MCP Development Server

"""Container output streaming and file synchronization.""" import os import time import asyncio import hashlib import collections from enum import Enum from datetime import datetime from typing import Dict, List, Optional, AsyncGenerator, Any from pathlib import Path from watchdog.observers import Observer from import FileSystemEventHandler from ..utils.logging import setup_logging from ..utils.errors import StreamError, SyncError logger = setup_logging(__name__) class OutputFormat(str, Enum): """Output stream formats.""" STDOUT = "stdout" STDERR = "stderr" COMBINED = "combined" FORMATTED = "formatted" class StreamConfig: """Stream configuration.""" def __init__( self, format: OutputFormat = OutputFormat.COMBINED, buffer_size: int = 1024, filters: Optional[List[str]] = None, timestamp: bool = False ): self.format = format self.buffer_size = buffer_size self.filters = filters or [] self.timestamp = timestamp class SyncConfig: """Synchronization configuration.""" def __init__( self, ignore_patterns: Optional[List[str]] = None, sync_interval: float = 1.0, atomic: bool = True ): self.ignore_patterns = ignore_patterns or [] self.sync_interval = sync_interval self.atomic = atomic class StreamInfo: """Information about an active stream.""" def __init__(self, task: asyncio.Task, config: StreamConfig): self.task = task self.config = config self.start_time = class EnhancedOutputStreamManager: """Enhanced streaming output manager.""" def __init__(self, docker_manager): self.docker_manager = docker_manager self.active_streams: Dict[str, StreamInfo] = {} self._buffer = collections.deque(maxlen=1000) # Keep last 1000 messages async def start_stream( self, container_name: str, command: str, config: StreamConfig, callback: Optional[callable] = None ) -> AsyncGenerator[str, None]: """Start enhanced output stream.""" try: container = self.docker_manager.containers.get(container_name) if not container: raise StreamError(f"Container not found: {container_name}") # Create execution with specified format exec_result = container.exec_run( command, stream=True, demux=True, socket=True # Use socket for better streaming ) async def stream_handler(): buffer = [] try: async for data in exec_result.output: # Apply format and filtering processed_data = self._process_stream_data(data, config) if processed_data: buffer.extend(processed_data) if len(buffer) >= config.buffer_size: output = ''.join(buffer) buffer.clear() self._buffer.append(output) if callback: await callback(output) yield output except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Stream processing error: {str(e)}") raise StreamError(f"Stream processing error: {str(e)}") finally: if buffer: output = ''.join(buffer) self._buffer.append(output) if callback: await callback(output) yield output if container_name in self.active_streams: del self.active_streams[container_name] # Create and store stream task stream_task = asyncio.create_task(stream_handler()) self.active_streams[container_name] = StreamInfo(stream_task, config) async for output in stream_task: yield output except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to start stream: {str(e)}") raise StreamError(f"Failed to start stream: {str(e)}") def _process_stream_data( self, data: bytes, config: StreamConfig ) -> Optional[str]: """Process stream data according to config.""" if not data: return None # Split streams if demuxed stdout, stderr = data if isinstance(data, tuple) else (data, None) # Apply format if config.format == OutputFormat.STDOUT and stdout: output = stdout.decode() elif config.format == OutputFormat.STDERR and stderr: output = stderr.decode() elif config.format == OutputFormat.COMBINED: output = '' if stdout: output += stdout.decode() if stderr: output += stderr.decode() elif config.format == OutputFormat.FORMATTED: output = self._format_output(stdout, stderr) else: return None # Apply filters for filter_pattern in config.filters: if filter_pattern in output: return None # Add timestamp if requested if config.timestamp: output = f"[{}] {output}" return output @staticmethod def _format_output(stdout: Optional[bytes], stderr: Optional[bytes]) -> str: """Format output with colors and prefixes.""" output = [] if stdout: output.append(f"\033[32m[OUT]\033[0m {stdout.decode()}") if stderr: output.append(f"\033[31m[ERR]\033[0m {stderr.decode()}") return '\n'.join(output) async def stop_stream(self, container_name: str) -> None: """Stop streaming from a container.""" if stream_info := self.active_streams.get(container_name): stream_info.task.cancel() try: await stream_info.task except asyncio.CancelledError: pass del self.active_streams[container_name] class BiDirectionalSync: """Enhanced bi-directional file synchronization.""" def __init__(self, docker_manager): self.docker_manager = docker_manager self.sync_handlers: Dict[str, EnhancedSyncHandler] = {} = Observer() async def start_sync( self, container_name: str, host_path: str, container_path: str, config: SyncConfig ) -> None: """Start bi-directional file sync.""" try: # Validate paths if not os.path.exists(host_path): raise SyncError(f"Host path does not exist: {host_path}") container = self.docker_manager.containers.get(container_name) if not container: raise SyncError(f"Container not found: {container_name}") # Create sync handler handler = EnhancedSyncHandler( container=container, container_path=container_path, host_path=host_path, config=config ) # Start watching both directions handler, host_path, recursive=True ) # Start container file watcher await handler.start_container_watcher() self.sync_handlers[container_name] = handler"Started bi-directional sync for container: {container_name}") except Exception as e: raise SyncError(f"Failed to start sync: {str(e)}") async def stop_sync(self, container_name: str) -> None: """Stop synchronization for a container.""" if handler := self.sync_handlers.get(container_name): await handler.stop_container_watcher() del self.sync_handlers[container_name]"Stopped sync for container: {container_name}") async def cleanup(self) -> None: """Clean up all synchronization handlers.""" for container_name in list(self.sync_handlers.keys()): await self.stop_sync(container_name) class EnhancedSyncHandler(FileSystemEventHandler): """Enhanced sync handler with bi-directional support.""" def __init__( self, container, container_path: str, host_path: str, config: SyncConfig ): super().__init__() self.container = container self.container_path = container_path self.host_path = host_path self.config = config self.sync_lock = asyncio.Lock() self.pending_syncs: Dict[str, float] = {} self._container_watcher: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None async def start_container_watcher(self) -> None: """Start watching container files.""" cmd = f""" inotifywait -m -r -e modify,create,delete,move {self.container_path} """ exec_result = self.container.exec_run( cmd, stream=True, detach=True ) self._container_watcher = asyncio.create_task( self._handle_container_events(exec_result.output) ) async def stop_container_watcher(self) -> None: """Stop container file watcher.""" if self._container_watcher: self._container_watcher.cancel() try: await self._container_watcher except asyncio.CancelledError: pass self._container_watcher = None async def _handle_container_events(self, output_stream: AsyncGenerator) -> None: """Handle container file events.""" try: async for event in output_stream: await self._handle_container_change(event.decode()) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Container watcher error: {str(e)}") async def _handle_container_change(self, event: str) -> None: """Handle container file change.""" try: # Parse inotify event parts = event.strip().split() if len(parts) >= 3: path = parts[0] change_type = parts[1] filename = parts[2] container_path = os.path.join(path, filename) host_path = self._container_to_host_path(container_path) # Apply filters if self._should_ignore(host_path): return async with self.sync_lock: # Check if change is from host sync if host_path in self.pending_syncs: if time.time() - self.pending_syncs[host_path] < self.config.sync_interval: return # Sync from container to host await self._sync_to_host(container_path, host_path) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error handling container change: {str(e)}") def _container_to_host_path(self, container_path: str) -> str: """Convert container path to host path.""" rel_path = os.path.relpath(container_path, self.container_path) return os.path.join(self.host_path, rel_path) def _should_ignore(self, path: str) -> bool: """Check if path should be ignored.""" return any(pattern in path for pattern in self.config.ignore_patterns) async def _sync_to_host( self, container_path: str, host_path: str ) -> None: """Sync file from container to host.""" try: # Get file from container stream, stat = self.container.get_archive(container_path) # Create parent directories os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(host_path), exist_ok=True) if self.config.atomic: # Save file atomically using temporary file tmp_path = f"{host_path}.tmp" with open(tmp_path, 'wb') as f: for chunk in stream: f.write(chunk) os.rename(tmp_path, host_path) else: # Direct write with open(host_path, 'wb') as f: for chunk in stream: f.write(chunk) # Update sync tracking self.pending_syncs[host_path] = time.time() except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error syncing to host: {str(e)}") raise SyncError(f"Failed to sync file {container_path}: {str(e)}")