OpenAI MCP Server

MIT License
  • src
#!/usr/bin/env node /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Server } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js"; import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js"; import { ListResourcesRequestSchema, ReadResourceRequestSchema, ListToolsRequestSchema, CallToolRequestSchema, ErrorCode, McpError } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js"; import axios from "axios"; import dotenv from "dotenv"; import { UnomiProfile, UnomiContext, GetProfileArgs, SearchProfilesArgs, isValidGetProfileArgs, isValidSearchProfilesArgs, GetMyProfileArgs, isValidGetMyProfileArgs, generateSessionId, UpdateMyProfileArgs, isValidUpdateMyProfileArgs, UnomiScope, CreateScopeArgs, isValidCreateScopeArgs, } from "./types.js"; import fs from 'fs'; // Create a simple logging function function log(message: string) { const timestamp = new Date().toISOString(); fs.appendFileSync('/Users/loom/temp/mcp-server.log', `${timestamp}: ${message}\n`); } // Use it in your code log('MCP server started'); dotenv.config(); const UNOMI_BASE_URL = process.env.UNOMI_BASE_URL || 'http://localhost:8181'; const UNOMI_USERNAME = process.env.UNOMI_USERNAME; const UNOMI_PASSWORD = process.env.UNOMI_PASSWORD; const UNOMI_PROFILE_ID = process.env.UNOMI_PROFILE_ID; const UNOMI_SOURCE_ID = process.env.UNOMI_SOURCE_ID || 'claude-desktop'; const UNOMI_KEY = process.env.UNOMI_KEY; const UNOMI_EMAIL = process.env.UNOMI_EMAIL; if (!UNOMI_USERNAME || !UNOMI_PASSWORD) { throw new Error("UNOMI_USERNAME and UNOMI_PASSWORD environment variables are required"); } if (!UNOMI_KEY) { throw new Error("UNOMI_KEY environment variable is required for protected events"); } if (!UNOMI_PROFILE_ID) { throw new Error("UNOMI_PROFILE_ID environment variable is required as fallback"); } const API_CONFIG = { BASE_URL: UNOMI_BASE_URL, ENDPOINTS: { PROFILE: '/cxs/profiles', SEARCH: '/cxs/profiles/search', SESSION: '/cxs/sessions', CONTEXT: '/context.json', SCOPE: '/cxs/scopes' } } as const; class UnomiServer { private server: Server; private axiosInstance; private defaultScope = 'claude-desktop'; constructor() { this.server = new Server({ name: "unomi-profile-server", version: "0.1.0" }, { capabilities: { resources: {}, tools: {} } }); // Configure axios with defaults this.axiosInstance = axios.create({ baseURL: API_CONFIG.BASE_URL, auth: { username: UNOMI_USERNAME!, password: UNOMI_PASSWORD! }, headers: { 'X-Unomi-Peer': UNOMI_KEY } }); this.setupHandlers(); this.setupErrorHandling(); } private setupErrorHandling(): void { this.server.onerror = (error) => { console.error("[MCP Error]", error); }; process.on('SIGINT', async () => { await this.server.close(); process.exit(0); }); } private setupHandlers(): void { this.setupResourceHandlers(); this.setupToolHandlers(); } private setupResourceHandlers(): void { this.server.setRequestHandler( ListResourcesRequestSchema, async () => ({ resources: [{ uri: `unomi://profiles/list`, name: `Unomi Profiles`, mimeType: "application/json", description: "List of available Apache Unomi profiles" }] }) ); this.server.setRequestHandler( ReadResourceRequestSchema, async (request) => { log("Request:" + JSON.stringify(request, null, 2)); if (request.params.uri !== 'unomi://profiles/list') { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, `Unknown resource: ${request.params.uri}` ); } try { const response = await API_CONFIG.ENDPOINTS.SEARCH, { offset: 0, limit: 10, condition: { type: "matchAllCondition" } } ); return { contents: [{ uri: request.params.uri, mimeType: "application/json", text: JSON.stringify(, null, 2) }] }; } catch (error) { if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Unomi API error: ${error.response?.data?.message ?? error.message}` ); } throw error; } } ); } private async ensureScopeExists(scope: string = this.defaultScope): Promise<void> { try { // Try to get the scope const response = await this.axiosInstance.get(`${API_CONFIG.ENDPOINTS.SCOPE}/${scope}`); // Check if scope doesn't exist (204 status or empty response) if (response.status === 204 || ! || Object.keys( === 0) { // Create the scope const scopeData: UnomiScope = { itemId: scope, itemType: 'scope', metadata: { id: scope, name: `Claude Desktop Scope - ${scope}`, description: 'Automatically created scope for Claude Desktop MCP Server', scope: scope } }; await, scopeData); } // If we get here with data, the scope exists } catch (error) { // Handle other potential errors if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InternalError, `Failed to check/create scope: ${error.response?.data?.message ?? error.message}` ); } throw error; } } private async findProfileByEmail(email: string): Promise<string | null> { try { const response = await API_CONFIG.ENDPOINTS.SEARCH, { condition: { type: "profilePropertyCondition", parameterValues: { propertyName: "", comparisonOperator: "equals", propertyValue: email } }, limit: 1 } ); if ( && && > 0) { return[0].itemId; } return null; } catch (error) { console.error('Error looking up profile by email:', error); return null; } } private async getEffectiveProfileId(): Promise<string> { if (UNOMI_EMAIL) { const existingProfileId = await this.findProfileByEmail(UNOMI_EMAIL); if (existingProfileId) { return existingProfileId; } // If profile not found by email, create it with the email property const profileId = UNOMI_PROFILE_ID!; try { const sessionId = generateSessionId(profileId); const contextData: UnomiContext = { sessionId, profileId, source: { itemId: UNOMI_SOURCE_ID, itemType: "claude", scope: "claude-desktop" }, events: [{ eventType: "updateProperties", scope: "claude-desktop", source: { itemId: UNOMI_SOURCE_ID, itemType: "claude", scope: "claude-desktop" }, target: { itemId: profileId, itemType: "profile", scope: "claude-desktop" }, properties: { update: { "": UNOMI_EMAIL } } }] }; await, contextData); } catch (error) { console.error('Error setting email for new profile:', error); } return profileId; } return UNOMI_PROFILE_ID!; } private async handleMyProfileOperation<T>( operation: (profileId: string, args: any) => Promise<T>, args: any ): Promise<T> { const profileId = await this.getEffectiveProfileId(); return operation(profileId, args); } private setupToolHandlers(): void { this.server.setRequestHandler( ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => ({ tools: [ { name: "create_scope", description: "Create a new Unomi scope", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { scope: { type: "string", description: "Scope identifier" }, name: { type: "string", description: "Human-readable name for the scope" }, description: { type: "string", description: "Description of the scope" } }, required: ["scope"] } }, { name: "update_my_profile", description: "Update properties of your profile using environment-provided ID", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { properties: { type: "object", description: "Key-value pairs of properties to update", additionalProperties: { type: ["string", "number", "boolean", "null"] } } }, required: ["properties"] } }, { name: "get_my_profile", description: "Get your profile using environment-provided IDs", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { requireSegments: { type: "boolean", description: "Whether to include segments in the response" }, requireScores: { type: "boolean", description: "Whether to include scores in the response" } } } }, { name: "get_profile", description: "Get a specific Unomi profile by ID", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { profileId: { type: "string", description: "Profile ID" } }, required: ["profileId"] } }, { name: "search_profiles", description: "Search Unomi profiles", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { query: { type: "string", description: "Search query" }, limit: { type: "number", description: "Maximum number of results" }, offset: { type: "number", description: "Result offset for pagination" } }, required: ["query"] } } ] }) ); this.server.setRequestHandler( CallToolRequestSchema, async (request) => { log("Request:" + JSON.stringify(request, null, 2)); switch ( { case "create_scope": { if (!isValidCreateScopeArgs(request.params.arguments)) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, "Invalid create scope arguments" ); } try { const scopeData: UnomiScope = { itemId: request.params.arguments.scope, itemType: 'scope', metadata : { id: request.params.arguments.scope, name:, description: request.params.arguments.description, scope: request.params.arguments.scope } }; await, scopeData); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify({ message: "Scope created successfully", scope: scopeData }, null, 2) }] }; } catch (error) { if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Unomi API error: ${error.response?.data?.message ?? error.message}` }], isError: true, }; } throw error; } } case "update_my_profile": { await this.ensureScopeExists(); if (!isValidUpdateMyProfileArgs(request.params.arguments)) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, "Invalid update profile arguments" ); } const args = request.params.arguments; return this.handleMyProfileOperation(async (profileId, args) => { try { const sessionId = generateSessionId(profileId); const contextData: UnomiContext = { sessionId, profileId, source: { itemId: UNOMI_SOURCE_ID, itemType: "claude", scope: "claude-desktop" }, events: [{ eventType: "updateProperties", scope: "claude-desktop", source: { itemId: UNOMI_SOURCE_ID, itemType: "claude", scope: "claude-desktop" }, target: { itemId: profileId, itemType: "profile", scope: "claude-desktop" }, properties: { update: Object.fromEntries( Object.entries([key, value]) => [ `properties.${key}`, value ]) ) } }] }; const response = await API_CONFIG.ENDPOINTS.CONTEXT, contextData ); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify({ message: "Profile properties updated successfully", updatedProperties:, profileId: profileId, sessionId: sessionId, source: UNOMI_EMAIL ? "email_lookup" : "environment" }, null, 2) }] }; } catch (error) { if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Unomi API error: ${error.response?.data?.message ?? error.message}` }], isError: true, }; } throw error; } }, args); } case "get_my_profile": { await this.ensureScopeExists(); if (!isValidGetMyProfileArgs(request.params.arguments)) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, "Invalid get my profile arguments" ); } const args = request.params.arguments; return this.handleMyProfileOperation(async (profileId, args) => { try { const sessionId = generateSessionId(profileId); const contextData: UnomiContext = { sessionId, profileId, source: { itemId: UNOMI_SOURCE_ID, itemType: "claude", scope: "claude-desktop" }, requiredProfileProperties: ["*"], requiredSessionProperties: ["*"], requireSegments: args.requireSegments, requireScores: args.requireScores }; const response = await API_CONFIG.ENDPOINTS.CONTEXT, contextData ); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify({ profile:, session:, segments:, scores:, sessionId: sessionId, profileId: profileId, source: UNOMI_EMAIL ? "email_lookup" : "environment" }, null, 2) }] }; } catch (error) { if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Unomi API error: ${error.response?.data?.message ?? error.message}` }], isError: true, }; } throw error; } }, args); } case "get_profile": { if (!isValidGetProfileArgs(request.params.arguments)) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, "Invalid profile arguments" ); } try { const response = await this.axiosInstance.get<UnomiProfile>( `${API_CONFIG.ENDPOINTS.PROFILE}/${request.params.arguments.profileId}` ); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(, null, 2) }] }; } catch (error) { if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Unomi API error: ${error.response?.data?.message ?? error.message}` }], isError: true, }; } throw error; } } case "search_profiles": { if (!isValidSearchProfilesArgs(request.params.arguments)) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, "Invalid search arguments" ); } try { const { query, limit = 10, offset = 0 } = request.params.arguments; const response = await API_CONFIG.ENDPOINTS.SEARCH, { offset, limit, condition: { type: "booleanCondition", parameterValues : { operator: "or", subConditions: [ { type: "profilePropertyCondition", parameterValues : { propertyName: "properties.firstName", comparisonOperator: "contains", propertyValue: query } }, { type: "profilePropertyCondition", parameterValues : { propertyName: "properties.lastName", comparisonOperator: "contains", propertyValue: query } }, { type: "profilePropertyCondition", parameterValues : { propertyName: "", comparisonOperator: "contains", propertyValue: query } } ] } } } ); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(, null, 2) }] }; } catch (error) { if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Unomi API error: ${error.response?.data?.message ?? error.message}` }], isError: true, }; } throw error; } } default: throw new McpError( ErrorCode.MethodNotFound, `Unknown tool: ${}` ); } } ); } async run(): Promise<void> { const transport = new StdioServerTransport(); await this.server.connect(transport); console.error("Unomi MCP server running on stdio"); } } const server = new UnomiServer();;