Chain of Draft Thinking
by bsmi021
- src
- tools
import { McpServer } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/mcp.js";
import { McpError, ErrorCode } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js";
import { z } from "zod";
import { TOOL_NAME, TOOL_SCHEMA, TOOL_DESCRIPTION } from "./chainOfDraftParams.js";
import { logger } from "../utils/logging.js";
interface ThoughtData {
// Required fields
reasoning_chain: string[];
next_step_needed: boolean;
draft_number: number;
total_drafts: number;
// Optional fields
is_critique?: boolean;
critique_focus?: string;
revision_instructions?: string;
step_to_review?: number;
is_final_draft: boolean; // This has a default of false
interface SessionState {
thoughtHistory: ThoughtData[];
branches: Record<string, ThoughtData[]>;
const sessions = new Map<string, SessionState>();
export const chainOfDraftTool = (server: McpServer): void => {
const getOrCreateSession = (sessionId: string): SessionState => {
if (!sessions.has(sessionId)) {
sessions.set(sessionId, {
thoughtHistory: [],
branches: {}
return sessions.get(sessionId)!;
const processThoughtRequest = async (input: unknown, sessionId: string) => {
try {
const session = getOrCreateSession(sessionId);
const validatedInput = validateThoughtData(input);
if (!validatedInput) {
throw new McpError(ErrorCode.InvalidParams, "Invalid thought data");
// Validate draft progression
if (validatedInput.draft_number > validatedInput.total_drafts) {
validatedInput.total_drafts = validatedInput.draft_number;
// Store the thought in session history
// Handle branching if specified
if (validatedInput.step_to_review !== undefined) {
const branchId = `branch_${validatedInput.draft_number}_${validatedInput.step_to_review}`;
if (!session.branches[branchId]) {
session.branches[branchId] = [];
// Format response
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: JSON.stringify({
draftNumber: validatedInput.draft_number,
totalDrafts: validatedInput.total_drafts,
nextStepNeeded: validatedInput.next_step_needed,
isCritique: validatedInput.is_critique,
critiqueFocus: validatedInput.critique_focus,
revisionInstructions: validatedInput.revision_instructions,
stepToReview: validatedInput.step_to_review,
isFinalDraft: validatedInput.is_final_draft,
branches: Object.keys(session.branches),
thoughtHistoryLength: session.thoughtHistory.length
}, null, 2)
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof McpError) {
throw error;
throw new McpError(
error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)
async (args, extra) => {
const sessionId = extra.sessionId || 'default';
return {
content: [{
type: "text" as const,
text: JSON.stringify(await processThoughtRequest(args, sessionId))
// A tool for generating and refining reasoning chains using Chain of Draft (CoD).
// This tool enhances Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting by incorporating iterative critique and revision of the generated reasoning steps, leading to more accurate and robust conclusions.
// When to use this tool:
// - Complex reasoning tasks where accuracy and logical flow are critical.
// - Problems that require breaking down into multiple steps, and where each step needs careful scrutiny.
// - Situations where the initial reasoning chain might contain errors, inconsistencies, or gaps.
// - For tasks like solving math problems, logical puzzles, and detailed analysis of complex information.
// Key features:
// - Generates an initial chain of thought.
// - Allows for iterative critique and revision of individual steps or the entire chain.
// - Enables focusing on specific aspects of the reasoning (e.g., logical validity, completeness, relevance).
// - Provides parameters to control the CoT process, such as draft number, total drafts, and revision focus.
// - Maintains context across iterations of the reasoning chain.
// Parameters explained:
// - reasoning_chain: The current chain of thought, consisting of one or more reasoning steps.
// - next_step_needed: True if another critique/revision cycle is needed.
// - draft_number: The current draft number (starting from 1).
// - total_drafts: The total number of draft/revision cycles planned.
// - is_critique: Boolean indicating if the current step is a critique (true) or revision (false).
// - critique_focus: Specifies the focus of the current critique (e.g., "logical validity", "completeness", "relevance", "clarity").
// - revision_instructions: Specific instructions for the revision, based on the critique.
// - step_to_revise: (Optional) If revising a specific step, the index or identifier of that step.
// You should:
// 1. Start with an initial reasoning_chain and set total_drafts.
// 2. Use is_critique to alternate between critique and revision steps.
// 3. Specify critique_focus to guide the critique process.
// 4. Provide detailed revision_instructions based on the critique.
// 5. Use step_to_revise to target specific parts of the reasoning chain.
// 6. Adjust total_drafts as needed based on the progress.
// 7. Set next_step_needed to false only when the final reasoning_chain is complete and satisfactory.
// `;
const validateThoughtData = (input: unknown): ThoughtData | null => {
const data = input as Record<string, unknown>;
// Check only required fields first
if (typeof data !== "object" || data === null ||
!("reasoning_chain" in data) ||
!("next_step_needed" in data) ||
!("draft_number" in data) ||
!("total_drafts" in data)) {
throw new Error("Missing required fields");
// Validate types and create return object
const thoughtData: ThoughtData = {
reasoning_chain: Array.isArray(data.reasoning_chain) ? data.reasoning_chain : [],
next_step_needed: Boolean(data.next_step_needed),
draft_number: Number(data.draft_number),
total_drafts: Number(data.total_drafts),
is_final_draft: Boolean(data.is_final_draft ?? false)
// Optional fields
if ("is_critique" in data) thoughtData.is_critique = Boolean(data.is_critique);
if ("critique_focus" in data) thoughtData.critique_focus = String(data.critique_focus);
if ("revision_instructions" in data) thoughtData.revision_instructions = String(data.revision_instructions);
if ("step_to_review" in data) thoughtData.step_to_review = Number(data.step_to_review);
// Validate the data
if (!Array.isArray(thoughtData.reasoning_chain) || thoughtData.reasoning_chain.length === 0) {
throw new Error("Invalid reasoning chain");
if (thoughtData.draft_number <= 0) {
throw new Error("Draft number must be positive");
if (thoughtData.total_drafts <= 0) {
throw new Error("Total drafts must be positive");
if (thoughtData.draft_number > thoughtData.total_drafts) {
throw new Error("Draft number cannot exceed total drafts");
// Validate critique-specific fields
if (thoughtData.is_critique && !thoughtData.critique_focus) {
throw new Error("Critique focus required when is_critique is true");
return thoughtData;
const formatThought = (thought: ThoughtData): string => {
return JSON.stringify({
thoughtNumber: thought.draft_number,
thought: thought.reasoning_chain
const processThought = (input: unknown): { content: Array<{ type: string; text: string }>; isError?: boolean } => {
try {
const validatedInput = validateThoughtData(input);
if (!validatedInput) {
throw new Error("Invalid thought data");
// make sure we have a valid thought number
if (validatedInput.draft_number <= 0) {
throw new Error("Invalid draft number");
// make sure we have a valid total drafts
if (validatedInput.total_drafts <= 0) {
throw new Error("Invalid total drafts");
// make sure we have a valid reasoning chain
if (!Array.isArray(validatedInput.reasoning_chain) || validatedInput.reasoning_chain.length === 0) {
throw new Error("Invalid reasoning chain");
// make sure we have a valid next step needed
if (typeof validatedInput.next_step_needed !== "boolean") {
throw new Error("Invalid next step needed");
// make sure we have a valid critique focus
if (validatedInput.is_critique && !validatedInput.critique_focus) {
throw new Error("Invalid critique focus");
// make sure we have a valid revision instructions
if (validatedInput.is_critique && !validatedInput.revision_instructions) {
throw new Error("Invalid revision instructions");
// make sure we have a valid step to review
if (validatedInput.step_to_review && (typeof validatedInput.step_to_review !== "number" || validatedInput.step_to_review < 0)) {
throw new Error("Invalid step to review");
// make sure we have a valid is final draft
if (typeof validatedInput.is_final_draft !== "boolean") {
throw new Error("Invalid is final draft");
// make sure the current ask is not greater than the total drafts
if (validatedInput.draft_number > validatedInput.total_drafts) {
throw new Error("Current draft number is greater than the total drafts");
const formattedThought = formatThought(validatedInput);
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: JSON.stringify({
thoughtNumber: validatedInput.draft_number,
thought: formattedThought
} catch (error) {
return {
content: [{
type: "text",
text: JSON.stringify({
error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error),
status: 'failed'
}, null, 2)
isError: true
const clearSession = (sessionId: string): void => {
const pruneOldSessions = (): void => {
// Add logic to remove sessions older than X time
// This prevents memory leaks