MCP GitHub Issue Server

import { Logger } from '../../logging/index.js'; import { Connection } from '../connection/index.js'; import { QueryBuilder, SqlParameter } from './builder/query-builder.js'; import { StorageErrorHandler, STORAGE_CONSTANTS, STORAGE_ERROR_CODES, isTransientError, } from '../utils/index.js'; interface QueryExecutorOptions { maxRetries?: number; retryDelay?: number; timeout?: number; } interface QueryResult<T = unknown> { rows: T[]; rowCount: number; duration: number; } /** * Query executor for running queries with retries and error handling */ export class QueryExecutor { private readonly logger: Logger; private readonly errorHandler: StorageErrorHandler; private readonly options: Required<QueryExecutorOptions>; constructor(options: QueryExecutorOptions = {}) { this.logger = Logger.getInstance().child({ component: 'QueryExecutor' }); this.errorHandler = new StorageErrorHandler('QueryExecutor'); this.options = { maxRetries: options.maxRetries ?? STORAGE_CONSTANTS.MAX_RETRIES, retryDelay: options.retryDelay ?? STORAGE_CONSTANTS.RETRY_DELAY, timeout: options.timeout ?? STORAGE_CONSTANTS.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, }; } /** * Execute a query built by the query builder */ async execute<T = unknown>(builder: QueryBuilder): Promise<QueryResult<T>> { try { // Try async build first if available if (builder.buildAsync) { const { sql, params } = await builder.buildAsync(); return this.executeRaw<T>(sql, params); } // Fall back to sync build const { sql, params } =; return this.executeRaw<T>(sql, params); } catch (error) { return this.errorHandler.handleQueryError(error, 'execute'); } } /** * Execute a raw SQL query with parameters */ async executeRaw<T = unknown>(sql: string, params: SqlParameter[] = []): Promise<QueryResult<T>> { let attempt = 0; let lastError: Error | undefined; let retryDelay = this.options.retryDelay; const startTime =; while (attempt < this.options.maxRetries) { try { // Execute query with timeout const result = await Promise.race([ this.executeQuery<T[]>(sql, params), new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout( () => reject(new Error(STORAGE_ERROR_CODES.QUERY_TIMEOUT)), this.options.timeout ) ), ]); const duration = - startTime; this.logger.debug('Query executed successfully', { sql, params, rowCount: Array.isArray(result) ? result.length : 0, duration, }); return { rows: Array.isArray(result) ? result : [], rowCount: Array.isArray(result) ? result.length : 0, duration, }; } catch (error) { lastError = error as Error; // Check if error is retryable if (!isTransientError(error)) { break; } attempt++; if (attempt < this.options.maxRetries) { this.logger.warn('Retrying failed query', { sql, params, error, attempt, nextRetryDelay: retryDelay, }); // Wait before retrying with exponential backoff await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, retryDelay)); retryDelay *= STORAGE_CONSTANTS.RETRY_MULTIPLIER; } } } // If we got here, all retries failed return this.errorHandler.handleQueryError(lastError, sql, params); } /** * Execute multiple queries in a transaction */ async executeTransaction<T = unknown>( queries: Array<{ builder: QueryBuilder } | { sql: string; params?: SqlParameter[] }> ): Promise<QueryResult<T>[]> { try { const results: QueryResult<T>[] = []; // Start transaction await this.executeRaw('BEGIN TRANSACTION'); try { // Execute each query for (const query of queries) { if ('builder' in query) { results.push(await this.execute<T>(query.builder)); } else { results.push(await this.executeRaw<T>(query.sql, query.params)); } } // Commit transaction await this.executeRaw('COMMIT'); return results; } catch (error) { // Rollback on error await this.executeRaw('ROLLBACK').catch(rollbackError => { // Log rollback error but throw original error this.errorHandler.logWarning('Failed to rollback transaction', rollbackError, { originalError: error, }); }); throw error; } } catch (error) { return this.errorHandler.handleTransactionError(error); } } /** * Execute a single query with the current connection */ private async executeQuery<T>(sql: string, params: SqlParameter[] = []): Promise<T> { const connection = await this.getConnection(); return connection.execute<T>(sql, params); } /** * Get a connection from the pool */ private async getConnection(): Promise<Connection> { // TODO: Implement connection pooling throw new Error('Connection pooling not implemented'); } }