MCP GitHub Issue Server

/** * Storage metrics collection and monitoring */ import { Logger } from '../../logging/index.js'; import { EventManager } from '../../events/event-manager.js'; import { EventTypes } from '../../types/events.js'; import { MonitoringMetrics } from '../../types/storage.js'; export interface MetricsCollectorOptions { checkInterval?: number; errorThreshold?: number; responseTimeThreshold?: number; metricsInterval?: number; } export class MetricsCollector { private readonly logger: Logger; private readonly eventManager: EventManager; private readonly options: Required<MetricsCollectorOptions>; private metricsInterval: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null; private readonly DEFAULT_CHECK_INTERVAL = 30000; // 30 seconds private readonly DEFAULT_ERROR_THRESHOLD = 5; private readonly DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TIME_THRESHOLD = 1000; // 1 second private readonly DEFAULT_METRICS_INTERVAL = 60000; // 1 minute private totalQueries = 0; private errorCount = 0; private totalResponseTime = 0; private slowQueries = 0; constructor(options: MetricsCollectorOptions = {}) { this.logger = Logger.getInstance().child({ component: 'MetricsCollector' }); this.eventManager = EventManager.getInstance(); this.options = { checkInterval: options.checkInterval || this.DEFAULT_CHECK_INTERVAL, errorThreshold: options.errorThreshold || this.DEFAULT_ERROR_THRESHOLD, responseTimeThreshold: options.responseTimeThreshold || this.DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TIME_THRESHOLD, metricsInterval: options.metricsInterval || this.DEFAULT_METRICS_INTERVAL, }; } /** * Start metrics collection */ start(): void { if (this.metricsInterval) { return; } this.metricsInterval = setInterval(() => { this.collectMetrics(); }, this.options.metricsInterval); // Ensure the interval doesn't prevent the process from exiting this.metricsInterval.unref();'Metrics collection started', { interval: this.options.metricsInterval, }); } /** * Stop metrics collection */ stop(): void { if (this.metricsInterval) { clearInterval(this.metricsInterval); this.metricsInterval = null; }'Metrics collection stopped'); } /** * Record query execution */ recordQuery(duration: number, error?: Error): void { this.totalQueries++; if (error) { this.errorCount++; } this.totalResponseTime += duration; if (duration > this.options.responseTimeThreshold) { this.slowQueries++; } } /** * Get current metrics */ getMetrics(): MonitoringMetrics { const memoryUsage = process.memoryUsage(); return { cache: { hits: 0, // Populated by storage implementation misses: 0, size: 0, maxSize: 0, hitRate: 0, evictions: 0, memoryUsage: memoryUsage.heapUsed, }, connections: { total: 0, // Populated by connection pool active: 0, idle: 0, errors: this.errorCount, avgResponseTime: this.totalQueries > 0 ? this.totalResponseTime / this.totalQueries : 0, }, queries: { total: this.totalQueries, errors: this.errorCount, avgExecutionTime: this.totalQueries > 0 ? this.totalResponseTime / this.totalQueries : 0, slowQueries: this.slowQueries, }, timestamp:, }; } /** * Reset metrics counters */ reset(): void { this.totalQueries = 0; this.errorCount = 0; this.totalResponseTime = 0; this.slowQueries = 0; } /** * Collect and emit metrics */ private collectMetrics(): void { const metrics = this.getMetrics(); // Emit metrics event this.eventManager.emitSystemEvent({ type: EventTypes.SYSTEM_STARTUP, timestamp:, metadata: { component: 'MetricsCollector', memoryUsage: process.memoryUsage(), metrics, }, }); // Log metrics summary'Storage metrics collected', { queries: metrics.queries, connections: metrics.connections, cache: metrics.cache, }); // Check for concerning metrics if (metrics.queries.errors > this.options.errorThreshold) { this.logger.warn('High error rate detected', { errors: metrics.queries.errors, threshold: this.options.errorThreshold, }); } if (metrics.queries.slowQueries > 0) { this.logger.warn('Slow queries detected', { count: metrics.queries.slowQueries, avgTime: metrics.queries.avgExecutionTime, }); } // Reset counters after collection this.reset(); } }