MCP GitHub Issue Server
by sammcj
- src
- validation
* Shared ID validation schemas using the new short ID format
import { z } from 'zod';
import { ID_CONSTANTS } from '../utils/id-generator.js';
// Legacy UUID pattern
const UUID_PATTERN = /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i;
// Base ID schema for reuse across different entity types
export const baseIdSchema = z
`Task/Entity ID must be exactly ${ID_CONSTANTS.LENGTH} characters long and contain only alphanumeric characters [${ID_CONSTANTS.ALPHABET}]. Example: "xK7cPq2Z". You cannot use descriptive names like "Project Setup" as IDs.`
// Helper function to validate ID format
export function validateIdFormat(id: string, context: string = 'ID'): void {
if (!ID_CONSTANTS.PATTERN.test(id)) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid ${context}: Must be exactly ${ID_CONSTANTS.LENGTH} characters long and contain only alphanumeric characters [${ID_CONSTANTS.ALPHABET}]. ` +
`Received: "${id}". Example valid ID: "xK7cPq2Z"`
// Transitional schema that accepts both short IDs and UUIDs
export const transitionalIdSchema = z
val => ID_CONSTANTS.PATTERN.test(val) || UUID_PATTERN.test(val),
`ID must be either ${ID_CONSTANTS.LENGTH} characters long containing only [${ID_CONSTANTS.ALPHABET}] or a valid UUID`
// Specific entity ID schemas with custom error messages
export const taskIdSchema = baseIdSchema.describe('Task ID');
export const sessionIdSchema = transitionalIdSchema.describe('Session ID');
export const taskListIdSchema = baseIdSchema.describe('Task List ID');
// Array of IDs schema for dependencies, subtasks, etc.
export const idArraySchema = z.array(baseIdSchema);
// Optional ID schema for nullable fields
export const optionalIdSchema = baseIdSchema.optional();
// Example usage in a task schema:
export const taskReferenceSchema = z.object({
id: taskIdSchema,
parentId: optionalIdSchema,
dependencies: idArraySchema.default([]),
subtasks: idArraySchema.default([]),
// Example usage in a session schema:
export const sessionReferenceSchema = z.object({
id: sessionIdSchema,
activeTaskListId: optionalIdSchema,
taskListIds: idArraySchema.default([]),
// Export types for use in other modules
export type TaskReference = z.infer<typeof taskReferenceSchema>;
export type SessionReference = z.infer<typeof sessionReferenceSchema>;