mem0 Memory System

  • tests
#!/bin/bash # mem0 MCP Server API Tests (Shell) # Made with by Pink Pixel # # This script tests the mem0 MCP server API endpoints using curl. # Add parent directory to path SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )" PARENT_DIR="$(dirname "$SCRIPT_DIR")" cd "$PARENT_DIR" # Colors for better readability GREEN='\033[0;32m' BLUE='\033[0;34m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' RED='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color BOLD='\033[1m' # Base URL for the API BASE_URL="" echo -e "${BOLD}${BLUE} mem0 MCP Server API Test${NC}" echo -e "${BOLD}Made with by Pink Pixel${NC}\n" # Function to print section headers section() { echo -e "\n${BOLD}${YELLOW}$1${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}$(printf '=%.0s' {1..50})${NC}\n" } # Function to make API calls and display results call_api() { local method=$1 local endpoint=$2 local data=$3 local description=$4 echo -e "${BLUE}$description${NC}" echo -e "${GREEN}$method ${BASE_URL}$endpoint${NC}" if [ -n "$data" ]; then echo -e "${YELLOW}Request Body:${NC}" echo -e "$data\n" response=$(curl -s -X $method "${BASE_URL}${endpoint}" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d "$data") else response=$(curl -s -X $method "${BASE_URL}${endpoint}" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json") fi echo -e "${YELLOW}Response:${NC}" echo -e "$response\n" # Return the response for further processing echo "$response" } # 1. Check server health section "1. Checking Server Health" call_api "GET" "/health" "" "Checking if the server is running..." # 2. Configure memory provider section "2. Configuring Memory Provider" config_data='{ "provider": "ollama", "embedding_provider": "ollama", "model": "llama3", "embedding_model": "nomic-embed-text", "data_dir": "./memory_data" }' call_api "POST" "/configure" "$config_data" "Configuring memory provider with Ollama..." # 3. Store a memory section "3. Storing a Memory" memory_data='{ "content": "The sky is blue because of Rayleigh scattering of sunlight in the atmosphere.", "metadata": { "source": "science", "importance": "high", "tags": ["sky", "science", "color"] } }' memory_response=$(call_api "POST" "/memory/add" "$memory_data" "Storing a new memory...") # Extract memory_id from the response memory_id=$(echo $memory_response | grep -o '"memory_id":"[^"]*' | sed 's/"memory_id":"//;s/".*//') echo -e "${BLUE}Extracted memory_id: ${GREEN}$memory_id${NC}\n" # 4. Search for memories section "4. Searching for Memories" search_data='{ "query": "Why is the sky blue?", "limit": 5 }' call_api "POST" "/memory/search" "$search_data" "Searching for memories about the sky..." # 5. Get memory by ID if [ -n "$memory_id" ]; then section "5. Getting Memory by ID" call_api "GET" "/memory/$memory_id" "" "Getting the memory we just stored..." else echo -e "${RED}Could not extract memory_id from previous response.${NC}" fi # 6. Delete memory by ID if [ -n "$memory_id" ]; then section "6. Deleting Memory by ID" call_api "DELETE" "/memory/$memory_id" "" "Deleting the memory we just stored..." else echo -e "${RED}Could not extract memory_id from previous response.${NC}" fi echo -e "\n${BOLD}${GREEN} API Test Complete!${NC}" echo -e "${BLUE}You can modify this script to test different configurations and memory operations.${NC}"