MCP GitHub Issue Server

import { Logger } from '../../../logging/index.js'; import { EventManager } from '../../../events/event-manager.js'; import { EventTypes } from '../../../types/events.js'; import { CacheMetrics } from './cache-metrics.js'; import { CacheOptions, CacheEntry } from '../../../types/cache.js'; export class CacheManager { private readonly cache: Map<string, CacheEntry<any>>; private readonly logger: Logger; private readonly metrics: CacheMetrics; private readonly eventManager: EventManager; private cleanupInterval?: NodeJS.Timeout; private metricsInterval?: NodeJS.Timeout; private readonly options: Required<CacheOptions>; private static instance: CacheManager | null = null; private constructor(options: CacheOptions = {}) { this.cache = new Map(); this.logger = Logger.getInstance().child({ component: 'CacheManager' }); this.metrics = new CacheMetrics(); this.eventManager = EventManager.getInstance(); // Set default options this.options = { maxSize: options.maxSize || 500, // Reduced default size for VSCode ttl: options.ttl || 60 * 1000, // 1 minute default TTL cleanupInterval: options.cleanupInterval || 15 * 1000, // 15 seconds cleanup baseTTL: options.baseTTL || 30 * 1000, // 30 seconds base TTL maxTTL: options.maxTTL || 2 * 60 * 1000, // 2 minutes max TTL }; this.startCleanupInterval(); this.startMetricsInterval(); } static getInstance(options?: CacheOptions): CacheManager { if (!CacheManager.instance) { CacheManager.instance = new CacheManager(options); } return CacheManager.instance; } static resetInstance(): void { if (CacheManager.instance) { CacheManager.instance.stop(); CacheManager.instance = null; } } async get<T>(key: string): Promise<T | undefined> { const entry = this.cache.get(key); if (!entry) { this.metrics.recordMiss(); return undefined; } // Check if entry has expired if ( > entry.expires) { this.cache.delete(key); this.metrics.recordMiss(); this.updateMetrics(); return undefined; } // Update last accessed time and extend TTL if needed const now =; entry.lastAccessed = now; // Extend TTL if more than half has elapsed const elapsed = now - (entry.expires - this.options.ttl); if (elapsed > this.options.ttl / 2) { const newTTL = Math.min(this.options.ttl * 1.5, this.options.maxTTL); entry.expires = now + newTTL; } this.metrics.recordHit(); return entry.value; } async set<T>(key: string, value: T, ttl?: number): Promise<void> { // Check cache size and cleanup if needed if (this.cache.size >= this.options.maxSize) { await this.cleanup(); // Try cleanup first if (this.cache.size >= this.options.maxSize) { await this.evictLeastRecentlyUsed(); } } const expires = + (ttl || this.options.ttl); this.cache.set(key, { value, expires, lastAccessed:, size: this.estimateSize(value), }); this.updateMetrics(); } async invalidate(pattern?: string): Promise<void> { const startTime =; let removedCount = 0; if (pattern) { const regex = new RegExp(pattern); for (const key of this.cache.keys()) { if (regex.test(key)) { this.cache.delete(key); removedCount++; } } } else { removedCount = this.cache.size; this.cache.clear(); } this.metrics.recordInvalidation(); this.updateMetrics(); this.eventManager.emit({ type: EventTypes.CACHE_INVALIDATED, timestamp:, batchId: `cache_invalidate_${}`, metadata: { pattern, entriesRemoved: removedCount, entriesRemaining: this.cache.size, duration: - startTime, }, }); } async reduce(percentage: number = 0.5): Promise<void> { const startSize = this.cache.size; const targetSize = Math.floor(startSize * (1 - percentage)); await this.evictEntries(startSize - targetSize); const endSize = this.cache.size; this.updateMetrics();'Cache reduced', { startSize, endSize, reduction: startSize - endSize, targetReduction: startSize - targetSize, }); } async delete(key: string): Promise<void> { const deleted = this.cache.delete(key); if (deleted) { this.updateMetrics(); } } async clear(): Promise<void> { const startSize = this.cache.size; this.cache.clear(); this.metrics.recordClear(); this.updateMetrics(); this.eventManager.emit({ type: EventTypes.CACHE_CLEARED, timestamp:, batchId: `cache_clear_${}`, metadata: { entriesCleared: startSize, reason: 'manual_clear', }, }); } getMetrics(): Record<string, unknown> { return { ...this.metrics.getMetrics(), currentSize: this.cache.size, maxSize: this.options.maxSize, usage: Math.round((this.cache.size / this.options.maxSize) * 100), }; } private startCleanupInterval(): void { if (this.cleanupInterval) { clearInterval(this.cleanupInterval); } this.cleanupInterval = setInterval(() => { this.cleanup().catch(error => { this.logger.error('Cache cleanup failed', { error }); }); }, this.options.cleanupInterval); } private startMetricsInterval(): void { if (this.metricsInterval) { clearInterval(this.metricsInterval); } this.metricsInterval = setInterval(() => { this.checkCacheSize(); }, 30000); // Every 30 seconds } private checkCacheSize(): void { const currentSize = this.cache.size; const maxSize = this.options.maxSize; const memoryUsage = process.memoryUsage(); const heapUsed = memoryUsage.heapUsed / memoryUsage.heapTotal; // Check both cache size and memory pressure const isHighCacheUsage = currentSize > maxSize * 0.6; // Lowered threshold const isHighMemoryPressure = heapUsed > 0.7; if (isHighCacheUsage || isHighMemoryPressure) { const reductionRatio = this.calculateReductionRatio(heapUsed, currentSize / maxSize); this.logger.warn('Resource pressure detected', { cacheUsage: { currentSize, maxSize, usage: `${Math.round((currentSize / maxSize) * 100)}%`, }, memoryUsage: { heapUsed: `${Math.round(heapUsed * 100)}%`, rss: `${Math.round(memoryUsage.rss / 1024 / 1024)}MB`, heapTotal: `${Math.round(memoryUsage.heapTotal / 1024 / 1024)}MB`, }, action: { type: 'cache_reduction', ratio: reductionRatio, trigger: isHighMemoryPressure ? 'memory_pressure' : 'cache_usage', }, }); // Immediate cleanup followed by reduction if needed this.cleanup() .then(() => { if (this.cache.size > maxSize * 0.5) { return this.reduce(reductionRatio); } return Promise.resolve(); }) .catch(error => { this.logger.error('Failed to manage cache size', { error }); return Promise.reject(error); }); } } /** * Calculate cache reduction ratio based on pressure metrics */ private calculateReductionRatio(heapUsage: number, cacheUsage: number): number { // Base reduction on the more severe pressure metric const memoryPressure = Math.max(0, (heapUsage - 0.7) / 0.3); // Scale 0-1 above 70% const cachePressure = Math.max(0, (cacheUsage - 0.6) / 0.4); // Scale 0-1 above 60% const pressure = Math.max(memoryPressure, cachePressure); // Progressive reduction: more pressure = more aggressive reduction if (pressure > 0.8) return 0.6; // Critical: 60% reduction if (pressure > 0.5) return 0.4; // High: 40% reduction if (pressure > 0.3) return 0.25; // Moderate: 25% reduction return 0.15; // Low: 15% reduction } private async cleanup(): Promise<void> { const now =; let removed = 0; let totalSize = 0; const totalMemoryBefore = process.memoryUsage().heapUsed; // Enhanced two-phase cleanup with priority const toRemove: Array<{ key: string; priority: number }> = []; // Mark phase with priority calculation for (const [key, entry] of this.cache.entries()) { const age = now - entry.lastAccessed; const timeToExpire = entry.expires - now; const size = entry.size || 0; totalSize += size; // Calculate removal priority let priority = 0; if (now > entry.expires) { priority = 1; // Expired entries highest priority } else { // Priority based on age, size, and time to expire const ageFactor = age / this.options.ttl; const sizeFactor = size / (totalSize / this.cache.size); // Relative to average size const expireFactor = 1 - timeToExpire / this.options.ttl; priority = ageFactor * 0.4 + sizeFactor * 0.3 + expireFactor * 0.3; } toRemove.push({ key, priority }); } // Sort by priority and remove top candidates toRemove.sort((a, b) => b.priority - a.priority); // Remove entries with high priority or if memory pressure is high const memoryPressure = process.memoryUsage().heapUsed / process.memoryUsage().heapTotal; const removalThreshold = memoryPressure > 0.8 ? 0.3 : 0.7; // More aggressive under pressure for (const { key, priority } of toRemove) { if (priority > removalThreshold) { this.cache.delete(key); removed++; } } if (removed > 0) { const totalMemoryAfter = process.memoryUsage().heapUsed; const memorySaved = Math.max(0, totalMemoryBefore - totalMemoryAfter); this.updateMetrics(); this.logger.debug('Cache cleanup completed', { entriesRemoved: removed, remainingEntries: this.cache.size, totalSize: `${Math.round(totalSize / 1024)}KB`, memorySaved: `${Math.round(memorySaved / 1024)}KB`, memoryPressure: `${Math.round(memoryPressure * 100)}%`, }); // Emit cleanup event this.eventManager.emit({ type: EventTypes.CACHE_CLEANED, timestamp: now, batchId: `cache_cleanup_${now}`, metadata: { entriesRemoved: removed, memorySaved, trigger: memoryPressure > 0.8 ? 'high_memory_pressure' : 'routine', }, }); } } private async evictLeastRecentlyUsed(): Promise<void> { let oldest: { key: string; lastAccessed: number } | null = null; for (const [key, entry] of this.cache.entries()) { if (!oldest || entry.lastAccessed < oldest.lastAccessed) { oldest = { key, lastAccessed: entry.lastAccessed }; } } if (oldest) { this.cache.delete(oldest.key); this.updateMetrics(); this.logger.debug('Evicted LRU entry', { key: oldest.key }); } } private async evictEntries(count: number): Promise<void> { // Sort entries by last accessed time and size const entries = Array.from(this.cache.entries()).sort(([, a], [, b]) => { // Prioritize removing larger, older entries const ageDiff = a.lastAccessed - b.lastAccessed; const sizeDiff = (b.size || 0) - (a.size || 0); return ageDiff + sizeDiff; }); // Remove entries let removed = 0; for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(count, entries.length); i++) { this.cache.delete(entries[i][0]); removed++; } if (removed > 0) { this.updateMetrics(); this.logger.debug('Evicted entries', { count: removed }); } } private estimateSize(value: any): number { try { // More accurate size estimation for VSCode environment let size = 0; if (typeof value === 'string') { size = value.length * 2; // UTF-16 characters } else if (typeof value === 'number') { size = 8; // 64-bit number } else if (typeof value === 'boolean') { size = 4; } else if (value === null || value === undefined) { size = 0; } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { size = value.reduce((acc, item) => acc + this.estimateSize(item), 0); } else if (typeof value === 'object') { size = Object.entries(value).reduce( (acc, [key, val]) => acc + key.length * 2 + this.estimateSize(val), 0 ); } // Add overhead for object structure return size + 32; // Base object overhead } catch { return 2048; // Conservative 2KB estimate if calculation fails } } private updateMetrics(): void { this.metrics.updateSize(this.cache.size); } stop(): void { if (this.cleanupInterval) { clearInterval(this.cleanupInterval); this.cleanupInterval = undefined; } if (this.metricsInterval) { clearInterval(this.metricsInterval); this.metricsInterval = undefined; } this.cache.clear(); this.metrics.recordClear(); this.updateMetrics();'Cache manager stopped', { finalMetrics: this.getMetrics(), }); } }