MCP GitHub Issue Server

import { Logger } from '../../logging/index.js'; import { TransactionLogger } from '../../logging/transaction-logger.js'; import { TaskStorage } from '../../types/storage.js'; import { Task, TaskStatus, CreateTaskInput, UpdateTaskInput } from '../../types/task.js'; import { TaskIndexManager } from './indexing/index-manager.js'; import { TaskCacheManager } from '../manager/task-cache-manager.js'; import { TaskErrorFactory } from '../../errors/task-error.js'; import { TaskVisualizer } from '../../visualization/task-visualizer.js'; import { CascadeOperations } from '../operations/cascade-operations.js'; import path from 'path'; /** * Core task store implementation */ export class TaskStore { private readonly logger: Logger; private readonly transactionLogger: TransactionLogger; private readonly indexManager: TaskIndexManager; private readonly cacheManager: TaskCacheManager; private readonly visualizer: TaskVisualizer; private readonly cascadeOps: CascadeOperations; constructor( private readonly storage: TaskStorage, config: { workspaceDir: string } ) { this.logger = Logger.getInstance().child({ component: 'TaskStore' }); this.transactionLogger = TransactionLogger.getInstance(); this.indexManager = new TaskIndexManager(); this.cacheManager = new TaskCacheManager(); this.cascadeOps = new CascadeOperations(storage); // Initialize visualizer with workspace directory const visualizerDir = path.join(config.workspaceDir, 'visualizations');'Initializing task visualizer', { outputDir: visualizerDir }); this.visualizer = new TaskVisualizer({ outputDir: visualizerDir, formats: ['markdown', 'json'], }); } /** * Initialize store */ async initialize(): Promise<void> { try { await; // Initial visualization of all tasks const tasks = await'**'); await this.visualizer.updateVisualizations(tasks);'Task store initialized'); } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to initialize task store', { error }); throw TaskErrorFactory.createTaskOperationError( 'TaskStore.initialize', 'Failed to initialize task store' ); } } /** * Create a new task */ async createTask(input: CreateTaskInput): Promise<Task> { const startTime =; try { const task = await; await this.indexManager.indexTask(task); this.cacheManager.set(task); // Update visualizations const allTasks = await'**'); await this.visualizer.updateVisualizations(allTasks); await this.transactionLogger.logTransaction( 'createTask', task, { toStatus: task.status, dependencies: task.dependencies, metadata: task.metadata, }, startTime ); return task; } catch (error) { const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'; await this.transactionLogger.logTransaction( 'createTask', { path: input.path } as Task, // Minimal task info for logging { error: errorMessage, metadata: input.metadata, }, startTime ); this.logger.error('Failed to create task', { error, context: { input }, }); throw error; } } /** * Update an existing task */ async updateTask(path: string, updates: UpdateTaskInput): Promise<Task> { const startTime =; try { const existingTask = await; if (!existingTask) { throw new Error(`Task not found: ${path}`); } const task = await, updates); await this.indexManager.indexTask(task); this.cacheManager.set(task); // Update visualizations const allTasks = await'**'); await this.visualizer.updateVisualizations(allTasks); await this.transactionLogger.logTransaction( 'updateTask', task, { fromStatus: existingTask.status, toStatus: updates.status, dependencies: updates.dependencies, metadata: updates.metadata, warnings: this.getUpdateWarnings(existingTask, updates), }, startTime ); return task; } catch (error) { const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'; await this.transactionLogger.logTransaction( 'updateTask', { path } as Task, { error: errorMessage, metadata: updates.metadata, }, startTime ); this.logger.error('Failed to update task', { error, context: { path, updates }, }); throw error; } } /** * Get a task by path */ async getTask(path: string): Promise<Task | null> { try { // Check cache first const cached = this.cacheManager.get(path); if (cached) { return cached; } // Check index const indexed = this.indexManager.getTask(path); if (indexed) { const task = await; if (task) { this.cacheManager.set(task); return task; } } // Get from storage const task = await; if (task) { await this.indexManager.indexTask(task); this.cacheManager.set(task); } return task; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to get task', { error, context: { path }, }); throw error; } } /** * Get multiple tasks by paths */ async getTasks(paths: string[]): Promise<Task[]> { try { const tasks: Task[] = []; const uncached: string[] = []; // Check cache first for (const path of paths) { const cached = this.cacheManager.get(path); if (cached) { tasks.push(cached); } else { uncached.push(path); } } // Get remaining from storage if (uncached.length > 0) { const fromStorage = await; for (const task of fromStorage) { await this.indexManager.indexTask(task); this.cacheManager.set(task); tasks.push(task); } } return tasks; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to get tasks', { error, context: { paths }, }); throw error; } } /** * Get tasks by pattern */ async getTasksByPattern(pattern: string): Promise<Task[]> { try { // Check index first const indexed = this.indexManager.getTasksByPattern(pattern); if (indexed.length > 0) { return await this.getTasks( => t.path)); } // Get from storage const tasks = await; for (const task of tasks) { await this.indexManager.indexTask(task); this.cacheManager.set(task); } return tasks; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to get tasks by pattern', { error, context: { pattern }, }); throw error; } } /** * Get tasks by status */ async getTasksByStatus(status: TaskStatus): Promise<Task[]> { try { // Check index first const indexed = this.indexManager.getTasksByStatus(status); if (indexed.length > 0) { return await this.getTasks( => t.path)); } // Get from storage const tasks = await; for (const task of tasks) { await this.indexManager.indexTask(task); this.cacheManager.set(task); } return tasks; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to get tasks by status', { error, context: { status }, }); throw error; } } /** * Get child tasks */ async getChildren(parentPath: string): Promise<Task[]> { try { // Check index first const indexed = this.indexManager.getChildren(parentPath); if (indexed.length > 0) { return await this.getTasks( => t.path)); } // Get from storage const tasks = await; for (const task of tasks) { await this.indexManager.indexTask(task); this.cacheManager.set(task); } return tasks; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to get child tasks', { error, context: { parentPath }, }); throw error; } } /** * Delete a task with specified strategy for handling children */ async deleteTask( path: string, strategy: 'cascade' | 'orphan' | 'block' = 'block' ): Promise<void> { const startTime =; try { const existingTask = await; if (!existingTask) { throw new Error(`Task not found: ${path}`); } // Use cascade operations to handle deletion with children const result = await this.cascadeOps.deleteWithChildren(path, strategy); // Update cache and index for all affected tasks for (const deletedPath of result.deleted) { await this.indexManager.removeTask(deletedPath); this.cacheManager.delete(deletedPath); } // Update visualizations const allTasks = await'**'); await this.visualizer.updateVisualizations(allTasks); await this.transactionLogger.logTransaction( 'deleteTask', existingTask, { strategy, deleted: result.deleted, orphaned: result.orphaned, blocked: result.blocked, fromStatus: existingTask.status, dependencies: existingTask.dependencies, metadata: existingTask.metadata, }, startTime ); } catch (error) { const errorMessage = error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'; await this.transactionLogger.logTransaction( 'deleteTask', { path } as Task, { error: errorMessage }, startTime ); this.logger.error('Failed to delete task', { error, context: { path, strategy }, }); throw error; } } /** * Delete multiple tasks */ async deleteTasks( paths: string[], strategy: 'cascade' | 'orphan' | 'block' = 'block' ): Promise<void> { try { for (const path of paths) { await this.deleteTask(path, strategy); } } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to delete tasks', { error, context: { paths, strategy }, }); throw error; } } /** * Clear all tasks */ async clearAllTasks(): Promise<void> { try { await; await this.indexManager.clearIndex(); this.cacheManager.clear(); // Update visualizations with empty task list await this.visualizer.updateVisualizations([]); } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to clear all tasks', { error }); throw error; } } /** * Clean up orphaned tasks */ async cleanupOrphans(): Promise<{ fixed: number; errors: Array<{ path: string; error: string }>; }> { return await this.cascadeOps.cleanupOrphans(); } /** * Validate parent-child relationships */ async validateRelationships(): Promise<{ valid: boolean; issues: Array<{ type: string; path: string; details: string }>; }> { return await this.cascadeOps.validateRelationships(); } /** * Get warnings for task updates */ private getUpdateWarnings(existingTask: Task, updates: UpdateTaskInput): string[] { const warnings: string[] = []; // Check for potentially risky status changes if (updates.status === 'COMPLETED' && existingTask.status === 'BLOCKED') { warnings.push('Completing task that was previously blocked'); } // Check for dependency changes if (updates.dependencies && existingTask.dependencies) { const removedDeps = existingTask.dependencies.filter( dep => !updates.dependencies?.includes(dep) ); if (removedDeps.length > 0) { warnings.push(`Removing dependencies: ${removedDeps.join(', ')}`); } } // Check metadata changes if (updates.metadata && existingTask.metadata) { const existingKeys = Object.keys(existingTask.metadata); const updatedKeys = Object.keys(updates.metadata); const removedKeys = existingKeys.filter(key => !updatedKeys.includes(key)); if (removedKeys.length > 0) { warnings.push(`Removing metadata fields: ${removedKeys.join(', ')}`); } } return warnings; } /** * Get store metrics */ async getMetrics(): Promise<{ tasks: { totalTasks: number; byStatus: Record<TaskStatus, number>; byType: Record<string, number>; dependencyCount: number; }; cache: { hitRate: number; memoryUsage: number; entryCount: number; }; }> { const indexMetrics = this.indexManager.getMetrics(); const cacheMetrics = this.cacheManager.getMetrics(); return { tasks: { totalTasks: indexMetrics.totalTasks, byStatus: indexMetrics.byStatus, byType: indexMetrics.byType, dependencyCount: indexMetrics.dependencyCount, }, cache: cacheMetrics, }; } }