMemoryState(): void { // Ensure we're in a tidy block for memory management tf.engine().startScope(); try { // Verify backend is ready before proceeding const backend = tf.getBackend(); if (!backend) { throw new Error('TensorFlow backend not initialized'); } // Initialize with proper memory management const initializer = tf.initializers.glorotNormal({}); const memory = tf.tidy(() => { const mem = initializer.apply([this.config.memorySlots, this.config.memoryDim]) as tf.Tensor2D; return mem.clone(); // Clone to prevent disposal issues }); // Clean up old state if it exists if (this.memoryState) { Object.values(this.memoryState).forEach(tensor => { if (tensor && !tensor.isDisposed) { tensor.dispose(); } }); } // Create new state with proper tensor management this.memoryState = { shortTerm: tf.keep(memory.clone()), longTerm: tf.keep(memory.clone()), meta: tf.keep(tf.zeros([this.config.memorySlots, this.config.memoryDim])), timestamps: tf.keep(tf.zeros([this.config.memorySlots])), accessCounts: tf.keep(tf.zeros([this.config.memorySlots])), surpriseHistory: tf.keep(tf.zeros([this.config.memorySlots])) }; // Verify tensors are valid Object.entries(this.memoryState).forEach(([key, tensor]) => { if (!tensor || tensor.isDisposed) { throw new Error(`Failed to initialize ${key} tensor`); } }); // Clean up the initial memory tensor memory.dispose(); } catch (error) { console.error('Error initializing memory state:', error); throw error; } finally { tf.engine().endScope(); } } private validateMemoryState(state: IMemoryState): boolean { return tf.tidy(() => { try { const validations = [ state.shortTerm && !state.shortTerm.isDisposed, state.longTerm && !state.longTerm.isDisposed, state.meta && !state.meta.isDisposed, state.timestamps && !state.timestamps.isDisposed, state.accessCounts && !state.accessCounts.isDisposed, state.surpriseHistory && !state.surpriseHistory.isDisposed ]; return validations.every(Boolean); } catch (error) { console.warn('Error validating memory state:', error); return false; } }); } public async storeMemory(text: string): Promise<void> { const embedding = await this.encodeText(text); const similarity = this.calculateSimilarity(embedding); const { values, indices } = tf.topk(similarity, 1); if (values.dataSync()[0] < this.config.similarityThreshold) { this.addMemoryEntry(embedding); } this.updateAccessStats(indices); this.checkPruning(); } private calculateSimilarity(embedding: tf.Tensor1D): tf.Tensor1D { return tf.tidy(() => { const expanded = embedding.reshape([1, -1]); return tf.matMul(this.memoryState.shortTerm, expanded) .div(tf.norm(this.memoryState.shortTerm, 2, 1).mul(tf.norm(expanded))) .squeeze() as tf.Tensor1D; }); } private addMemoryEntry(embedding: tf.Tensor1D): void { tf.tidy(() => { const newMemory = tf.concat([ this.memoryState.shortTerm, embedding.reshape([1, -1]) ], 0).slice(0, this.config.memorySlots); this.memoryState.shortTerm.dispose(); this.memoryState.shortTerm = newMemory as tf.Tensor2D; }); } private updateAccessStats(indices: tf.Tensor1D): void { tf.tidy(() => { const updates = tf.onesLike(indices); this.memoryState.accessCounts = tf.add( this.memoryState.accessCounts, tf.scatterND(indices.reshape([-1, 1]), updates, [this.config.memorySlots]) ); }); } private checkPruning(): void { this.stepCount++; if (this.stepCount % this.config.pruningInterval === 0) { this.pruneMemory(this.memoryState, this.config.similarityThreshold); } } public pruneMemory(memoryState: IMemoryState, threshold: number): IMemoryState { return tf.tidy(() => { const relevance = this.computeMemoryRelevance(); const { indices } = tf.topk(relevance, this.config.memorySlots); return { shortTerm: tf.gather(memoryState.shortTerm, indices) as tf.Tensor2D, longTerm: tf.gather(memoryState.longTerm, indices) as tf.Tensor2D, meta: tf.gather(memoryState.meta, indices) as tf.Tensor2D, timestamps: tf.gather(memoryState.timestamps, indices) as tf.Tensor1D, accessCounts: tf.gather(memoryState.accessCounts, indices) as tf.Tensor1D, surpriseHistory: tf.gather(memoryState.surpriseHistory, indices) as tf.Tensor1D }; }); } private computeMemoryRelevance(): tf.Tensor1D { return tf.tidy(() => { const recency = tf.sub(tf.scalar(Date.now()), this.memoryState.timestamps); const frequency = tf.log(tf.add(this.memoryState.accessCounts, 1)); const surprise = tf.mul( this.memoryState.surpriseHistory, this.config.surpriseDecay ); return tf.addN([recency, frequency, surprise]) as tf.Tensor1D; }); } public async recallMemory(query: string, topK = 5): Promise<tf.Tensor2D[]> { const queryEmbedding = await this.encodeText(query); const similarities = this.calculateSimilarity(queryEmbedding); const { indices } = tf.topk(similarities, topK); return indices.arraySync().map(i => this.memoryState.shortTerm.slice([i, 0], [1, -1]) as tf.Tensor2D ); } public forward(x: ITensor, memoryState: IMemoryState): { predicted: ITensor; memoryUpdate: IMemoryUpdateResult } { const input = unwrapTensor(x) as tf.Tensor2D; let transformed = input; const tensorsToDispose: tf.Tensor[] = []; try { // Process through transformer stack for (const layer of this.transformerStack) { const newTransformed = layer.apply(transformed) as tf.Tensor2D; if (transformed !== input) { tensorsToDispose.push(transformed); } transformed = newTransformed; } // Memory attention mechanisms const memoryQuery = this.memoryProjector.apply(transformed) as tf.Tensor2D; tensorsToDispose.push(memoryQuery); const attention = this.computeMemoryAttention(memoryQuery); tensorsToDispose.push(attention.keys, attention.values, attention.scores); // Surprise-gated memory update const surprise = this.computeSurprise(transformed, attention.values as tf.Tensor2D); tensorsToDispose.push(surprise.immediate, surprise.accumulated); const updateGate = tf.sigmoid(tf.mul(surprise.immediate, 0.5)); tensorsToDispose.push(updateGate); const newShortTerm = tf.add( tf.mul(memoryState.shortTerm, tf.sub(1, updateGate)), tf.mul(attention.values, updateGate) ) as tf.Tensor2D; const newState = { ...memoryState, shortTerm: newShortTerm }; return { predicted: wrapTensor(transformed), memoryUpdate: { newState, attention, surprise } }; } finally { tensorsToDispose.forEach(t => t.dispose()); } } private computeMemoryAttention(query: tf.Tensor2D): IAttentionBlock { return tf.tidy(() => { const weights = this.similarityNetwork.getWeights(); const keys = SafeTensorOps.matMul(this.memoryState.shortTerm, weights[0] as tf.Tensor2D); const values = SafeTensorOps.matMul(this.memoryState.shortTerm, weights[1] as tf.Tensor2D); const scores = tf.softmax(SafeTensorOps.matMul(query, keys.transpose())); const attended = SafeTensorOps.matMul(scores, values); return { keys, values: attended, scores }; }); } private computeSurprise(input: tf.Tensor2D, expected: tf.Tensor2D): ISurpriseMetrics { return tf.tidy(() => { const error = SafeTensorOps.sub(input, expected); const immediate = tf.mean(tf.square(error), 1); const decayTensor = tf.scalar(this.config.surpriseDecay); const accumulated = SafeTensorOps.add( SafeTensorOps.mul(this.memoryState.surpriseHistory, decayTensor), immediate ); return { immediate, accumulated }; }); } public trainStep(x_t: ITensor, x_next: ITensor, memoryState: IMemoryState): { loss: ITensor; gradients: IModelGradients } { const { predicted, memoryUpdate } = this.forward(x_t, memoryState); const target = unwrapTensor(x_next) as tf.Tensor2D; const variables = this.transformerStack.flatMap(layer => layer.getWeights()) .concat(this.memoryProjector.getWeights()) .concat(this.similarityNetwork.getWeights()) .map(w => tf.variable(w)) as tf.Variable[]; const { value: loss, grads } = this.optimizer.computeGradients(() => { const predictionLoss = tf.losses.meanSquaredError(target, predicted); const surpriseLoss = tf.mul(tf.mean(memoryUpdate.surprise.immediate), 0.1); const diversityLoss = tf.neg(tf.mean(tf.square(tf.matMul( this.memoryState.shortTerm, this.memoryState.shortTerm.transpose() )))); return tf.add(predictionLoss, tf.add(surpriseLoss, diversityLoss)) as tf.Scalar; }, variables); this.optimizer.applyGradients(grads); return { loss, gradients: { shortTerm: grads['shortTerm'] || tf.zeros([0]), longTerm: grads['longTerm'] || tf.zeros([0]), meta: grads['meta'] || tf.zeros([0]) } }; } public updateMetaMemory(surprise: ISurpriseMetrics, context: ITensor): ITensor { return tf.tidy(() => { const surpriseGate = tf.sigmoid(surprise.immediate); return tf.add( tf.mul(this.memoryState.meta, tf.sub(1, surpriseGate)), tf.mul(context, surpriseGate) ); }); } public manifoldStep(base: ITensor, velocity: ITensor): ITensor { return tf.tidy(() => { const norm = tf.norm(velocity); const normalized = tf.div(velocity, norm); return tf.add(base, tf.mul(normalized, this.config.learningRate)); }); } public getConfig(): TitanMemoryConfig { return { ...this.config }; } public async saveModel(path: string): Promise<void> { try { // Save model topology and metadata separately const modelMetadata = { version: "1.0", format: "titan-memory-v1", created: new Date().toISOString(), config: { ...this.config, architecture: { transformerLayers: this.transformerStack.length, projectorConfig: this.memoryProjector.getConfig(), similarityConfig: this.similarityNetwork.getConfig() } }, weights: { format: "binary", dtype: "float32", shapes: {} as Record<string, number[]> } }; // Save metadata as JSON with proper formatting await fs.writeFile( path, JSON.stringify(modelMetadata, null, 2), { encoding: 'utf8' } ); // Save weights separately using tf.io handlers const weightsPath = path.replace('.json', '.weights.bin'); await tf.io.withSaveHandler(async (tensors) => { const weightData = new Map<string, tf.Tensor>(); // Process transformer stack weights this.transformerStack.forEach((layer, layerIndex) => { layer.getWeights().forEach((w, weightIndex) => { if (!w.isDisposed) { const weightName = `transformer_${layerIndex}_${weightIndex}`; weightData.set(weightName, w.clone()); modelMetadata.weights.shapes[weightName] = w.shape; } }); }); // Process projector weights if (this.memoryProjector) { this.memoryProjector.getWeights().forEach((w, weightIndex) => { if (!w.isDisposed) { const weightName = `projector_layer_${weightIndex}`; weightData.set(weightName, w.clone()); modelMetadata.weights.shapes[weightName] = w.shape; } }); } // Process similarity network weights if (this.similarityNetwork) { this.similarityNetwork.getWeights().forEach((w, weightIndex) => { if (!w.isDisposed) { const weightName = `similarity_layer_${weightIndex}`; weightData.set(weightName, w.clone()); modelMetadata.weights.shapes[weightName] = w.shape; } }); } // Write weights to binary file const weightBuffers: Buffer[] = []; for (const [name, tensor] of weightData.entries()) { const data = await tensor.data(); const buffer = Buffer.from(data.buffer); weightBuffers.push( Buffer.from(name + ':' + tensor.shape.join(',') + ':'), buffer ); tensor.dispose(); } // Update metadata file with final weight info await fs.writeFile( path, JSON.stringify(modelMetadata, null, 2), { encoding: 'utf8' } ); await fs.writeFile(weightsPath, Buffer.concat(weightBuffers)); return { modelArtifactsInfo: { dateSaved: new Date(), modelTopologyType: 'JSON', weightDataBytes: weightBuffers.reduce((sum, buf) => sum + buf.length, 0) } }; }); } catch (error) { console.error('Error saving model:', error); throw error; } } public async loadModel(path: string): Promise<void> { try { // Read and parse metadata const metadata = JSON.parse( await fs.readFile(path, { encoding: 'utf8' }) ); // Validate metadata format if (!metadata || typeof metadata !== 'object') { throw new Error('Invalid model metadata format: not a valid JSON object'); } // Validate format field if (!metadata.format) { console.log('No format specified in metadata, creating default metadata'); metadata.format = 'titan-memory-v1'; metadata.version = '1.0'; metadata.created = new Date().toISOString(); await fs.writeFile(path, JSON.stringify(metadata, null, 2)); } else if (metadata.format !== 'titan-memory-v1') { throw new Error(`Invalid model metadata format: expected 'titan-memory-v1', got '${metadata.format}'`); } // Ensure config exists if (!metadata.config) { console.log('No config in metadata, using current config'); metadata.config = this.config; await fs.writeFile(path, JSON.stringify(metadata, null, 2)); } // Initialize components with the config await this.initialize(metadata.config); // Load weights if they exist const weightsPath = path.replace('.json', '.weights.bin'); try { const weightsExists = await fs.access(weightsPath).then(() => true).catch(() => false); if (weightsExists) { console.log('Loading weights from', weightsPath); const weightsBuffer = await fs.readFile(weightsPath); await this.loadWeights(weightsBuffer); } else { console.log('No weights file found at', weightsPath); } } catch (weightsError) { console.error('Error loading weights:', weightsError); throw weightsError; } } catch (error) { console.error('Error loading model:', error); throw error; } } public getMemorySnapshot(): Record<string, tf.Tensor> { return { shortTerm: this.memoryState.shortTerm.clone(), longTerm: this.memoryState.longTerm.clone(), meta: this.memoryState.meta.clone(), timestamps: this.memoryState.timestamps.clone(), accessCounts: this.memoryState.accessCounts.clone(), surpriseHistory: this.memoryState.surpriseHistory.clone() }; } public dispose(): void { tf.engine().startScope(); try { // Dispose memory state if (this.memoryState) { Object.values(this.memoryState).forEach(tensor => { if (tensor && !tensor.isDisposed) { tensor.dispose(); } }); } // Dispose transformer stack this.transformerStack.forEach(layer => { if (layer) { layer.dispose(); } }); // Dispose other components if (this.similarityNetwork) { this.similarityNetwork.dispose(); } if (this.memoryProjector) { this.memoryProjector.dispose(); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error disposing model:', error); throw error; } finally { tf.engine().endScope(); } } private async getWeightData(): Promise<Record<string, number[]>> { return tf.tidy(() => { const weights: Record<string, number[]> = {}; // Save transformer stack weights with proper naming this.transformerStack.forEach((layer, layerIndex) => { layer.getWeights().forEach((w, weightIndex) => { if (!w.isDisposed) { const weightName = `transformer_${layerIndex}_${weightIndex}`; weights[weightName] = Array.from(w.dataSync()); } }); }); // Save projector weights with proper naming if (this.memoryProjector) { this.memoryProjector.getWeights().forEach((w, weightIndex) => { if (!w.isDisposed) { const weightName = `projector_layer_${weightIndex}`; weights[weightName] = Array.from(w.dataSync()); } }); } // Save similarity network weights with proper naming if (this.similarityNetwork) { this.similarityNetwork.getWeights().forEach((w, weightIndex) => { if (!w.isDisposed) { const weightName = `similarity_layer_${weightIndex}`; weights[weightName] = Array.from(w.dataSync()); } }); } return weights; }); } public async save(modelPath: string, weightsPath: string): Promise<void> { await this.saveModel(modelPath); const weights = await this.getWeightData(); const weightBuffers: Buffer[] = []; for (const data of Object.values(weights)) { const buffer = Buffer.from(new Float32Array(data).buffer); weightBuffers.push(buffer); } await fs.writeFile(weightsPath, Buffer.concat(weightBuffers)); } public async initialize(config?: Partial<TitanMemoryConfig>): Promise<void> { if (config) { this.config = ModelConfigSchema.parse(config); } await this.initializeBackend(); } private async loadWeights(weightsBuffer: Buffer): Promise<void> { try { // Parse weight data const decoder = new TextDecoder(); let position = 0; const weightTensors = new Map<string, tf.Tensor>(); while (position < weightsBuffer.length) { // Find the end of the header let headerEnd = weightsBuffer.indexOf(Buffer.from(':'), position); if (headerEnd === -1) break; // Parse weight name const name = decoder.decode(weightsBuffer.slice(position, headerEnd)); position = headerEnd + 1; // Find shape end headerEnd = weightsBuffer.indexOf(Buffer.from(':'), position); if (headerEnd === -1) break; // Parse shape const shapeStr = decoder.decode(weightsBuffer.slice(position, headerEnd)); const shape = shapeStr.split(',').map(s => parseInt(s, 10)); // Validate shape if (shape.some(dim => isNaN(dim) || dim <= 0)) { console.warn(`Invalid shape for weight ${name}: ${shapeStr}, skipping`); continue; } position = headerEnd + 1; // Calculate data size and validate const dataSize = shape.reduce((a, b) => a * b, 1) * 4; // float32 = 4 bytes if (position + dataSize > weightsBuffer.length) { console.warn(`Insufficient data for weight ${name}, expected ${dataSize} bytes but only ${weightsBuffer.length - position} remaining`); break; } // Create tensor from buffer const data = new Float32Array( weightsBuffer.buffer.slice( weightsBuffer.byteOffset + position, weightsBuffer.byteOffset + position + dataSize ) ); try { const tensor = tf.tensor(Array.from(data), shape); weightTensors.set(name, tensor); } catch (error) { console.warn(`Failed to create tensor for weight ${name}:`, error); continue; } position += dataSize; } // Apply weights to layers tf.tidy(() => { // Set transformer weights this.transformerStack.forEach((layer, layerIndex) => { const layerWeights = layer.getWeights().map((originalWeight, weightIndex) => { const weightName = `transformer_${layerIndex}_${weightIndex}`; const tensor = weightTensors.get(weightName); if (!tensor) { console.warn(`Missing weight tensor: ${weightName}, keeping original weights`); return originalWeight; } if (!tensor.shape.every((dim, i) => dim === originalWeight.shape[i])) { console.warn(`Shape mismatch for ${weightName}: expected ${originalWeight.shape}, got ${tensor.shape}, keeping original weights`); return originalWeight; } return tensor; }); layer.setWeights(layerWeights); }); // Set projector weights if (this.memoryProjector) { const projectorWeights = this.memoryProjector.getWeights().map((originalWeight, weightIndex) => { const weightName = `projector_layer_${weightIndex}`; const tensor = weightTensors.get(weightName); if (!tensor) { console.warn(`Missing weight tensor: ${weightName}, keeping original weights`); return originalWeight; } if (!tensor.shape.every((dim, i) => dim === originalWeight.shape[i])) { console.warn(`Shape mismatch for ${weightName}: expected ${originalWeight.shape}, got ${tensor.shape}, keeping original weights`); return originalWeight; } return tensor; }); this.memoryProjector.setWeights(projectorWeights); } // Set similarity network weights if (this.similarityNetwork) { const similarityWeights = this.similarityNetwork.getWeights().map((originalWeight, weightIndex) => { const weightName = `similarity_layer_${weightIndex}`; const tensor = weightTensors.get(weightName); if (!tensor) { console.warn(`Missing weight tensor: ${weightName}, keeping original weights`); return originalWeight; } if (!tensor.shape.every((dim, i) => dim === originalWeight.shape[i])) { console.warn(`Shape mismatch for ${weightName}: expected ${originalWeight.shape}, got ${tensor.shape}, keeping original weights`); return originalWeight; } return tensor; }); this.similarityNetwork.setWeights(similarityWeights); } }); // Clean up any unused tensors weightTensors.forEach(tensor => { if (!tensor.isDisposed) { tensor.dispose(); } }); } catch (error) { console.error('Error loading weights:', error); throw error; } } private updateMemoryState(input: tf.Tensor2D, surprise: ISurpriseMetrics): IMemoryUpdateResult { // Create tensors outside tidy to ensure they're not disposed const shortTermUpdate = tf.tidy(() => { return SafeTensorOps.add( SafeTensorOps.mul(this.memoryState.shortTerm, tf.scalar(this.config.decayRate)), input ); }); const longTermUpdate = tf.tidy(() => { return SafeTensorOps.add( this.memoryState.longTerm, SafeTensorOps.mul(input, tf.expandDims(surprise.accumulated, -1)) ); }); const metaUpdate = this.updateMetaMemory(surprise, input); const currentTime = Date.now(); const newTimestamps = tf.fill(this.memoryState.timestamps.shape, currentTime); const newAccessCounts = SafeTensorOps.add(this.memoryState.accessCounts, tf.ones(this.memoryState.accessCounts.shape)); const attention = this.computeMemoryAttention(input); const newState: IMemoryState = { shortTerm: shortTermUpdate, longTerm: longTermUpdate, meta: metaUpdate, timestamps: newTimestamps, accessCounts: newAccessCounts, surpriseHistory: surprise.accumulated }; return { newState, attention, surprise }; } private computeGradients(input: tf.Tensor2D, target: tf.Tensor2D): IModelGradients { const error = tf.tidy(() => { const { values: attended } = this.computeMemoryAttention(input); const prediction = SafeTensorOps.add(attended, input); return SafeTensorOps.sub(prediction, target); }); const { value: loss } = tf.variableGrads(() => { const [keyWeight, valueWeight] = this.similarityNetwork.getWeights() as [tf.Tensor2D, tf.Tensor2D]; const keys = SafeTensorOps.matMul(this.memoryState.shortTerm, keyWeight); const values = SafeTensorOps.matMul(this.memoryState.shortTerm, valueWeight); const scores = tf.softmax(SafeTensorOps.matMul(input, keys.transpose())); const attended = SafeTensorOps.matMul(scores, values); const prediction = SafeTensorOps.add(attended, input); return tf.mean(tf.square(SafeTensorOps.sub(prediction, target))); }); return { shortTerm: error, longTerm: error, meta: tf.keep(loss) as tf.Tensor }; } }