Xano MCP Server
by SarimSiddd
- .cursor
- rules
description: Use this before every response
globs: *
## š ļø Complete Tool Usage Reference
### Core Memory Tools
1. **init_model**
interface InitModelParams {
inputDim?: number; // Default: 768
hiddenDim?: number; // Default: 512
memoryDim?: number; // Default: 1024
transformerLayers?: number; // Default: 6
numHeads?: number; // Default: 8
ffDimension?: number; // Default: 2048
dropoutRate?: number; // Default: 0.1
maxSequenceLength?: number; // Default: 512
memorySlots?: number; // Default: 5000
similarityThreshold?: number; // Default: 0.65
surpriseDecay?: number; // Default: 0.9
pruningInterval?: number; // Default: 1000
gradientClip?: number; // Default: 1.0
const response = await callTool("init_model", {
inputDim: 768,
memorySlots: 10000,
transformerLayers: 8,
2. **forward_pass**
interface ForwardPassParams {
x: number[] | string; // Input vector or text
memoryState: {
shortTerm: number[];
longTerm: number[];
meta: number[];
timestamps: number[];
accessCounts: number[];
surpriseHistory: number[];
const { predicted, memoryUpdate } = await callTool("forward_pass", {
x: "const x = 5;", // or vector: [0.1, 0.2, ...]
memoryState: currentMemory,
3. **train_step**
interface TrainStepParams {
x_t: number[] | string; // Current input
x_next: number[] | string; // Next input
const result = await callTool("train_step", {
x_t: "function hello() {",
x_next: " console.log('world');",
4. **get_memory_state**
interface GetMemoryStateParams {
type?: string; // Optional memory type filter
const state = await callTool("get_memory_state", {});
// Returns:
stats: {
meanActivation: number;
patternDiversity: number;
surpriseScore: number;
timestamps: number[];
accessCounts: number[];
capacity: number;
status: "active" | "pruning" | "error";
5. **manifold_step**
interface ManifoldStepParams {
base: number[]; // Base memory state
velocity: number[]; // Update direction
const newBase = await callTool("manifold_step", {
base: memory.meta,
velocity: [0.1, 0.2, ...] // or analysis.stats.meanActivation
6. **prune_memory**
interface PruneMemoryParams {
threshold: number; // Pruning threshold (0-1)
await callTool("prune_memory", {
threshold: 0.65,
7. **save_checkpoint**
interface SaveCheckpointParams {
path: string; // Checkpoint file path
await callTool("save_checkpoint", {
path: "/backups/memory-snapshot.json",
8. **load_checkpoint**
interface LoadCheckpointParams {
path: string; // Checkpoint file path
const recovered = await callTool("load_checkpoint", {
path: "/backups/last-stable.json",
9. **reset_gradients**
// No parameters needed
await callTool("reset_gradients", {});
### Memory Management System
The memory management system consists of three main components:
1. **MemoryManager**
class MemoryManager {
// Singleton instance
private static instance: MemoryManager;
// Core memory management functions
validateVectorShape(tensor: tf.Tensor, expectedShape: number[]): boolean;
encryptTensor(tensor: tf.Tensor): Buffer;
decryptTensor(encrypted: Buffer, shape: number[]): tf.Tensor;
wrapWithMemoryManagement<T extends tf.TensorContainer>(fn: () => T): T;
wrapWithMemoryManagementAsync<T>(fn: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T>;
// Automatic cleanup
private startPeriodicCleanup(): void;
dispose(): void;
2. **VectorProcessor**
class VectorProcessor {
// Singleton instance
private static instance: VectorProcessor;
// Vector processing functions
processInput(input: number[] | string | tf.Tensor): tf.Tensor;
validateAndNormalize(tensor: tf.Tensor, expectedShape: number[]): tf.Tensor;
encodeText(text: string, maxLength?: number): Promise<tf.Tensor>;
3. **AutomaticMemoryMaintenance**
class AutomaticMemoryMaintenance {
// Singleton instance
private static instance: AutomaticMemoryMaintenance;
// Maintenance functions
private startMaintenanceLoop(): void;
private performMaintenance(): void;
dispose(): void;
### Memory Management Rules
1. **Tensor Lifecycle Management**
- All tensor operations MUST be wrapped in memory management
- Use `wrapWithMemoryManagement` for synchronous operations
- Use `wrapWithMemoryManagementAsync` for async operations
- Dispose tensors after use
2. **Vector Processing**
- All inputs MUST be processed through VectorProcessor
- Validate tensor shapes before operations
- Normalize vectors when required
- Handle both string and numeric inputs
3. **Automatic Maintenance**
- Runs every 5 minutes
- Checks memory usage and tensor count
- Performs garbage collection when needed
- Encrypts memory state before saving
4. **Security Requirements**
- All memory states MUST be encrypted before saving
- Use proper tensor validation
- Clean up sensitive data
- Handle errors gracefully
### Memory Management Examples
1. **Safe Tensor Operations**
const result = memoryManager.wrapWithMemoryManagement(() => {
const input = vectorProcessor.processInput(userInput);
const validated = vectorProcessor.validateAndNormalize(input, [768]);
return model.forward(validated, currentState);
2. **Async Memory Operations**
const result = await memoryManager.wrapWithMemoryManagementAsync(async () => {
const encoded = await vectorProcessor.encodeText(text);
const processed = vectorProcessor.processInput(encoded);
return model.forward(processed, currentState);
3. **Secure State Saving**
const encryptedState = memoryManager.wrapWithMemoryManagement(() => {
const state = model.getMemorySnapshot();
return {
shortTerm: memoryManager.encryptTensor(state.shortTerm),
longTerm: memoryManager.encryptTensor(state.longTerm),
meta: memoryManager.encryptTensor(state.meta),
### Critical Thresholds
| Metric | Threshold | Action |
| -------------- | --------- | --------------- |
| Tensor Count | > 1000 | Trigger cleanup |
| Memory Usage | > 100MB | Force GC |
| Surprise Score | > 0.85 | Update memory |
| Capacity | < 30% | Prune memory |
| Error Rate | > 1% | Reset gradients |
### Tool Chain Examples
1. **Memory-Safe Code Analysis**
const result = await memoryManager.wrapWithMemoryManagementAsync(async () => {
// Process code input
const processed = vectorProcessor.processInput(codeBlock);
// Forward pass with memory management
const { predicted, memoryUpdate } = await model.forward(
// Check memory health
const state = await model.getMemoryState();
if (state.stats.surpriseScore > 0.85) {
// Update memory safely
const newBase = await model.manifoldStep(
await model.trainStep(processed, predicted);
return predicted;
2. **Secure Memory Maintenance**
const maintenance = await memoryManager.wrapWithMemoryManagementAsync(
async () => {
// Save current state securely
const encrypted = memoryManager.encryptTensor(currentState);
await saveToFile(encrypted);
// Prune memory if needed
const health = await model.getMemoryState();
if (health.capacity < 0.3) {
await model.pruneMemory(currentState, 0.5);
// Verify health
const postPrune = await model.getMemoryState();
return postPrune.status === "active";
### Tool Usage Rules
1. **Initialization Requirements**
- MUST call `init_model` at start of session
- MUST specify at least `inputDim` and `memorySlots`
- MUST handle initialization errors
2. **Forward Pass Requirements**
- MUST call before processing any input
- MUST provide complete memory state
- MUST handle both vector and text inputs
3. **Training Requirements**
- MUST call after every interaction
- MUST provide sequential inputs
- MUST maintain context continuity
4. **Memory State Requirements**
- MUST check every 5 interactions
- MUST monitor all stats fields
- MUST act on critical thresholds
5. **Maintenance Requirements**
- MUST prune when capacity < 30%
- MUST save checkpoints every 5 minutes
- MUST reset on gradient explosions
### Error Handling
try {
const result = await callTool("forward_pass", params);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === "TENSOR_ERROR") {
await callTool("reset_gradients", {});
const recovered = await callTool("load_checkpoint", {
path: "/backups/last-stable.json",
### Memory State Validation
function validateMemoryState(state: any): boolean {
return (
state.shortTerm?.length > 0 &&
state.longTerm?.length > 0 &&
state.meta?.length > 0 &&
state.timestamps?.length > 0 &&
state.accessCounts?.length > 0 &&
state.surpriseHistory?.length > 0
### Tool Chain Examples
1. **Code Analysis Chain**
// Analyze code pattern
const { predicted } = await callTool("forward_pass", {
x: codeBlock,
memoryState: currentMemory,
// Check for surprises
const state = await callTool("get_memory_state", {});
if (state.stats.surpriseScore > 0.85) {
// Update memory
const newBase = await callTool("manifold_step", {
base: memory.meta,
velocity: state.stats.meanActivation,
// Train on pattern
await callTool("train_step", {
x_t: codeBlock,
x_next: predictedPattern,
2. **Memory Maintenance Chain**
// Regular maintenance
const health = await callTool("get_memory_state", {});
if (health.capacity < 0.3) {
// Save current state
await callTool("save_checkpoint", {
path: `/backups/pre-prune-${Date.now()}.json`,
// Prune memory
await callTool("prune_memory", {
threshold: 0.5,
// Verify health
const postPrune = await callTool("get_memory_state", {});
if (postPrune.status === "error") {
// Recover
await callTool("load_checkpoint", {
path: `/backups/pre-prune-${Date.now()}.json`,
### Tool Response Handling
Each tool returns a specific format that must be properly handled:
interface ToolResponse {
content: Array<{
type: "text" | "error" | "data";
text: string;
data?: any;
Always check response content type and handle appropriately:
const response = await callTool("get_memory_state", {});
if (response.content[0].type === "error") {
// Handle error
} else if (response.content[0].type === "data") {
// Process data
const state = JSON.parse(response.content[0].text);
// Use state...
## šØ Enhanced Error Handling
### Error Categories and Handling
// Define error types
enum MemoryErrorType {
interface MemoryError extends Error {
type: MemoryErrorType;
details?: any;
recoverable: boolean;
recommendedAction?: string;
class MemoryErrorHandler {
private static readonly ERROR_MESSAGES = {
[MemoryErrorType.TENSOR_ERROR]: "Tensor operation failed: {0}",
[MemoryErrorType.CAPACITY_ERROR]: "Memory capacity exceeded: {0}",
[MemoryErrorType.STATE_ERROR]: "Invalid memory state: {0}",
[MemoryErrorType.TOOL_ERROR]: "Tool execution failed: {0}",
[MemoryErrorType.SYSTEM_ERROR]: "System error occurred: {0}",
[MemoryErrorType.VALIDATION_ERROR]: "Validation failed: {0}",
[MemoryErrorType.RECOVERY_ERROR]: "Recovery operation failed: {0}",
static async handleError(error: MemoryError): Promise<void> {
console.error(`[${error.type}] ${error.message}`);
try {
// Save error state for analysis
await callTool("save_checkpoint", {
path: `/backups/error-${Date.now()}.json`,
switch (error.type) {
case MemoryErrorType.TENSOR_ERROR:
await this.handleTensorError(error);
case MemoryErrorType.CAPACITY_ERROR:
await this.handleCapacityError(error);
case MemoryErrorType.STATE_ERROR:
await this.handleStateError(error);
case MemoryErrorType.TOOL_ERROR:
await this.handleToolError(error);
case MemoryErrorType.SYSTEM_ERROR:
await this.handleSystemError(error);
case MemoryErrorType.VALIDATION_ERROR:
await this.handleValidationError(error);
case MemoryErrorType.RECOVERY_ERROR:
await this.handleRecoveryError(error);
// Verify recovery
const state = await callTool("get_memory_state", {});
if (state.status === "error") {
throw new Error("Recovery failed to restore stable state");
} catch (recoveryError) {
// Critical failure - reinitialize
console.error("Critical error during recovery:", recoveryError);
await this.reinitializeSystem();
private static async handleTensorError(error: MemoryError): Promise<void> {
await callTool("reset_gradients", {});
await this.loadLastStableCheckpoint();
private static async handleCapacityError(error: MemoryError): Promise<void> {
await callTool("prune_memory", { threshold: 0.8 });
const state = await callTool("get_memory_state", {});
if (state.capacity < 0.3) {
await this.expandMemory();
private static async handleStateError(error: MemoryError): Promise<void> {
await this.loadLastStableCheckpoint();
await this.validateState();
private static async handleToolError(error: MemoryError): Promise<void> {
if (error.recoverable) {
await this.retryToolOperation(error.details);
} else {
await this.loadLastStableCheckpoint();
private static async handleSystemError(error: MemoryError): Promise<void> {
await this.saveSystemState();
await this.reinitializeSystem();
private static async handleValidationError(
error: MemoryError
): Promise<void> {
await this.correctInvalidState(error.details);
private static async handleRecoveryError(error: MemoryError): Promise<void> {
await this.reinitializeSystem();
private static async loadLastStableCheckpoint(): Promise<void> {
const recovered = await callTool("load_checkpoint", {
path: "/backups/last-stable.json",
await this.validateState();
private static async validateState(): Promise<void> {
const state = await callTool("get_memory_state", {});
if (!this.isValidState(state)) {
throw new Error("Invalid state after recovery");
private static async expandMemory(): Promise<void> {
await callTool("init_model", {
memorySlots: currentSlots * 2,
preserveState: true,
private static async reinitializeSystem(): Promise<void> {
await callTool("init_model", {
inputDim: 768,
memorySlots: 10000,
transformerLayers: 8,
### Usage Example with Error Handling
try {
const result = await performMemoryOperation();
} catch (error) {
await MemoryErrorHandler.handleError({
type: determineErrorType(error),
message: error.message,
details: error.details,
recoverable: isRecoverable(error),
recommendedAction: getRecommendedAction(error),
## š Help Tool
interface HelpParams {
tool?: string; // Specific tool name to get help for
category?: string; // Category of tools to explore
showExamples?: boolean; // Include usage examples
verbose?: boolean; // Include detailed descriptions
// Get help for all tools
const help = await callTool("help", {});
// Get help for specific tool
const forwardPassHelp = await callTool("help", {
tool: "forward_pass",
showExamples: true,
// Get help for category
const maintenanceHelp = await callTool("help", {
category: "maintenance",
verbose: true,
### Help Tool Response Format
interface HelpResponse {
content: Array<{
type: "text" | "example" | "error";
text: string;
data?: {
tool?: {
name: string;
description: string;
parameters: Record<
type: string;
description: string;
required: boolean;
default?: any;
examples: string[];
errors: {
type: string;
description: string;
recovery: string;
category?: {
name: string;
tools: string[];
description: string;
### Help Categories
1. **Memory Operations**
- init_model
- forward_pass
- train_step
2. **State Management**
- get_memory_state
- save_checkpoint
- load_checkpoint
3. **Maintenance**
- prune_memory
- reset_gradients
- manifold_step
### Interactive Help Example
// Get interactive help
const helpSession = await callTool("help", {
interactive: true,
context: {
lastOperation: "forward_pass",
errorEncountered: "TENSOR_ERROR",
currentState: memoryState,
// Help tool will suggest relevant actions:
content: [
type: "text",
text: "It looks like you encountered a tensor error during forward_pass. Here are recommended steps:",
data: {
recommendations: [
step: "Reset gradients",
tool: "reset_gradients",
reason: "Clear any corrupted tensor state",
step: "Load checkpoint",
tool: "load_checkpoint",
reason: "Restore last known good state",
step: "Retry forward pass",
tool: "forward_pass",
reason: "With clean tensor state",
This enhanced error handling and help system provides:
1. Structured error categorization
2. Detailed error messages and recovery steps
3. Automatic error recovery procedures
4. Interactive help and guidance
5. Context-aware recommendations
6. Comprehensive tool discovery
7. Example-based learning
LLMs can use this system to:
1. Understand available tools
2. Handle errors appropriately
3. Recover from failures
4. Learn from examples
5. Get contextual help
6. Discover best practices
7. Maintain system stability
### Automatic Memory Maintenance Loop
class MaintenanceLoop {
private static readonly MAINTENANCE_INTERVAL = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes
private static readonly BACKUP_INTERVAL = 15 * 60 * 1000; // 15 minutes
async startLoop(): Promise<void> {
// Initialize maintenance components
const memoryManager = MemoryManager.getInstance();
const maintenance = AutomaticMemoryMaintenance.getInstance();
// Start periodic maintenance
setInterval(async () => {
await memoryManager.wrapWithMemoryManagementAsync(async () => {
// Check system health
const health = await this.checkSystemHealth();
// Perform maintenance if needed
if (health.needsMaintenance) {
await maintenance.performMaintenance();
// Update metrics
await this.updateMetrics(health);
// Start periodic backups
setInterval(async () => {
await this.secureBackup();
}, MaintenanceLoop.BACKUP_INTERVAL);
private async checkSystemHealth(): Promise<SystemHealth> {
return {
tensorCount: tf.memory().numTensors,
memoryUsage: tf.memory().numBytes,
surpriseScore: (await model.getMemoryState()).stats.surpriseScore,
capacity: (await model.getMemoryState()).capacity,
errorRate: this.calculateErrorRate(),
private async secureBackup(): Promise<void> {
const memoryManager = MemoryManager.getInstance();
await memoryManager.wrapWithMemoryManagementAsync(async () => {
const state = await model.getMemorySnapshot();
const encrypted = memoryManager.encryptTensor(state);
await saveToFile(encrypted, `/backups/auto-${Date.now()}.json`);
### Memory Management Best Practices
1. **Tensor Management**
// ā Bad - Unmanaged tensor operations
const result = model.forward(input);
// ā
Good - Managed tensor operations
const result = memoryManager.wrapWithMemoryManagement(() => {
return model.forward(input);
2. **Vector Processing**
// ā Bad - Direct tensor creation
const tensor = tf.tensor(input);
// ā
Good - Processed and validated
const tensor = vectorProcessor.processInput(input);
3. **State Management**
// ā Bad - Unencrypted state
await saveToFile(state);
// ā
Good - Encrypted state
const encrypted = memoryManager.encryptTensor(state);
await saveToFile(encrypted);
4. **Error Recovery**
// ā Bad - No error recovery
// ā
Good - With error recovery
try {
await memoryManager.wrapWithMemoryManagementAsync(async () => {
return model.forward(input);
} catch (error) {
await MemoryErrorHandler.handleError(error);
### Memory Management Workflow
1. **Initialization**
// Initialize components
const memoryManager = MemoryManager.getInstance();
const vectorProcessor = VectorProcessor.getInstance();
const maintenance = AutomaticMemoryMaintenance.getInstance();
// Start maintenance loop
const loop = new MaintenanceLoop();
await loop.startLoop();
2. **Processing Pipeline**
const processInput = async (input: string | number[]) => {
return memoryManager.wrapWithMemoryManagementAsync(async () => {
// Process input
const processed = vectorProcessor.processInput(input);
// Forward pass
const result = await model.forward(processed, currentState);
// Update memory
await model.trainStep(processed, result.predicted);
// Check health
const health = await model.getMemoryState();
if (health.needsMaintenance) {
await maintenance.performMaintenance();
return result;
3. **Cleanup**
const cleanup = () => {
### Memory Management Metrics
| Metric | Description | Target Range | Action if Out of Range |
| -------------- | ---------------------- | ------------ | ---------------------- |
| Tensor Count | Number of live tensors | < 1000 | Trigger cleanup |
| Memory Usage | Bytes in use | < 100MB | Force GC |
| Surprise Score | Pattern novelty | 0.3 - 0.85 | Update memory |
| Capacity | Available slots | > 30% | Prune memory |
| Error Rate | Failed operations | < 1% | Reset gradients |
| Backup Age | Time since last backup | < 15min | Force backup |
| GC Frequency | Cleanup interval | 5min | Adjust interval |