MCP GitHub Issue Server

/** * Primary platform utilities for the Atlas MCP Server runtime. * * NOTE: This is the main platform utilities implementation used during normal server operation. * For build and installation scripts, we use a simplified version in scripts/platform-utils.js * to avoid circular dependencies during the build process (since TypeScript files aren't compiled yet). * * Key differences from scripts/platform-utils.js: * - Full TypeScript implementation with type safety * - More comprehensive platform-specific functionality * - Advanced features like memory management and process signals * - Used by the running server, not build scripts */ import { homedir, platform, totalmem } from 'os'; import { join } from 'path'; import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; // Platform-specific error codes const PERMISSION_ERROR_CODES = { win32: ['EPERM', 'EACCES'], unix: ['EACCES'], }; export class PlatformPaths { private static readonly PLATFORM = platform(); static getDocumentsDir(): string { const home = homedir(); const xdgDocuments = process.env.XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR; switch (this.PLATFORM) { case 'win32': return process.env.USERPROFILE ? join(process.env.USERPROFILE, 'Documents') : join(home, 'Documents'); case 'darwin': return join(home, 'Documents'); default: // Linux and others - check XDG first return xdgDocuments || join(home, 'Documents'); } } static getConfigDir(): string { switch (this.PLATFORM) { case 'win32': return process.env.APPDATA || join(homedir(), 'AppData', 'Roaming'); case 'darwin': return join(homedir(), 'Library', 'Application Support'); default: // Linux and others - respect XDG return process.env.XDG_CONFIG_HOME || join(homedir(), '.config'); } } static getCacheDir(): string { switch (this.PLATFORM) { case 'win32': return process.env.LOCALAPPDATA || join(homedir(), 'AppData', 'Local'); case 'darwin': return join(homedir(), 'Library', 'Caches'); default: // Linux and others - respect XDG return process.env.XDG_CACHE_HOME || join(homedir(), '.cache'); } } static normalizePath(path: string): string { return path.split(/[/\\]/).join(this.PLATFORM === 'win32' ? '\\' : '/'); } static getAppDataDir(appName: string): string { switch (this.PLATFORM) { case 'win32': return join(process.env.APPDATA || homedir(), appName); case 'darwin': return join(homedir(), 'Library', 'Application Support', appName); default: return join(process.env.XDG_DATA_HOME || join(homedir(), '.local', 'share'), appName); } } } export class PlatformCapabilities { private static readonly PLATFORM = platform(); static getDefaultMode(): number { return this.PLATFORM === 'win32' ? 0o666 // Windows ignores modes : 0o755; // Unix-like systems } static getFileMode(mode: number): number { // Windows ignores file modes, return as-is if (this.PLATFORM === 'win32') { return this.getDefaultMode(); } // Unix-like systems use the mode as specified return mode; } static getSqliteConfig(): { pageSize: number; sharedMemory: boolean } { return { // Windows: larger page size for NTFS pageSize: this.PLATFORM === 'win32' ? 8192 : 4096, // Unix: enable shared memory where supported sharedMemory: this.PLATFORM !== 'win32', }; } static isPermissionError(error: unknown): boolean { if (!error || typeof error !== 'object' || !('code' in error)) { return false; } const errorCode = (error as { code: string }).code; return this.PLATFORM === 'win32' ? PERMISSION_ERROR_CODES.win32.includes(errorCode) : PERMISSION_ERROR_CODES.unix.includes(errorCode); } static getMaxMemory(): number { const GB = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // Get available system memory try { const totalMem = totalmem(); // Use 25% of total memory up to 4GB return Math.min(Math.floor(totalMem * 0.25), 4 * GB); } catch { // Fallback to conservative defaults switch (this.PLATFORM) { case 'win32': return 2 * GB; case 'darwin': return 4 * GB; default: return 2 * GB; } } } static getProcessSignals(): NodeJS.Signals[] { const signals: NodeJS.Signals[] = ['SIGINT', 'SIGTERM']; if (this.PLATFORM !== 'win32') { signals.push('SIGHUP', 'SIGUSR2'); } return signals; } static async ensureDirectoryPermissions(path: string, mode: number): Promise<void> { await fs.mkdir(path, { recursive: true, mode: this.getFileMode(mode) }); // Verify permissions if (this.PLATFORM !== 'win32') { try { await fs.access(path, fs.constants.R_OK | fs.constants.W_OK); } catch (error: unknown) { const message = error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error); throw new Error(`Directory ${path} is not readable/writable: ${message}`); } } } } export class ProcessManager { private static cleanupHandlers: Array<() => Promise<void>> = []; private static isShuttingDown = false; private static signalListeners = new Set<() => void>(); private static exceptionListeners = new Set<() => void>(); private static logger?: { info: (message: string, ...args: unknown[]) => void; error: (message: string, ...args: unknown[]) => void; }; static setLogger(logger: { info: (message: string, context?: Record<string, unknown>) => void; error: (message: string, error?: unknown, context?: Record<string, unknown>) => void; }): void { // Create an adapter to match the expected interface this.logger = { info: (message: string, ...args: unknown[]) => {, args.length ? { args } : undefined); }, error: (message: string, ...args: unknown[]) => { logger.error( message, args[0], args.length > 1 ? { additionalArgs: args.slice(1) } : undefined ); }, }; } static registerCleanupHandler(handler: () => Promise<void>): void { this.cleanupHandlers.push(handler); } static async cleanup(): Promise<void> { if (this.isShuttingDown) return; this.isShuttingDown = true; // Clean up all registered handlers for (const handler of this.cleanupHandlers.reverse()) { try { await handler(); } catch (error) { this.logger?.error('Cleanup handler failed:', error); } } // Clean up signal handlers this.cleanupSignalHandlers(); } private static cleanupSignalHandlers(): void { // Remove all signal handlers for (const removeListener of this.signalListeners) { removeListener(); } this.signalListeners.clear(); // Remove all exception handlers for (const removeListener of this.exceptionListeners) { removeListener(); } this.exceptionListeners.clear(); } static setupSignalHandlers(): void { const signals = PlatformCapabilities.getProcessSignals(); // Clean up any existing listeners this.cleanupSignalHandlers(); // Set up signal handlers for (const signal of signals) { const handler = async () => { this.logger?.info(`Received ${signal}, cleaning up...`); await this.cleanup(); process.exit(0); }; process.once(signal, handler); this.signalListeners.add(() => process.removeListener(signal, handler)); } // Set up exception handlers const uncaughtHandler = async (error: Error) => { this.logger?.error('Uncaught Exception:', error); await this.cleanup(); process.exit(1); }; process.on('uncaughtException', uncaughtHandler); this.exceptionListeners.add(() => process.removeListener('uncaughtException', uncaughtHandler)); const rejectionHandler = async (reason: unknown) => { this.logger?.error('Unhandled Rejection:', reason); await this.cleanup(); process.exit(1); }; process.on('unhandledRejection', rejectionHandler); this.exceptionListeners.add(() => process.removeListener('unhandledRejection', rejectionHandler) ); // Register cleanup of our handlers process.once('exit', () => { this.cleanupSignalHandlers(); }); } }