MCP GitHub Issue Server

import { ErrorCodes, createError, type ErrorCode } from '../errors/index.js'; import { Logger } from '../logging/index.js'; /** * Helper function to create tool errors with consistent operation naming */ export function createToolError( code: ErrorCode, message: string, operation: string = 'ToolHandler', userMessage?: string, metadata?: Record<string, unknown> ): Error { return createError(code, message, `ToolHandler.${operation}`, userMessage, metadata); } /** * Helper class to handle tool errors with logging */ export class ToolErrorHandler { private readonly logger: Logger; constructor(component: string = 'ToolHandler') { this.logger = Logger.getInstance().child({ component }); } /** * Handles tool operation errors with consistent logging and error creation */ handleError(error: unknown, operation: string, context?: Record<string, unknown>): never { const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'; const errorDetails = error instanceof Error ? { name:, message: error.message, stack: error.stack, code: (error as any).code, } : { error }; this.logger.error(`Failed to ${operation}`, { error: errorDetails, context, }); throw createToolError( ErrorCodes.TOOL_EXECUTION, `Failed to ${operation}`, operation, `Tool operation failed: ${errorMessage}`, { ...context, error: errorDetails, } ); } /** * Handles validation errors with consistent logging and error creation */ handleValidationError( message: string, operation: string, context?: Record<string, unknown> ): never { this.logger.error(`Validation error in ${operation}`, { message, context, }); throw createToolError( ErrorCodes.INVALID_INPUT, message, operation, 'Invalid tool input', context ); } /** * Handles tool not found errors */ handleToolNotFound(toolName: string, context?: Record<string, unknown>): never { this.logger.error('Tool not found', { tool: toolName, context, }); throw createToolError( ErrorCodes.TOOL_NOT_FOUND, `Unknown tool: ${toolName}`, 'handleToolCall', 'The requested tool is not available', { tool: toolName, ...context, } ); } /** * Handles tool timeout errors */ handleTimeout(toolName: string, duration: number, context?: Record<string, unknown>): never { this.logger.error('Tool execution timeout', { tool: toolName, duration, context, }); throw createToolError( ErrorCodes.TOOL_TIMEOUT, `Tool execution timed out after ${duration}ms`, 'handleToolCall', 'The tool operation took too long to complete', { tool: toolName, duration, ...context, } ); } }