Anki MCP Server

import { McpError, ErrorCode } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js'; import { testConfig } from '../../config.js'; interface AnkiNote { id: number; fields: Record<string, string>; tags: string[]; modelName: string; deckName: string; } type AnkiHandler = (params: any) => Promise<any>; export class MockAnkiConnect { private decks: Set<string>; private notes: Map<number, AnkiNote>; private noteTypes: Set<string>; private nextNoteId: number; private testDecks: Set<string>; // Track test decks for cleanup constructor() { this.decks = new Set([testConfig.defaultDeck]); this.notes = new Map(); this.noteTypes = new Set([ testConfig.noteModels.basic.en, testConfig.noteModels.basic.zh, testConfig.noteModels.cloze.en, testConfig.noteModels.cloze.zh ]); this.nextNoteId = 1; this.testDecks = new Set(); } private validateNoteFields(note: any) { if (!note) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Note is required'); } if (!note.deckName) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Deck name is required'); } if (!note.modelName) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Model name is required'); } if (!note.fields) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Fields are required'); } if (note.modelName === testConfig.noteModels.basic.en) { if (!note.fields.Front) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Front field is required for Basic notes'); } if (!note.fields.Back) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Back field is required for Basic notes'); } } if (note.modelName === testConfig.noteModels.cloze.en || note.modelName === testConfig.noteModels.cloze.zh) { const textField = note.fields.Text || note.fields.文字; if (!textField) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Text field is required for Cloze notes'); } if (!textField.includes('{{c') || !textField.includes('}}')) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Invalid cloze note: missing cloze deletion format {{c1::...}}'); } } } deckNames: AnkiHandler = async () => { return Array.from(this.decks); }; createDeck: AnkiHandler = async ({ deck }: { deck: string }) => { if (!deck) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Deck name is required'); } if (this.decks.has(deck)) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Deck already exists: ${deck}`); } this.decks.add(deck); return true; }; addNote: AnkiHandler = async ({ note }: { note: any }) => { this.validateNoteFields(note); if (!this.decks.has(note.deckName)) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Deck not found: ${note.deckName}`); } if (!this.noteTypes.has(note.modelName)) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Note type not found: ${note.modelName}`); } const noteId = this.nextNoteId++; this.notes.set(noteId, { id: noteId, fields: { ...note.fields }, tags: [...(note.tags || [])], modelName: note.modelName, deckName: note.deckName }); return noteId; }; addNotes: AnkiHandler = async ({ notes }: { notes: any[] }) => { if (!Array.isArray(notes)) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Notes parameter must be an array'); } const results = []; for (const note of notes) { try { const noteId = await this.addNote({ note }); results.push(noteId); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof McpError) { throw error; } throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InternalError, 'Failed to add note'); } } return results; }; findNotes: AnkiHandler = async ({ query }: { query: string }) => { if (!query) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Search query is required'); } return Array.from(this.notes.entries()) .filter(([_, note]) => Object.values(note.fields).some(value => value.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase()) ) ) .map(([id]) => id); }; notesInfo: AnkiHandler = async ({ notes }: { notes: number[] }) => { if (!Array.isArray(notes)) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Notes parameter must be an array'); } return notes .map(id => this.notes.get(id)) .filter(Boolean) .map(note => ({ ...note, tags: [...note!.tags] })); }; updateNoteFields: AnkiHandler = async ({ note }: { note: { id: number; fields: Record<string, string> } }) => { if (!note) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Note is required'); } if (typeof !== 'number') { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Note ID must be a number'); } if (!note.fields || typeof note.fields !== 'object') { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Fields must be an object'); } const existingNote = this.notes.get(; if (!existingNote) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Note not found: ${}`); } existingNote.fields = { ...existingNote.fields, ...note.fields }; return true; }; deleteNotes: AnkiHandler = async ({ notes }: { notes: number[] }) => { if (!Array.isArray(notes)) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Notes parameter must be an array'); } notes.forEach(id => { if (!this.notes.has(id)) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Note not found: ${id}`); } this.notes.delete(id); }); return true; }; modelNames: AnkiHandler = async () => { return Array.from(this.noteTypes); }; createModel: AnkiHandler = async ({ modelName, inOrderFields, css, cardTemplates }: any) => { if (!modelName) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Model name is required'); } if (!Array.isArray(inOrderFields) || inOrderFields.length === 0) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Fields array is required'); } if (!Array.isArray(cardTemplates) || cardTemplates.length === 0) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, 'Card templates array is required'); } if (this.noteTypes.has(modelName)) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Note type already exists: ${modelName}`); } this.noteTypes.add(modelName); return true; }; // Helper methods for testing reset() { // Clear all test decks and their notes this.testDecks.forEach(deck => { Array.from(this.notes.values()) .filter(note => note.deckName === deck) .forEach(note => this.notes.delete(; this.decks.delete(deck); }); this.testDecks.clear(); // Reset to initial state this.decks = new Set([testConfig.defaultDeck]); this.noteTypes = new Set([ testConfig.noteModels.basic.en, testConfig.noteModels.basic.zh, testConfig.noteModels.cloze.en, testConfig.noteModels.cloze.zh ]); this.nextNoteId = 1; } getDeck(name: string) { return this.decks.has(name); } getNote(id: number) { const note = this.notes.get(id); if (!note) return undefined; return { ...note, tags: [...note.tags] }; } // Track test decks for cleanup markTestDeck(name: string) { this.testDecks.add(name); } // Delete a specific deck and its notes deleteDeck(name: string) { if (!this.decks.has(name)) { throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, `Deck not found: ${name}`); } // Delete all notes in the deck Array.from(this.notes.values()) .filter(note => note.deckName === name) .forEach(note => this.notes.delete(; // Remove the deck this.decks.delete(name); this.testDecks.delete(name); return true; } // Get all notes in a deck getDeckNotes(deckName: string): number[] { return Array.from(this.notes.values()) .filter(note => note.deckName === deckName) .map(note =>; } }