import { vl } from 'moondream';
import { promises as fs } from 'fs';
const model = new vl({ apiUrl: "", timeout: 300000 }); // Initialize client
async function main() {
try {
const imagePath = "./testPhoto.JPEG";
console.log(`Reading image from ${imagePath}...`);
const encodedImage = Buffer.from(await fs.readFile(imagePath)); // Load and encode image
// 1. Caption the image
console.log("\nGenerating caption...")
const caption = await model.caption({ image: encodedImage })
console.log("Caption:", caption)
// 2. Query the image
console.log("\nQuerying image...")
const answer = await model.query({ image: encodedImage, question: "What's in this image?" })
console.log("Answer:", answer)
// 3. Detect objects
console.log("\nDetecting objects...")
const detectResult = await model.detect({ image: encodedImage, object: "subject" })
console.log("Detected:", detectResult.objects)
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error)