mem0 Memory System

""" Autonomous memory system for the mem0 MCP server This module provides middleware that automatically: 1. Extracts user information from conversations 2. Stores this information in the memory database 3. Retrieves relevant memories for each interaction 4. Injects these memories into the context for the LLM No explicit memory commands are needed - the system works autonomously. """ import re import json from typing import Dict, Any, List, Optional, Union, Tuple import logging from datetime import datetime # Configure logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') logger = logging.getLogger("auto_memory") class AutoMemory: """ Autonomous memory system that automatically extracts, stores, and retrieves user information without requiring explicit commands. """ # Categories of information to extract and store CATEGORIES = { "personal_info": [ "name", "age", "birthday", "occupation", "location", "hometown", "education", "family", "pets", "hobbies", "interests" ], "preferences": [ "likes", "dislikes", "favorite", "prefer", "enjoy", "hate", "love", "color", "food", "movie", "book", "music", "artist", "genre", "style" ], "context": [ "project", "task", "goal", "objective", "working on", "trying to", "building", "developing", "learning", "studying" ] } # Regular expressions for extracting information EXTRACTION_PATTERNS = { # Personal statements "i_statement": r"(?:^|\s)I\s+(?:am|'m|was)\s+([^,.!?]+)", "my_statement": r"(?:^|\s)My\s+([^,.!?]+)\s+(?:is|are|was|were)\s+([^,.!?]+)", "i_have": r"(?:^|\s)I\s+(?:have|had|own|possess)\s+([^,.!?]+)", "i_like": r"(?:^|\s)I\s+(?:like|love|enjoy|prefer|adore)\s+([^,.!?]+)", "i_dislike": r"(?:^|\s)I\s+(?:dislike|hate|don't like|do not like|can't stand)\s+([^,.!?]+)", "i_want": r"(?:^|\s)I\s+(?:want|need|wish|desire|would like)\s+([^,.!?]+)", # Questions about the user that were answered "question_answer": r"(?:what|who|where|when|how|why)[^?]+\?\s*([A-Z][^,.!?]+)", # Direct statements "name_is": r"(?:^|\s)(?:my|the|)\s*name\s+(?:is|was|'s)\s+([^,.!?]+)", "call_me": r"(?:^|\s)(?:you can |please |)call me\s+([^,.!?]+)", } def __init__(self, memory_provider): """ Initialize the autonomous memory system Args: memory_provider: Instance of the MemoryProvider class """ self.memory_provider = memory_provider self.current_session_info = {} def process_user_message(self, user_id: str, message: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Process a user message to extract and store information Args: user_id: User ID message: User message Returns: Dictionary of extracted information """ extracted_info = self._extract_information(message) if extracted_info: # Update session info self.current_session_info.update(extracted_info) # Store the extracted information in memory self._store_information(user_id, extracted_info)"Extracted and stored information for user {user_id}: {extracted_info}") return extracted_info def get_relevant_memories(self, user_id: str, message: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get relevant memories for the current interaction Args: user_id: User ID message: Current user message Returns: Dictionary of relevant memories """ # First, get user profile from stored memories user_profile = self._get_user_profile(user_id) # Then, get memories relevant to the current message relevant_memories = self._search_relevant_memories(user_id, message) return { "user_profile": user_profile, "relevant_memories": relevant_memories } def create_memory_prompt(self, user_id: str, message: str) -> str: """ Create a prompt that includes relevant memories Args: user_id: User ID message: Current user message Returns: Prompt with injected memories """ memories = self.get_relevant_memories(user_id, message) # Create a prompt section with the user profile profile_section = "" if memories["user_profile"]: profile_section = "User Information:\n" for category, items in memories["user_profile"].items(): if items: profile_section += f"- {category.replace('_', ' ').title()}: {', '.join(items)}\n" # Create a prompt section with relevant memories memories_section = "" if memories["relevant_memories"]: memories_section = "Relevant Past Interactions:\n" for i, memory in enumerate(memories["relevant_memories"], 1): memories_section += f"{i}. {memory}\n" # Combine into a complete context if profile_section or memories_section: memory_prompt = f""" The following information about the user may be helpful for your response: {profile_section} {memories_section} Remember to use this information naturally in your response without explicitly mentioning that you're using stored memories. """ return memory_prompt.strip() return "" def enhance_system_prompt(self, system_prompt: Optional[str], user_id: str, message: str) -> str: """ Enhance the system prompt with memory information Args: system_prompt: Original system prompt user_id: User ID message: Current user message Returns: Enhanced system prompt """ memory_prompt = self.create_memory_prompt(user_id, message) if not system_prompt: system_prompt = "You are a helpful assistant." if memory_prompt: return f"{system_prompt}\n\n{memory_prompt}" return system_prompt def _extract_information(self, message: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Extract user information from a message Args: message: User message Returns: Dictionary of extracted information """ extracted_info = { "personal_info": {}, "preferences": {}, "context": {} } # Apply each extraction pattern for pattern_name, pattern in self.EXTRACTION_PATTERNS.items(): matches = re.finditer(pattern, message, re.IGNORECASE) for match in matches: # Different handling based on pattern type if pattern_name == "my_statement" and len(match.groups()) >= 2: attribute = value = self._categorize_and_store(extracted_info, attribute, value) elif pattern_name in ["i_statement", "i_have", "i_like", "i_dislike", "i_want", "question_answer", "name_is", "call_me"]: value = # Special handling for name patterns if pattern_name in ["name_is", "call_me"]: extracted_info["personal_info"]["name"] = value else: # For other patterns, try to categorize the information self._categorize_statement(extracted_info, pattern_name, value) # Clean up the extracted info to remove empty categories for category in list(extracted_info.keys()): if not extracted_info[category]: del extracted_info[category] return extracted_info def _categorize_statement(self, extracted_info: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]], pattern_type: str, value: str) -> None: """ Categorize a statement into the appropriate category Args: extracted_info: Dictionary to store categorized information pattern_type: Type of pattern that matched value: Extracted value """ # Handle different pattern types if pattern_type == "i_like": self._add_to_category(extracted_info, "preferences", "likes", value) elif pattern_type == "i_dislike": self._add_to_category(extracted_info, "preferences", "dislikes", value) elif pattern_type == "i_want": self._add_to_category(extracted_info, "context", "goals", value) else: # For other patterns, try to match keywords from categories self._categorize_by_keywords(extracted_info, value) def _categorize_by_keywords(self, extracted_info: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]], value: str) -> None: """ Categorize information based on keywords Args: extracted_info: Dictionary to store categorized information value: Value to categorize """ value_lower = value.lower() # Check each category for keyword matches for category, keywords in self.CATEGORIES.items(): for keyword in keywords: if keyword.lower() in value_lower: # Extract the relevant part of the value parts = value_lower.split(keyword.lower(), 1) if len(parts) > 1: relevant_part = parts[1].strip() if relevant_part: self._add_to_category(extracted_info, category, keyword, relevant_part) else: self._add_to_category(extracted_info, category, keyword, value) def _categorize_and_store(self, extracted_info: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]], attribute: str, value: str) -> None: """ Categorize and store an attribute-value pair Args: extracted_info: Dictionary to store categorized information attribute: Attribute name value: Attribute value """ # Check which category the attribute belongs to for category, keywords in self.CATEGORIES.items(): for keyword in keywords: if keyword.lower() in attribute.lower(): self._add_to_category(extracted_info, category, attribute, value) return # If no specific category is found, use a default category self._add_to_category(extracted_info, "personal_info", attribute, value) def _add_to_category(self, extracted_info: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]], category: str, key: str, value: str) -> None: """ Add information to a specific category Args: extracted_info: Dictionary to store categorized information category: Category name key: Information key value: Information value """ if category not in extracted_info: extracted_info[category] = {} if key not in extracted_info[category]: extracted_info[category][key] = value else: # If the key already exists, append the new value existing_value = extracted_info[category][key] if value not in existing_value: extracted_info[category][key] = f"{existing_value}, {value}" def _store_information(self, user_id: str, extracted_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Store extracted information in memory Args: user_id: User ID extracted_info: Extracted information """ if not extracted_info: return # Format the information as a structured memory timestamp = for category, items in extracted_info.items(): if items: # Create a memory for each category memory_content = f"User {category.replace('_', ' ')}: " + ", ".join( f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in items.items() ) # Store in memory with appropriate metadata self.memory_provider.add_memory( content=memory_content, user_id=user_id, metadata={ "type": "user_information", "category": category, "timestamp": timestamp, "automatic": True } ) def _get_user_profile(self, user_id: str) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """ Get the user profile from stored memories Args: user_id: User ID Returns: Dictionary with user profile information """ # Search for user information memories results = self.memory_provider.search_memories( query="user information profile preferences", user_id=user_id, limit=20, metadata_filter={"type": "user_information"} ) # Extract and organize the information profile = { "personal_info": [], "preferences": [], "context": [] } for result in results.get("results", []): memory = result.get("memory", "") category = result.get("metadata", {}).get("category", "") if category in profile: # Extract key-value pairs from the memory pairs = re.findall(r'(\w+):\s*([^,]+)(?:,|$)', memory) for key, value in pairs: item = f"{key.strip()}: {value.strip()}" if item not in profile[category]: profile[category].append(item) return profile def _search_relevant_memories(self, user_id: str, message: str) -> List[str]: """ Search for memories relevant to the current message Args: user_id: User ID message: Current user message Returns: List of relevant memories """ # Search for memories relevant to the current message results = self.memory_provider.search_memories( query=message, user_id=user_id, limit=5 ) # Extract the memory content memories = [] for result in results.get("results", []): memory = result.get("memory", "") if memory and memory not in memories: memories.append(memory) return memories