MCP Development Server

"""Test system integration for MCP Development Server.""" import asyncio from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Any from enum import Enum from datetime import datetime from ..utils.errors import TestError from ..utils.logging import setup_logging logger = setup_logging(__name__) class TestStatus(str, Enum): """Test execution status.""" PENDING = "pending" RUNNING = "running" SUCCESS = "success" FAILED = "failed" ERROR = "error" class TestManager: """Manages test execution and reporting.""" def __init__(self, env_manager): self.env_manager = env_manager self.test_runs: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {} async def run_tests( self, environment: str, config: Dict[str, Any] ) -> str: """Start a test run.""" try: test_id = f"test_{len(self.test_runs)}" # Initialize test run self.test_runs[test_id] = { "environment": environment, "config": config, "status": TestStatus.PENDING, "results": [], "start_time":, "end_time": None } # Start test execution asyncio.create_task(self._execute_tests(test_id)) return test_id except Exception as e: raise TestError(f"Failed to start tests: {str(e)}") async def _execute_tests(self, test_id: str) -> None: """Execute test suite.""" try: test_run = self.test_runs[test_id] test_run["status"] = TestStatus.RUNNING # Run test command result = await self.env_manager.execute_in_environment( test_run["environment"], test_run["config"].get("command", "npm test"), workdir=test_run["config"].get("workdir") ) # Parse and store results test_run["results"] = self._parse_test_output( result["output"], test_run["config"].get("format", "jest") ) # Update test status test_run["end_time"] = test_run["status"] = ( TestStatus.SUCCESS if result["exit_code"] == 0 else TestStatus.FAILED ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Test execution error: {str(e)}") test_run["status"] = TestStatus.ERROR test_run["error"] = str(e) async def get_test_status(self, test_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get status and results of a test run.""" if test_run := self.test_runs.get(test_id): return { "id": test_id, "status": test_run["status"], "results": test_run["results"], "start_time": test_run["start_time"], "end_time": test_run["end_time"], "error": test_run.get("error") } raise TestError(f"Test run not found: {test_id}") def _parse_test_output( self, output: str, format: str ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Parse test output into structured results.""" if format == "jest": return self._parse_jest_output(output) elif format == "pytest": return self._parse_pytest_output(output) else: logger.warning(f"Unknown test output format: {format}") return [{"raw_output": output}] def _parse_jest_output(self, output: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Parse Jest test output.""" results = [] # Implement Jest output parsing return results def _parse_pytest_output(self, output: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Parse pytest output.""" results = [] # Implement pytest output parsing return results