MCP GitHub Issue Server

{ "id": "software_engineer/devops_engineer", "name": "LLM DevOps Engineer Agent", "description": "Comprehensive DevOps engineering with focus on infrastructure automation, CI/CD pipelines, and operational excellence", "version": "1.1.0", "author": "Atlas Team", "tags": ["llm-agent", "devops", "infrastructure", "automation", "ci-cd"], "variables": [ { "name": "projectName", "description": "Name of the project/product", "type": "string", "required": true }, { "name": "teamScale", "description": "Size/scale of the team", "type": "string", "required": true, "default": "growth", "enum": ["startup", "growth", "enterprise"] }, { "name": "securityLevel", "description": "Required security level", "type": "string", "required": false, "default": "standard", "enum": ["standard", "high", "regulated"] }, { "name": "enableAutoScaling", "description": "Enable infrastructure auto-scaling", "type": "boolean", "required": false, "default": true }, { "name": "deploymentFrequency", "description": "Target deployments per day", "type": "number", "required": false, "default": 4 } ], "tasks": [ { "path": "${projectName}", "title": "Project Root", "description": "Root task for project organization", "type": "MILESTONE", "metadata": { "priority": "high", "tags": ["project-root"] } }, { "path": "${projectName}/infrastructure", "title": "Infrastructure Engineering", "description": "Overall infrastructure architecture, automation, and operations", "type": "MILESTONE", "dependencies": ["${projectName}"], "metadata": { "priority": "high", "tags": ["infrastructure", "devops"], "acceptanceCriteria": [ "Infrastructure requirements analyzed", "Architecture designed and implemented", "CI/CD pipelines established", "Monitoring and security configured" ] } }, { "path": "${projectName}/infrastructure/requirements", "title": "Infrastructure Requirements Analysis", "description": "Analyze and document infrastructure and operational requirements", "type": "MILESTONE", "dependencies": ["${projectName}/infrastructure"], "metadata": { "priority": "high", "tags": ["infrastructure", "requirements"], "technicalRequirements": { "language": "typescript", "framework": "terraform", "dependencies": ["terraform", "aws-sdk", "azure-sdk"], "environment": "Node.js v18+" }, "acceptanceCriteria": { "criteria": [ "Infrastructure requirements documented", "Scaling needs identified", "Performance targets defined", "Cost constraints established" ], "testCases": [ "Validate infrastructure specs", "Review scaling requirements", "Test performance targets", "Verify cost estimates" ] } } }, { "path": "${projectName}/infrastructure/design", "title": "Infrastructure Architecture Design", "description": "Design cloud infrastructure and deployment architecture", "type": "MILESTONE", "dependencies": ["${projectName}/infrastructure/requirements"], "metadata": { "priority": "high", "tags": ["architecture", "infrastructure"], "technicalRequirements": { "language": "typescript", "framework": "terraform", "dependencies": ["terraform-aws", "terraform-azure", "pulumi"], "environment": "Node.js v18+" }, "acceptanceCriteria": { "criteria": [ "Infrastructure design documented", "Network architecture defined", "Security groups configured", "Scaling policies designed" ], "testCases": [ "Review infrastructure design", "Test network configuration", "Validate security setup", "Verify scaling policies" ] } } }, { "path": "${projectName}/infrastructure/automation", "title": "Infrastructure Automation", "description": "Implement infrastructure as code and automation", "type": "MILESTONE", "dependencies": ["${projectName}/infrastructure/design"], "metadata": { "priority": "high", "tags": ["automation", "infrastructure"], "technicalRequirements": { "language": "typescript", "framework": "terraform", "dependencies": ["terraform-provider-aws", "terraform-provider-kubernetes", "ansible"], "environment": "Node.js v18+" }, "acceptanceCriteria": { "criteria": [ "Infrastructure code implemented", "Automation scripts created", "State management configured", "Documentation completed" ], "testCases": [ "Test infrastructure deployment", "Validate automation scripts", "Verify state handling", "Review documentation" ] } } }, { "path": "${projectName}/infrastructure/cicd", "title": "CI/CD Pipeline Setup", "description": "Implement continuous integration and deployment pipelines", "type": "MILESTONE", "dependencies": ["${projectName}/infrastructure/automation"], "metadata": { "priority": "high", "tags": ["ci-cd", "automation"], "technicalRequirements": { "language": "typescript", "framework": "node", "dependencies": ["github-actions", "jenkins", "argocd"], "environment": "Node.js v18+" }, "acceptanceCriteria": { "criteria": [ "CI pipeline implemented", "CD pipeline configured", "Quality gates defined", "Deployment strategies documented" ], "testCases": [ "Test CI pipeline flow", "Validate CD process", "Verify quality gates", "Review deployment strategies" ] } } }, { "path": "${projectName}/infrastructure/monitoring", "title": "Monitoring and Observability Setup", "description": "Implement comprehensive monitoring and observability", "type": "MILESTONE", "dependencies": ["${projectName}/infrastructure/cicd"], "metadata": { "priority": "high", "tags": ["monitoring", "observability"], "technicalRequirements": { "language": "typescript", "framework": "node", "dependencies": ["prometheus", "grafana", "elastic-apm"], "environment": "Node.js v18+" }, "acceptanceCriteria": { "criteria": [ "Monitoring system configured", "Metrics collection setup", "Alerting rules defined", "Dashboards created" ], "testCases": [ "Test monitoring system", "Validate metrics collection", "Verify alerting rules", "Review dashboards" ] } } }, { "path": "${projectName}/infrastructure/security", "title": "Infrastructure Security Implementation", "description": "Implement infrastructure security measures", "type": "MILESTONE", "dependencies": ["${projectName}/infrastructure/monitoring"], "metadata": { "priority": "high", "tags": ["security", "infrastructure"], "technicalRequirements": { "language": "typescript", "framework": "node", "dependencies": ["vault", "cloudsploit", "trivy"], "environment": "Node.js v18+" }, "acceptanceCriteria": { "criteria": [ "Security controls implemented", "Access management configured", "Secrets management setup", "Compliance validated" ], "testCases": [ "Test security controls", "Validate access management", "Verify secrets handling", "Check compliance status" ] } } } ] }