MCP GitHub Issue Server

import { Resource } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js'; import { Logger } from '../../logging/index.js'; import { TaskStorage } from '../../types/storage.js'; import { Task, TaskStatus, CreateTaskInput, UpdateTaskInput } from '../../types/task.js'; import { TaskValidator } from '../validation/task-validator.js'; import { TaskCacheManager } from './task-cache-manager.js'; import { TaskEventHandler } from './task-event-handler.js'; import { TaskResourceHandler } from '../core/task-resource-handler.js'; import { TaskErrorFactory } from '../../errors/task-error.js'; import { TaskTransactionManager } from '../core/transactions/task-transaction-manager.js'; import { CascadeOperations } from '../operations/cascade-operations.js'; export class TaskManager { private static instance: TaskManager; private readonly logger: Logger; private readonly validator: TaskValidator; private readonly cache: TaskCacheManager; private readonly events: TaskEventHandler; private readonly transactionManager: TaskTransactionManager; private readonly resourceHandler: TaskResourceHandler; protected constructor(private readonly storage: TaskStorage) { this.logger = Logger.getInstance().child({ component: 'TaskManager' }); this.validator = new TaskValidator(storage); this.cache = new TaskCacheManager(); this.resourceHandler = TaskResourceHandler.getInstance(storage); = new TaskEventHandler(this.resourceHandler); this.transactionManager = new TaskTransactionManager(storage); } static async getInstance(storage?: TaskStorage): Promise<TaskManager> { if (!TaskManager.instance && !storage) { throw TaskErrorFactory.createTaskOperationError( 'TaskManager.getInstance', 'Storage must be provided when creating instance' ); } if (!TaskManager.instance && storage) { TaskManager.instance = new TaskManager(storage); await TaskManager.instance.initialize(); } return TaskManager.instance; } private async initialize(): Promise<void> { try {'Task manager initialized'); } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to initialize task manager', { error }); throw TaskErrorFactory.createTaskOperationError( 'TaskManager.initialize', 'Failed to initialize task manager', { error } ); } } async createTask(input: CreateTaskInput): Promise<Task> { try { const validationResult = await this.validator.validateCreate(input); if (!validationResult.success) { throw TaskErrorFactory.createTaskValidationError( 'TaskManager.createTask', validationResult.errors.join('; '), { input, validationDetails: validationResult.details, } ); } // Log warnings if any if (validationResult.warnings?.length) { this.logger.warn('Task creation validation warnings', { input, warnings: validationResult.warnings, details: validationResult.details, }); } // Log performance metrics if available if (validationResult.details?.performance) { this.logger.debug('Task creation validation performance', { input, performance: validationResult.details.performance, }); } const task = await; this.cache.set(task); await; return task; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to create task', { error, input }); throw error; } } async updateTask(path: string, updates: UpdateTaskInput): Promise<Task> { try { const existingTask = await this.getTask(path); if (!existingTask) { throw TaskErrorFactory.createTaskNotFoundError('TaskManager.updateTask', path); } // Always validate status transitions if status is being updated if (updates.status !== undefined && updates.status !== existingTask.status) { const statusValidation = await this.validator.validateStatusTransition( existingTask, updates.status, this.getTask.bind(this) ); // If auto-transition is suggested (e.g., to BLOCKED), use that status instead if (statusValidation.autoTransition) { updates.status = statusValidation.status;'Auto-transitioning task status', { path, originalStatus: updates.status, newStatus: statusValidation.status, }); } } return await this.transactionManager.executeUpdate(existingTask, updates, { validateUpdate: async () => { const validationResult = await this.validator.validateUpdate(path, updates); // Log warnings and performance metrics even if validation succeeds if (validationResult.warnings?.length) { this.logger.warn('Task update validation warnings', { path, updates, warnings: validationResult.warnings, details: validationResult.details, }); } if (validationResult.details?.performance) { this.logger.debug('Task update validation performance', { path, updates, performance: validationResult.details.performance, }); } return validationResult; }, handleDependencyUpdates: updates.dependencies ? () => this.handleDependencyUpdates(existingTask, updates.dependencies!) : undefined, handleStatusPropagation: updates.status !== undefined && updates.status !== existingTask.status ? () => this.handleStatusPropagation(existingTask, existingTask.status, updates.status!) : undefined, validateParentChildStatus: updates.status !== undefined && updates.status !== existingTask.status ? async () => { const siblings = existingTask.parentPath ? await this.getChildren(existingTask.parentPath) : []; return this.validator.validateParentChildStatus( existingTask, updates.status!, siblings, this.getTask.bind(this) ); } : undefined, emitEvents: async (updatedTask: Task) => { if (updates.status !== undefined && updates.status !== existingTask.status) { await updatedTask, existingTask.status, updates.status, { reason: 'dependency_update', oldStatus: existingTask.status, newStatus: updates.status, } ); } await; }, updateCache: (updatedTask: Task) => this.cache.set(updatedTask), }); } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to update task', { error, path, updates }); throw error; } } private async handleDependencyUpdates(task: Task, newDependencies: string[]): Promise<void> { const addedDeps = newDependencies.filter(dep => !task.dependencies.includes(dep)); const removedDeps = task.dependencies.filter(dep => !newDependencies.includes(dep)); await, { taskPath: task.path, addedDependencies: addedDeps, removedDependencies: removedDeps, }); if (task.status === TaskStatus.COMPLETED) { for (const depPath of addedDeps) { const depTask = await this.getTask(depPath); if (depTask && depTask.status === TaskStatus.BLOCKED) { await this.updateTask(depPath, { status: TaskStatus.PENDING }); } } } } private async handleStatusPropagation( task: Task, oldStatus: TaskStatus, newStatus: TaskStatus ): Promise<void> { if (task.parentPath && newStatus === TaskStatus.COMPLETED) { const parent = await this.getTask(task.parentPath); if (parent) { const siblings = await this.getChildren(task.parentPath); const allCompleted = siblings.every(s => s.path === task.path ? true : s.status === TaskStatus.COMPLETED ); if (allCompleted && parent.status !== TaskStatus.COMPLETED) { await, { status: TaskStatus.COMPLETED }); await parent, parent.status, TaskStatus.COMPLETED, => s.path) ); } } } if (newStatus === TaskStatus.CANCELLED) { const children = await this.getChildren(task.path); const incompleteTasks = children.filter(child => child.status !== TaskStatus.COMPLETED); if (incompleteTasks.length > 0) { await Promise.all( =>, { status: TaskStatus.CANCELLED }) ) ); await incompleteTasks, oldStatus, TaskStatus.CANCELLED, task.path ); } } if (newStatus === TaskStatus.COMPLETED) { const dependentTasks = await; for (const depTask of dependentTasks) { const allDepsCompleted = await this.areAllDependenciesCompleted(depTask); if (allDepsCompleted && depTask.status === TaskStatus.BLOCKED) { await this.updateTask(depTask.path, { status: TaskStatus.PENDING }); } } } } private async areAllDependenciesCompleted(task: Task): Promise<boolean> { for (const depPath of task.dependencies) { const depTask = await this.getTask(depPath); if (!depTask || depTask.status !== TaskStatus.COMPLETED) { return false; } } return true; } async getTask(path: string): Promise<Task | null> { try { const cached = this.cache.get(path); if (cached) { return cached; } const task = await; if (task) { this.cache.set(task); } return task; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to get task', { error, path }); throw error; } } async getTaskByPath(path: string): Promise<Task | null> { return this.getTask(path); } async getTasks(paths: string[]): Promise<Task[]> { try { const tasks: Task[] = []; const uncached: string[] = []; for (const path of paths) { const cached = this.cache.get(path); if (cached) { tasks.push(cached); } else { uncached.push(path); } } if (uncached.length > 0) { const fromStorage = await; for (const task of fromStorage) { this.cache.set(task); tasks.push(task); } } return tasks; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to get tasks', { error, paths }); throw error; } } async getTasksByPattern(pattern: string): Promise<Task[]> { try { const tasks = await; tasks.forEach(task => this.cache.set(task)); return tasks; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to get tasks by pattern', { error, pattern }); throw error; } } async listTasks(pattern: string): Promise<Task[]> { return this.getTasksByPattern(pattern); } async getTasksByStatus(status: TaskStatus): Promise<Task[]> { try { const tasks = await; tasks.forEach(task => this.cache.set(task)); return tasks; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to get tasks by status', { error, status }); throw error; } } async getChildren(parentPath: string): Promise<Task[]> { try { const tasks = await; tasks.forEach(task => this.cache.set(task)); return tasks; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to get child tasks', { error, parentPath }); throw error; } } async deleteTask( path: string, strategy: 'cascade' | 'orphan' | 'block' = 'block' ): Promise<{ deleted: string[]; orphaned: string[]; blocked: string[] }> { try { const task = await this.getTask(path); if (!task) { throw TaskErrorFactory.createTaskNotFoundError('TaskManager.deleteTask', path); } // Create cascade operations instance const cascadeOps = new CascadeOperations(; const result = await cascadeOps.deleteWithChildren(path, strategy); // Update cache for all affected tasks result.deleted.forEach((deletedPath: string) => this.cache.delete(deletedPath)); // Emit events await; if (result.orphaned.length > 0) { const orphanedTasks = await this.getTasks(result.orphaned); for (const orphanedTask of orphanedTasks) { await; } } return result; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to delete task', { error, path, strategy }); throw error; } } async deleteTasks( paths: string[], strategy: 'cascade' | 'orphan' | 'block' = 'block' ): Promise<{ deleted: string[]; orphaned: string[]; blocked: string[] }> { try { const result = { deleted: [] as string[], orphaned: [] as string[], blocked: [] as string[], }; for (const path of paths) { const taskResult = await this.deleteTask(path, strategy); result.deleted.push(...taskResult.deleted); result.orphaned.push(...taskResult.orphaned); result.blocked.push(...taskResult.blocked); } return result; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to delete tasks', { error, paths, strategy }); throw error; } } async clearAllTasks(confirm = false): Promise<void> { if (!confirm) { throw TaskErrorFactory.createTaskOperationError( 'TaskManager.clearAllTasks', 'Confirmation required to clear all tasks' ); } try { await; this.cache.clear(); await; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to clear all tasks', { error }); throw error; } } async sortTasksByDependencies( tasks: { path: string; dependencies: string[] }[] ): Promise<string[]> { const visited = new Set<string>(); const sorted: string[] = []; const visiting = new Set<string>(); const visit = async (path: string, deps: string[]) => { if (visited.has(path)) return; if (visiting.has(path)) { throw TaskErrorFactory.createTaskOperationError( 'TaskManager.sortTasksByDependencies', 'Circular dependency detected', { path } ); } visiting.add(path); for (const dep of deps) { const depTask = tasks.find(t => t.path === dep); if (depTask) { await visit(depTask.path, depTask.dependencies); } } visiting.delete(path); visited.add(path); sorted.push(path); }; for (const task of tasks) { await visit(task.path, task.dependencies); } return sorted; } async vacuumDatabase(analyze = false): Promise<void> { try { await; if (analyze) { await; } } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to vacuum database', { error }); throw error; } } async repairRelationships(dryRun = false): Promise<{ fixed: number; issues: string[]; }> { try { return await; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to repair relationships', { error }); throw error; } } onTaskEvent( event: 'created' | 'updated' | 'deleted' | 'cleared', handler: (task?: Task) => Promise<void> ): void {, handler); } offTaskEvent( event: 'created' | 'updated' | 'deleted' | 'cleared', handler: (task?: Task) => Promise<void> ): void {, handler); } getStorage(): TaskStorage { return; } async getMetrics(): Promise<{ tasks: { total: number; byStatus: Record<TaskStatus, number>; noteCount: number; dependencyCount: number; }; cache: { hitRate: number; memoryUsage: number; entryCount: number; }; }> { const metrics = await; const cacheMetrics = this.cache.getMetrics(); return { tasks: metrics.tasks, cache: cacheMetrics, }; } async clearCaches(): Promise<void> { this.cache.clear(); await; } async close(): Promise<void> { await; this.cache.clear();; } // Resource-related methods async getTaskResource(uri: string): Promise<Resource> { return this.resourceHandler.getTaskResource(uri); } async listTaskResources(): Promise<Resource[]> { return this.resourceHandler.listTaskResources(); } async getHierarchyResource(rootPath: string): Promise<Resource> { const tasks = await this.getTasksByPattern(`${rootPath}/*`); return { uri: `hierarchy://${rootPath}`, name: `Task Hierarchy: ${rootPath}`, mimeType: 'application/json', text: JSON.stringify( => ({ id:, path: task.path, name:, type: task.type, status: task.status, parentPath: task.parentPath, dependencies: task.dependencies, })), null, 2 ), }; } async getStatusResource(taskPath: string): Promise<Resource> { const task = await this.getTask(taskPath); if (!task) { throw new Error(`Task not found: ${taskPath}`); } const children = await this.getChildren(taskPath); const dependencies = await this.getTasks(task.dependencies); return { uri: `status://${taskPath}`, name: `Task Status: ${}`, mimeType: 'application/json', text: JSON.stringify( { task: { id:, path: task.path, name:, status: task.status, statusMetadata: task.statusMetadata, }, children: => ({ id:, path: child.path, name:, status: child.status, })), dependencies: => ({ id:, path: dep.path, name:, status: dep.status, })), }, null, 2 ), }; } }