MCP GitHub Issue Server

import { Task, TaskStatus } from '../../../../types/task.js'; import { Logger } from '../../../../logging/index.js'; import { TaskErrorFactory } from '../../../../errors/task-error.js'; export enum ValidationMode { STRICT = 'strict', // All dependencies must exist and be valid LENIENT = 'lenient', // Allow missing dependencies but validate existing ones DEFERRED = 'deferred', // Delay validation for bulk operations } export interface ValidationOptions { mode?: ValidationMode; maxDepth?: number; maxDependencies?: number; validateStatus?: boolean; suggestSimilar?: boolean; } export interface DependencyValidationResult { valid: boolean; errors: Array<{ type: 'missing' | 'invalid' | 'circular' | 'status'; message: string; path: string; suggestion?: string; }>; warnings: string[]; details?: { missingDependencies?: string[]; invalidDependencies?: string[]; statusConflicts?: Array<{ path: string; currentStatus: TaskStatus; requiredStatus: TaskStatus; }>; suggestions?: Array<{ path: string; similarPaths: string[]; similarity: number; }>; }; } export class DependencyValidationService { private readonly logger: Logger; constructor( private readonly getTask: (path: string) => Promise<Task | null>, private readonly getAllTasks: () => Promise<Task[]>, private readonly options: ValidationOptions = {} ) { this.logger = Logger.getInstance().child({ component: 'DependencyValidationService' }); } /** * Validate task dependencies with detailed feedback */ async validateDependencies( task: Task, dependencies: string[], mode: ValidationMode = ValidationMode.STRICT ): Promise<DependencyValidationResult> { const result: DependencyValidationResult = { valid: true, errors: [], warnings: [], details: { missingDependencies: [], invalidDependencies: [], statusConflicts: [], suggestions: [], }, }; try { // Check dependency count if (dependencies.length > (this.options.maxDependencies || 50)) { result.errors.push({ type: 'invalid', message: `Maximum number of dependencies (${this.options.maxDependencies}) exceeded`, path: task.path, }); result.valid = false; return result; } // Check each dependency for (const depPath of dependencies) { const depTask = await this.getTask(depPath); if (!depTask) { result.details!.missingDependencies!.push(depPath); // Generate suggestions for missing dependencies if enabled if (this.options.suggestSimilar) { const suggestions = await this.findSimilarTasks(depPath); if (suggestions.length > 0) { result.details!.suggestions!.push({ path: depPath, similarPaths: => s.path), similarity: suggestions[0].similarity, }); } } if (mode === ValidationMode.STRICT) { result.errors.push({ type: 'missing', message: `Dependency not found: ${depPath}`, path: depPath, suggestion: result.details!.suggestions!.find(s => s.path === depPath) ? `Did you mean: ${result.details!.suggestions!.find(s => s.path === depPath)!.similarPaths.join(', ')}?` : undefined, }); } else { result.warnings.push(`Missing dependency will need to be created: ${depPath}`); } continue; } // Validate status if enabled if (this.options.validateStatus) { if (depTask.status === TaskStatus.CANCELLED) { result.details!.statusConflicts!.push({ path: depPath, currentStatus: depTask.status, requiredStatus: TaskStatus.COMPLETED, }); if (mode === ValidationMode.STRICT) { result.errors.push({ type: 'status', message: `Cannot depend on cancelled task: ${depPath}`, path: depPath, }); } } } // Check for circular dependencies const hasCycle = await this.detectCycle(task, depPath, new Set()); if (hasCycle) { result.errors.push({ type: 'circular', message: `Circular dependency detected: ${task.path} -> ${depPath}`, path: depPath, }); } } // Update validity based on mode if (mode === ValidationMode.STRICT) { result.valid = result.errors.length === 0; } else if (mode === ValidationMode.LENIENT) { result.valid = result.errors.filter(e => e.type !== 'missing').length === 0; } else { result.valid = true; // DEFERRED mode always passes validation } return result; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Dependency validation failed', { error, task: task.path }); throw TaskErrorFactory.createTaskValidationError( 'DependencyValidationService.validateDependencies', error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Validation failed', { task: task.path } ); } } /** * Find similar task paths using Levenshtein distance */ private async findSimilarTasks( path: string ): Promise<Array<{ path: string; similarity: number }>> { const allTasks = await this.getAllTasks(); return allTasks .map(t => ({ path: t.path, similarity: this.calculateSimilarity(path, t.path), })) .filter(result => result.similarity > 0.7) // Only return highly similar paths .sort((a, b) => b.similarity - a.similarity) .slice(0, 3); // Return top 3 suggestions } /** * Calculate similarity between two paths */ private calculateSimilarity(path1: string, path2: string): number { const maxLength = Math.max(path1.length, path2.length); if (maxLength === 0) return 1.0; const distance = this.levenshteinDistance(path1, path2); return 1 - distance / maxLength; } /** * Calculate Levenshtein distance between two strings */ private levenshteinDistance(str1: string, str2: string): number { const m = str1.length; const n = str2.length; const dp: number[][] = Array(m + 1) .fill(0) .map(() => Array(n + 1).fill(0)); for (let i = 0; i <= m; i++) dp[i][0] = i; for (let j = 0; j <= n; j++) dp[0][j] = j; for (let i = 1; i <= m; i++) { for (let j = 1; j <= n; j++) { if (str1[i - 1] === str2[j - 1]) { dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - 1]; } else { dp[i][j] = 1 + Math.min( dp[i - 1][j], // deletion dp[i][j - 1], // insertion dp[i - 1][j - 1] // substitution ); } } } return dp[m][n]; } /** * Detect circular dependencies */ private async detectCycle( task: Task, targetPath: string, visited: Set<string> ): Promise<boolean> { if (task.path === targetPath) return true; if (visited.has(task.path)) return false; visited.add(task.path); for (const depPath of task.dependencies) { const depTask = await this.getTask(depPath); if (depTask && (await this.detectCycle(depTask, targetPath, visited))) { return true; } } visited.delete(task.path); return false; } }