Moondream MCP Server
by NightTrek
# Search Syntax Guide
## Windows Search (Everything SDK)
The following advanced search features are only available on Windows when using the Everything SDK:
### Basic Operators
- `space`: AND operator
- `|`: OR operator
- `!`: NOT operator
- `< >`: Grouping
- `" "`: Search for an exact phrase
### Wildcards
- `*`: Matches zero or more characters
- `?`: Matches exactly one character
Note: Wildcards match the whole filename by default. Disable Match whole filename to match wildcards anywhere.
### Functions
#### Size and Count
- `size:<size>[kb|mb|gb]`: Search by file size
- `count:<max>`: Limit number of results
- `childcount:<count>`: Folders with specific number of children
- `childfilecount:<count>`: Folders with specific number of files
- `childfoldercount:<count>`: Folders with specific number of subfolders
- `len:<length>`: Match filename length
#### Dates
- `datemodified:<date>, dm:<date>`: Modified date
- `dateaccessed:<date>, da:<date>`: Access date
- `datecreated:<date>, dc:<date>`: Creation date
- `daterun:<date>, dr:<date>`: Last run date
- `recentchange:<date>, rc:<date>`: Recently changed date
Date formats: YYYY[-MM[-DD[Thh[:mm[:ss[.sss]]]]]] or today, yesterday, lastweek, etc.
#### File Attributes and Types
- `attrib:<attributes>, attributes:<attributes>`: Search by file attributes (A:Archive, H:Hidden, S:System, etc.)
- `type:<type>`: Search by file type
- `ext:<list>`: Search by semicolon-separated extensions
#### Path and Name
- `path:<path>`: Search in specific path
- `parent:<path>, infolder:<path>, nosubfolders:<path>`: Search in path excluding subfolders
- `startwith:<text>`: Files starting with text
- `endwith:<text>`: Files ending with text
- `child:<filename>`: Folders containing specific child
- `depth:<count>, parents:<count>`: Files at specific folder depth
- `root`: Files with no parent folder
- `shell:<name>`: Search in known shell folders
#### Duplicates and Lists
- `dupe, namepartdupe, attribdupe, dadupe, dcdupe, dmdupe, sizedupe`: Find duplicates
- `filelist:<list>`: Search pipe-separated (|) file list
- `filelistfilename:<filename>`: Search files from list file
- `frn:<frnlist>`: Search by File Reference Numbers
- `fsi:<index>`: Search by file system index
- `empty`: Find empty folders
### Function Syntax
- `function:value`: Equal to value
- `function:<=value`: Less than or equal
- `function:<value`: Less than
- `function:=value`: Equal to
- `function:>value`: Greater than
- `function:>=value`: Greater than or equal
- `function:start..end`: Range of values
- `function:start-end`: Range of values
### Modifiers
- `case:, nocase:`: Enable/disable case sensitivity
- `file:, folder:`: Match only files or folders
- `path:, nopath:`: Match full path or filename only
- `regex:, noregex:`: Enable/disable regex
- `wfn:, nowfn:`: Match whole filename or anywhere
- `wholeword:, ww:`: Match whole words only
- `wildcards:, nowildcards:`: Enable/disable wildcards
### Examples
1. Find Python files modified today:
`ext:py datemodified:today`
2. Find large video files:
`ext:mp4|mkv|avi size:>1gb`
3. Find files in specific folder:
`path:C:\Projects *.js`
## macOS Search (mdfind)
macOS uses Spotlight's metadata search capabilities through the `mdfind` command. The following features are supported:
### Command Options
- `-live`: Provides live updates to search results as files change
- `-count`: Show only the number of matches
- `-onlyin directory`: Limit search to specific directory
- `-literal`: Treat query as literal text without interpretation
- `-interpret`: Interpret query as if typed in Spotlight menu
### Basic Search
- Simple text search looks for matches in any metadata attribute
- Wildcards (`*`) are supported in search strings
- Multiple words are treated as AND conditions
- Whitespace is significant in queries
- Use parentheses () to group expressions
### Search Operators
- `|` (OR): Match either word, e.g., `"image|photo"`
- `-` (NOT): Exclude matches, e.g., `-screenshot`
- `=`, `==` (equal)
- `!=` (not equal)
- `<`, `>` (less/greater than)
- `<=`, `>=` (less/greater than or equal)
### Value Comparison Modifiers
Use brackets with these modifiers:
- `[c]`: Case-insensitive comparison
- `[d]`: Diacritical marks insensitive
- Can be combined, e.g., `[cd]` for both
### Content Types (kind:)
- `application`, `app`: Applications
- `audio`, `music`: Audio/Music files
- `bookmark`: Bookmarks
- `contact`: Contacts
- `email`, `mail message`: Email messages
- `event`: Calendar events
- `folder`: Folders
- `font`: Fonts
- `image`: Images
- `movie`: Movies
- `pdf`: PDF documents
- `preferences`: System preferences
- `presentation`: Presentations
- `todo`: Calendar to-dos
### Date Filters (date:)
Time-based search using these keywords:
- `today`, `yesterday`, `tomorrow`
- `this week`, `next week`
- `this month`, `next month`
- `this year`, `next year`
Or use time functions:
- `$`
- `$time.yesterday()`
- `$time.this_week()`
- `$time.this_month()`
- `$time.this_year()`
- `$time.tomorrow()`
- `$time.next_week()`
- `$time.next_month()`
- `$time.next_year()`
### Common Metadata Attributes
Search specific metadata using these attributes:
- `kMDItemAuthors`: Document authors
- `kMDItemContentType`: File type
- `kMDItemContentTypeTree`: File type hierarchy
- `kMDItemCreator`: Creating application
- `kMDItemDescription`: File description
- `kMDItemDisplayName`: Display name
- `kMDItemFSContentChangeDate`: File modification date
- `kMDItemFSCreationDate`: File creation date
- `kMDItemFSName`: Filename
- `kMDItemKeywords`: Keywords/tags
- `kMDItemLastUsedDate`: Last used date
- `kMDItemNumberOfPages`: Page count
- `kMDItemTitle`: Document title
- `kMDItemUserTags`: User-assigned tags
### Examples
1. Find images modified yesterday:
`kind:image date:yesterday`
2. Find documents by author (case-insensitive):
`kMDItemAuthors ==[c] "John Doe"`
3. Find files in specific directory:
`mdfind -onlyin ~/Documents "query"`
4. Find files by tag:
`kMDItemUserTags = "Important"`
5. Find files created by application:
`kMDItemCreator = "Pixelmator*"`
6. Find PDFs with specific text:
`kind:pdf "search term"`
7. Find recent presentations:
`kind:presentation date:this week`
8. Count matching files:
`mdfind -count "kind:image date:today"`
9. Monitor for new matches:
`mdfind -live "kind:pdf"`
10. Complex metadata search:
`kMDItemContentTypeTree = "public.image" && kMDItemUserTags = "vacation" && kMDItemFSContentChangeDate >= $time.this_month()`
Note: Use `mdls filename` to see all available metadata attributes for a specific file.
## Linux Search (locate/plocate)
Linux uses the locate/plocate command for fast filename searching. The following features are supported:
### Basic Search
- Simple text search matches against filenames
- Multiple words are treated as AND conditions
- Wildcards (`*` and `?`) are supported
- Case-insensitive by default
### Search Options
- `-i`: Case-insensitive search (default)
- `-c`: Count matches instead of showing them
- `-r` or `--regex`: Use regular expressions
- `-b`: Match only the basename
- `-w`: Match whole words only
### Examples
1. Find all Python files:
2. Find files in home directory:
3. Case-sensitive search for specific file:
`--regex "^/etc/[A-Z].*\.conf$"`
4. Count matching files:
Use with `-c` parameter
Note: The locate database must be up to date for accurate results. Run `sudo updatedb` to update the database manually.