MCP GitHub Issue Server

import { Logger } from '../../../logging/index.js'; import { createError, ErrorCodes } from '../../../errors/index.js'; /** * SQL parameter types */ export type SqlParameter = string | number | boolean | null | Date; /** * SQL operator types */ export type SqlOperator = | '=' | '<>' | '>' | '>=' | '<' | '<=' | 'IN' | 'NOT IN' | 'LIKE' | 'NOT LIKE' | 'IS NULL' | 'IS NOT NULL' | 'BETWEEN'; /** * SQL join types */ export type JoinType = 'INNER' | 'LEFT' | 'RIGHT' | 'FULL'; /** * SQL order direction */ export type OrderDirection = 'ASC' | 'DESC'; /** * Where condition */ export interface WhereCondition { column: string; operator: SqlOperator; value?: SqlParameter | SqlParameter[]; } /** * Join condition */ export interface JoinCondition { type: JoinType; table: string; on: { leftColumn: string; rightColumn: string; }; } /** * Order by column */ export interface OrderByColumn { column: string; direction: OrderDirection; } /** * Query builder interface */ export interface QueryBuilder { select(columns: string[]): QueryBuilder; from(table: string): QueryBuilder; where(conditions: WhereCondition[]): QueryBuilder; join(conditions: JoinCondition[]): QueryBuilder; groupBy(columns: string[]): QueryBuilder; having(conditions: WhereCondition[]): QueryBuilder; orderBy(columns: OrderByColumn[]): QueryBuilder; limit(limit: number): QueryBuilder; offset(offset: number): QueryBuilder; /** * Build query synchronously */ build(): { sql: string; params: SqlParameter[] }; /** * Build query with async optimizations */ buildAsync?(): Promise<{ sql: string; params: SqlParameter[] }>; } /** * Base query builder implementation */ export class BaseQueryBuilder implements QueryBuilder { protected selectedColumns: string[] = ['*']; protected fromTable?: string; protected whereConditions: WhereCondition[] = []; protected joinConditions: JoinCondition[] = []; protected groupByColumns: string[] = []; protected havingConditions: WhereCondition[] = []; protected orderByColumns: OrderByColumn[] = []; protected limitValue?: number; protected offsetValue?: number; protected parameters: SqlParameter[] = []; protected readonly logger: Logger; constructor(component = 'QueryBuilder') { this.logger = Logger.getInstance().child({ component }); } /** * Set columns to select */ select(columns: string[]): QueryBuilder { this.selectedColumns = columns; return this; } /** * Set table to select from */ from(table: string): QueryBuilder { this.fromTable = table; return this; } /** * Add where conditions */ where(conditions: WhereCondition[]): QueryBuilder { this.whereConditions.push(...conditions); return this; } /** * Add join conditions */ join(conditions: JoinCondition[]): QueryBuilder { this.joinConditions.push(...conditions); return this; } /** * Set group by columns */ groupBy(columns: string[]): QueryBuilder { this.groupByColumns = columns; return this; } /** * Add having conditions */ having(conditions: WhereCondition[]): QueryBuilder { this.havingConditions.push(...conditions); return this; } /** * Set order by columns */ orderBy(columns: OrderByColumn[]): QueryBuilder { this.orderByColumns = columns; return this; } /** * Set limit value */ limit(limit: number): QueryBuilder { this.limitValue = limit; return this; } /** * Set offset value */ offset(offset: number): QueryBuilder { this.offsetValue = offset; return this; } /** * Build query */ build(): { sql: string; params: SqlParameter[] } { try { this.validateQuery(); this.parameters = []; const parts: string[] = []; // SELECT parts.push(`SELECT ${this.selectedColumns.join(', ')}`); // FROM parts.push(`FROM ${this.fromTable}`); // JOIN if (this.joinConditions.length > 0) { parts.push(this.buildJoinClauses()); } // WHERE if (this.whereConditions.length > 0) { parts.push(this.buildWhereClauses('WHERE')); } // GROUP BY if (this.groupByColumns.length > 0) { parts.push(`GROUP BY ${this.groupByColumns.join(', ')}`); } // HAVING if (this.havingConditions.length > 0) { parts.push(this.buildWhereClauses('HAVING')); } // ORDER BY if (this.orderByColumns.length > 0) { parts.push( `ORDER BY ${ => `${col.column} ${col.direction}`).join(', ')}` ); } // LIMIT & OFFSET if (this.limitValue !== undefined) { parts.push(`LIMIT ${this.limitValue}`); } if (this.offsetValue !== undefined) { parts.push(`OFFSET ${this.offsetValue}`); } const sql = parts.join(' '); this.logger.debug('Built query', { sql, params: this.parameters }); return { sql, params: this.parameters, }; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to build query', { error }); throw createError( ErrorCodes.STORAGE_ERROR, 'Failed to build query', 'build', error instanceof Error ? error.message : undefined ); } } /** * Validate query */ protected validateQuery(): void { if (!this.fromTable) { throw createError(ErrorCodes.STORAGE_ERROR, 'FROM clause is required', 'validateQuery'); } } /** * Build join clauses */ protected buildJoinClauses(): string { return this.joinConditions .map( join => `${join.type} JOIN ${join.table} ON ${join.on.leftColumn} = ${join.on.rightColumn}` ) .join(' '); } /** * Build where/having clauses */ protected buildWhereClauses(type: 'WHERE' | 'HAVING', conditions?: WhereCondition[]): string { const clauseConditions = conditions || (type === 'WHERE' ? this.whereConditions : this.havingConditions); const clauses = => { const { column, operator, value } = condition; let clause: string; switch (operator) { case 'IS NULL': case 'IS NOT NULL': clause = `${column} ${operator}`; break; case 'IN': case 'NOT IN': { if (!Array.isArray(value)) { throw createError( ErrorCodes.STORAGE_ERROR, `${operator} requires array value`, 'buildWhereClauses' ); } const placeholders = => '?').join(', '); this.parameters.push(...value); clause = `${column} ${operator} (${placeholders})`; break; } case 'BETWEEN': { if (!Array.isArray(value) || value.length !== 2) { throw createError( ErrorCodes.STORAGE_ERROR, 'BETWEEN requires array of 2 values', 'buildWhereClauses' ); } this.parameters.push(value[0], value[1]); clause = `${column} BETWEEN ? AND ?`; break; } default: this.parameters.push(value as SqlParameter); clause = `${column} ${operator} ?`; break; } return clause; }); return `${type} ${clauses.join(' AND ')}`; } }