MCP GitHub Issue Server
by sammcj
import { Logger } from '../../../logging/index.js';
import { Connection } from '../../connection/index.js';
import { SqliteQueryBuilder } from '../builder/sqlite-query-builder.js';
import { JoinType } from '../builder/query-builder.js';
import { StorageErrorHandler, STORAGE_CONSTANTS, PlatformCapabilities } from '../../utils/index.js';
import { QueryOptimizer } from './index.js';
interface QueryPlan {
steps: QueryStep[];
estimatedRows: number;
usedIndexes: string[];
cost: number;
interface QueryStep {
type: 'scan' | 'index' | 'join' | 'filter';
table: string;
cost: number;
details: {
filterType?: 'where' | 'having';
text?: string;
indexUsed?: string;
joinType?: string;
joinColumn?: string;
tempTable?: boolean;
leftColumn?: string;
rightColumn?: string;
interface IndexSuggestion {
table: string;
columns: string[];
reason: string;
estimatedImprovement: number;
* SQLite query optimizer for analyzing and improving query performance
export class SqliteOptimizer implements QueryOptimizer {
private readonly logger: Logger;
private readonly errorHandler: StorageErrorHandler;
private readonly platformConfig = PlatformCapabilities.getSqliteConfig();
private readonly maxMemory = PlatformCapabilities.getMaxMemory();
private readonly isMemoryConstrained = this.maxMemory < 512 * 1024 * 1024; // Less than 512MB
constructor(private readonly _connection: Connection) {
this.logger = Logger.getInstance().child({ component: 'SqliteOptimizer' });
this.errorHandler = new StorageErrorHandler('SqliteOptimizer');
* Create a new query builder with platform-specific settings
private createBuilder(): SqliteQueryBuilder {
return new SqliteQueryBuilder();
* Create a hint query that never executes but includes a unique identifier
* @param name Used to create unique hint identifiers in optimized queries
private createHintQuery(name: string): SqliteQueryBuilder {
const builder = this.createBuilder();
// Use name to create a unique identifier in the query
const uniqueIdentifier = `hint_${name}_${}`;
return builder
.select([`1 as ${uniqueIdentifier}`])
.where([{ column: '1', operator: '=', value: 0 }]);
* Find columns that could benefit from indexes
private findIndexableColumns(step: QueryStep): string[] {
const columns: string[] = [];
// Extract columns from WHERE clauses
if (step.details.filterType === 'where') {
const whereMatch = step.details.text?.match(/WHERE (\w+)/);
if (whereMatch) {
// Extract columns from ORDER BY
const orderMatch = step.details.text?.match(/ORDER BY (\w+)/);
if (orderMatch) {
return columns;
* Estimate improvement from adding index
private estimateIndexImprovement(step: QueryStep): number {
if (step.type !== 'scan') return 0;
// Base improvement estimate
let improvement = 50;
// Adjust based on step details
if (step.details.filterType === 'where') {
improvement += 20; // WHERE clauses benefit more
if (step.details.text?.includes('ORDER BY')) {
improvement += 10; // ORDER BY benefits from index
return Math.min(improvement, 90); // Cap at 90%
* Analyze query and generate execution plan
async analyze(builder: SqliteQueryBuilder): Promise<QueryPlan> {
let explainSql = 'EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN';
try {
const query =;
explainSql = `EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN ${query.sql}`;
interface ExplainRow {
detail: string;
tbl_name: string;
const planRows = await this._connection.execute<ExplainRow[]>(explainSql);
// Parse plan rows into structured format
const steps = this.parsePlanRows(planRows);
// Calculate metrics
const estimatedRows = this.calculateEstimatedRows(steps);
const usedIndexes = this.extractUsedIndexes(steps);
const cost = this.calculateQueryCost(steps);
const plan: QueryPlan = {
this.logger.debug('Query plan analyzed', { sql: query.sql, plan });
return plan;
} catch (error) {
this.errorHandler.handleQueryError(error, explainSql);
* Suggest indexes for query optimization
async suggestIndexes(builder: SqliteQueryBuilder): Promise<IndexSuggestion[]> {
try {
const suggestions: IndexSuggestion[] = [];
const plan = await this.analyze(builder);
// Find table scans that could benefit from indexes
for (const step of plan.steps) {
if (step.type === 'scan') {
const columns = this.findIndexableColumns(step);
if (columns.length > 0) {
table: step.table,
reason: 'Table scan detected',
estimatedImprovement: this.estimateIndexImprovement(step),
// Check for join operations without indexes
const joinSteps = plan.steps.filter(step => step.type === 'join');
for (const join of joinSteps) {
if (!join.details.indexUsed) {
const joinColumn = join.details.joinColumn;
if (joinColumn) {
table: join.table,
columns: [joinColumn],
reason: 'Join without index',
estimatedImprovement: 50, // Estimated improvement for indexed joins
this.logger.debug('Generated index suggestions', { suggestions });
return suggestions;
} catch (error) {
throw this.errorHandler.handleError(error, 'suggestIndexes');
* Rewrite query for better performance
async rewrite(builder: SqliteQueryBuilder): Promise<SqliteQueryBuilder> {
try {
const plan = await this.analyze(builder);
// Apply optimizations based on analysis
const optimized = this.applyOptimizations(plan);
// Copy original query properties;
if (builder.getFromTable()) {
this.logger.debug('Query rewritten', {
return optimized;
} catch (error) {
this.errorHandler.handleError(error, 'rewrite');
* Parse SQLite explain plan rows into structured format
private parsePlanRows(rows: { detail?: string; tbl_name?: string }[]): QueryStep[] {
return => {
const details: QueryStep['details'] = {};
let type: QueryStep['type'] = 'scan';
// Parse SQLite plan output format
const planText = row.detail || '';
if (planText.includes('USING INDEX')) {
type = 'index';
details.indexUsed = planText.match(/USING INDEX (\w+)/)?.[1];
} else if (planText.includes('JOIN')) {
type = 'join';
details.joinType = planText.match(/(\w+ JOIN)/)?.[1];
details.joinColumn = planText.match(/USING (\w+)/)?.[1];
} else if (planText.includes('FILTER')) {
type = 'filter';
details.filterType = planText.includes('WHERE') ? 'where' : 'having';
return {
table: row.tbl_name || '',
cost: this.estimateStepCost(type, planText),
* Calculate estimated number of rows
private calculateEstimatedRows(steps: QueryStep[]): number {
// Use highest row estimate from steps
// Use platform-specific page size for better estimates
const pageSize = this.platformConfig.pageSize;
const maxRowsPerPage = Math.floor(pageSize / 100); // Assume average row size of 100 bytes
return Math.max( => {
switch (step.type) {
case 'scan':
return maxRowsPerPage * 100; // Assume 100 pages for table scan
case 'index':
return maxRowsPerPage * 10; // Assume 10 pages for index scan
case 'filter':
return maxRowsPerPage; // Assume 1 page for filtered results
return 1;
* Extract used indexes from plan
private extractUsedIndexes(steps: QueryStep[]): string[] {
return steps
.filter(step => step.type === 'index')
.map(step => step.details.indexUsed)
.filter((index): index is string => !!index);
* Calculate overall query cost
private calculateQueryCost(steps: QueryStep[]): number {
// Adjust costs based on platform capabilities
const platformMultiplier = this.isMemoryConstrained ? 1.5 : 1.0;
return steps.reduce((total, step) => {
let stepCost = step.cost;
// Increase cost for memory-intensive operations on constrained devices
if (this.isMemoryConstrained) {
if (step.type === 'scan' && !step.details.indexUsed) {
stepCost *= 2; // Full table scans are more expensive
if (step.details.tempTable) {
stepCost *= 1.5; // Temp tables are more expensive
// Adjust for platform-specific optimizations
if (this.platformConfig.sharedMemory && step.type === 'index') {
stepCost *= 0.8; // Indexes are more efficient with shared memory
return total + stepCost * platformMultiplier;
}, 0);
* Estimate cost for a plan step
private estimateStepCost(type: QueryStep['type'], planText: string): number {
// Base costs adjusted for platform capabilities
const baseCosts = {
scan: this.isMemoryConstrained ? 150 : 100,
index: this.platformConfig.sharedMemory ? 8 : 10,
join: {
indexed: this.platformConfig.sharedMemory ? 15 : 20,
nonIndexed: this.isMemoryConstrained ? 75 : 50,
filter: this.isMemoryConstrained ? 8 : 5,
switch (type) {
case 'scan': {
// Adjust scan cost based on estimated table size
const estimatedRows = this.extractRowEstimate(planText);
const rowCost = this.isMemoryConstrained ? 0.1 : 0.05;
return baseCosts.scan + estimatedRows * rowCost;
case 'index':
// Adjust index cost based on index type
if (planText.includes('COVERING INDEX')) {
return baseCosts.index * 0.8; // Covering indexes are more efficient
return baseCosts.index;
case 'join':
if (planText.includes('USING INDEX')) {
return baseCosts.join.indexed;
// Nested loop joins are especially expensive on memory-constrained devices
if (planText.includes('NESTED LOOP') && this.isMemoryConstrained) {
return baseCosts.join.nonIndexed * 1.5;
return baseCosts.join.nonIndexed;
case 'filter':
// Adjust filter cost based on operation type
if (planText.includes('LIKE') || planText.includes('GLOB')) {
return baseCosts.filter * 1.5; // Pattern matching is more expensive
return baseCosts.filter;
return 1;
* Extract estimated number of rows from plan text
private extractRowEstimate(planText: string): number {
const match = planText.match(/rows=(\d+)/i);
return match ? parseInt(match[1], 10) : 1000; // Default estimate
* Apply platform-specific optimizations to query
private applyOptimizations(plan: QueryPlan): SqliteQueryBuilder {
const optimizedBuilder = this.createBuilder();
// Reorder joins based on cost
const joinSteps = plan.steps.filter(step => step.type === 'join');
joinSteps.sort((a, b) => a.cost - b.cost);
// Apply optimized join order
for (const step of joinSteps) {
type: (step.details.joinType?.replace(' JOIN', '') || 'INNER') as JoinType,
table: step.table,
on: {
leftColumn: step.details.leftColumn || '',
rightColumn: step.details.rightColumn || '',
// Add index hints where beneficial
const indexSteps = plan.steps.filter(step => step.type === 'index');
for (const step of indexSteps) {
if (step.details.indexUsed) {
const indexHint = this.createHintQuery(`idx_${step.details.indexUsed}`);
optimizedBuilder.with(`idx_${step.details.indexUsed}`, indexHint);
// Handle large result sets based on platform capabilities
if (plan.estimatedRows > STORAGE_CONSTANTS.MAX_VARIABLES) {
const tempTable = this.createBuilder();
if (this.isMemoryConstrained) {
// Use disk-based temp tables on memory-constrained devices
// Add chunking hints
const chunkSize = Math.floor(this.maxMemory / (plan.estimatedRows * 100));
const hintBuilder = this.createHintQuery(`chunk_size_${chunkSize}`);
.with(`chunk_size_${chunkSize}`, hintBuilder)
.with('temp_large_result', tempTable);
} else if (this.platformConfig.sharedMemory) {
// Use memory tables with shared memory
const memoryHint = this.createHintQuery('memory_table');
optimizedBuilder.with('memory_table', memoryHint).with('temp_large_result', tempTable);
} else {
// Use regular temp tables
const diskHint = this.createHintQuery('disk_table');
optimizedBuilder.with('disk_table', diskHint).with('temp_large_result', tempTable);
return optimizedBuilder;