MCP GitHub Issue Server

import { z } from 'zod'; import { VALIDATION_CONSTRAINTS } from '../../../types/task-core.js'; /** * Template variable validation schema */ export const templateVariableSchema = z.object({ name: z.string().min(1).max(100), description: z.string().max(500), type: z.enum(['string', 'number', 'boolean', 'array']), required: z.boolean(), default: z.unknown().optional(), }); /** * Template reference validation schema */ export const templateRefSchema = z.object({ template: z.string(), variables: z.record(z.unknown()), }); /** * Template task metadata schema - more permissive than regular task metadata */ export const templateTaskMetadataSchema = z .object({}) .catchall(z.unknown()) .refine( data => { const size = JSON.stringify(data).length; return size <= VALIDATION_CONSTRAINTS.MAX_METADATA_SIZE; }, { message: `Metadata size exceeds ${VALIDATION_CONSTRAINTS.MAX_METADATA_SIZE} bytes limit`, } ); /** * Template path validation - allows variables in paths */ const isValidTemplatePath = (path: string): boolean => { // Allow template variables ${name} const templateVarPattern = /\${[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*}/g; // Replace template variables with placeholder to check format const normalizedPath = path.replace(templateVarPattern, 'x'); // Check basic path structure if (!normalizedPath.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9x][a-zA-Z0-9x\-_/]*$/)) { return false; } // Check path depth if (normalizedPath.split('/').length > VALIDATION_CONSTRAINTS.MAX_PATH_DEPTH) { return false; } // Check segment length, accounting for variables const segments = path.split('/'); return !segments.some(segment => { // Replace variables with reasonable length placeholder const normalizedSegment = segment.replace(templateVarPattern, 'placeholder'); return normalizedSegment.length > VALIDATION_CONSTRAINTS.MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH; }); }; /** * Template task validation schema with enhanced path validation */ export const templateTaskSchema = z.object({ path: z.string().min(1).max(1000).refine(isValidTemplatePath, { message: 'Invalid template path format. Must use forward slashes, valid characters, template variables, and respect length limits.', }), title: z.string().min(1).max(200), description: z.string().max(2000).optional(), type: z.enum(['TASK', 'MILESTONE']), metadata: templateTaskMetadataSchema.optional(), dependencies: z.array(z.string()).max(50).optional(), }); /** * Complete template validation schema with hierarchy validation */ export const taskTemplateSchema = z.object({ id: z.string().min(1).max(100), name: z.string().min(1).max(200), description: z.string().max(2000), version: z.string().min(1).max(50), author: z.string().max(100).optional(), tags: z.array(z.string().max(50)).max(20).optional(), variables: z.array(templateVariableSchema).max(50), tasks: z .array(templateTaskSchema) .min(1) .max(100) .refine( tasks => { // Build set of all task paths const paths = new Set( => t.path)); // For template validation, we only check basic path uniqueness // Full path validation happens after variable interpolation return paths.size === tasks.length; }, { message: 'Task paths must be unique within the template.', } ) .refine( tasks => { // Check dependencies exist for (const task of tasks) { if (task.dependencies) { for (const dep of task.dependencies) { if (!tasks.some(t => t.path === dep)) { return false; } } } } return true; }, { message: 'Invalid dependencies. All dependencies must reference existing tasks within the template.', } ) .refine( tasks => { // Check for circular dependencies const visited = new Set<string>(); const recursionStack = new Set<string>(); const hasCycle = (path: string): boolean => { if (recursionStack.has(path)) { return true; } if (visited.has(path)) { return false; } visited.add(path); recursionStack.add(path); const task = tasks.find(t => t.path === path); if (task?.dependencies) { for (const dep of task.dependencies) { if (hasCycle(dep)) { return true; } } } recursionStack.delete(path); return false; }; for (const task of tasks) { if (hasCycle(task.path)) { return false; } } return true; }, { message: 'Invalid dependencies. Circular dependencies detected.', } ), }); /** * Template instantiation options validation schema */ export const templateInstantiationSchema = z.object({ templateId: z.string(), variables: z.record(z.unknown()), parentPath: z.string().optional(), }); /** * Export types for use in other modules */ export type TemplateVariable = z.infer<typeof templateVariableSchema>; export type TemplateRef = z.infer<typeof templateRefSchema>; export type TemplateTaskMetadata = z.infer<typeof templateTaskMetadataSchema>; export type TemplateTask = z.infer<typeof templateTaskSchema>; export type TaskTemplate = z.infer<typeof taskTemplateSchema>; export type TemplateInstantiationOptions = z.infer<typeof templateInstantiationSchema>;