• src
#!/usr/bin/env node import { ethers } from 'ethers'; import * as routes from './routes.js'; import * as swap from './swap.js'; import * as blockchain from './blockchain.js'; // SailFish V3 contract addresses const CONTRACTS = { WETH9: '0xd02E8c38a8E3db71f8b2ae30B8186d7874934e12', // Wrapped EDU (WEDU) address - Used for swaps involving EDU USDC: '0x836d275563bAb5E93Fd6Ca62a95dB7065Da94342', // USDC token address }; // Note: In the context of swaps and quotes, EDU is represented by its wrapped version (WEDU) // When executing actual swaps, the system handles the wrapping/unwrapping automatically async function main() { try { console.log("SailFish DEX Swap Test"); console.log("======================"); // Test 1: Find the best route for EDU/USDC console.log("\n1. Finding best route for EDU/USDC..."); console.log("Note: EDU is represented by WEDU (Wrapped EDU) in swap operations"); const bestRoute = await routes.getBestRoute(CONTRACTS.WETH9, CONTRACTS.USDC); console.log(`Route type: ${bestRoute.type}`); console.log(`Total fee: ${bestRoute.totalFee * 100}%`); console.log(`Path: ${ => `${p.token0.symbol}/${p.token1.symbol}`).join(' -> ')}`); // Test 2: Get quote for swapping 10 EDU to USDC console.log("\n2. Getting quote for 10 EDU to USDC..."); console.log("Note: Token contracts are automatically fetched from the subgraph when needed"); const quote = await swap.getSwapQuote(CONTRACTS.WETH9, CONTRACTS.USDC, "10", 0.5); console.log(`Input: 10 ${quote.tokenInSymbol}`); console.log(`Expected output: ${quote.formattedAmountOut} ${quote.tokenOutSymbol}`); console.log(`Minimum output (with 0.5% slippage): ${quote.formattedMinimumAmountOut} ${quote.tokenOutSymbol}`); console.log(`Price impact: ${quote.priceImpact.toFixed(2)}%`); console.log(`Exchange rate: 1 ${quote.tokenInSymbol} = ${Number(quote.formattedAmountOut) / 10} ${quote.tokenOutSymbol}`); // Test 3: Simulate a swap (without executing it) console.log("\n3. To execute an actual swap, you would use:"); console.log(` // For token to token swap: swap.swapExactTokensForTokens( "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY", "${CONTRACTS.WETH9}", "${CONTRACTS.USDC}", "10", 0.5 ); // For EDU to token swap: swap.swapExactEDUForTokens( "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY", "${CONTRACTS.USDC}", "10", 0.5 ); // For token to EDU swap: swap.swapExactTokensForEDU( "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY", "${CONTRACTS.USDC}", "10", 0.5 ); `); console.log("\nTests completed successfully!"); } catch (error) { console.error("Error running tests:", error); } } main().catch(console.error);