MCP GitHub Issue Server

import { Database } from 'sqlite'; import { Logger } from '../../../logging/index.js'; import { ErrorCodes, createError, type ErrorCode } from '../../../errors/index.js'; import { EventManager } from '../../../events/event-manager.js'; import { EventTypes } from '../../../types/events.js'; import crypto from 'crypto'; export interface TransactionState { active: boolean; depth: number; startTime: number; timeout?: NodeJS.Timeout; id: string; } /** * Helper function to create errors with consistent operation naming */ function createTransactionError( code: ErrorCode, message: string, operation: string = 'TransactionManager', userMessage?: string, metadata?: Record<string, unknown> ): Error { return createError(code, message, `TransactionManager.${operation}`, userMessage, metadata); } export class TransactionManager { private static instance: TransactionManager; private readonly logger: Logger; private readonly eventManager: EventManager; private readonly activeTransactions = new Map<string, TransactionState>(); private readonly DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 30000; // 30 seconds private constructor() { this.logger = Logger.getInstance().child({ component: 'TransactionManager' }); this.eventManager = EventManager.getInstance(); } static getInstance(): TransactionManager { if (!TransactionManager.instance) { TransactionManager.instance = new TransactionManager(); } return TransactionManager.instance; } /** * Begin a new transaction with proper isolation and timeout */ async beginTransaction(db: Database): Promise<string> { const txId = crypto.randomUUID(); try { // Check for existing transaction const existingTx = Array.from(this.activeTransactions.values()).find(tx =>; if (existingTx) { // Handle nested transaction existingTx.depth++; this.logger.debug('Nested transaction started', { transactionId:, depth: existingTx.depth, }); return; } // Start new transaction await db.exec('BEGIN IMMEDIATE'); // Set up transaction timeout const timeoutHandle = setTimeout( () => this.handleTransactionTimeout(db, txId), this.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ); // Record active transaction const transaction: TransactionState = { id: txId, active: true, depth: 1, startTime:, timeout: timeoutHandle, }; this.activeTransactions.set(txId, transaction); // Emit transaction start event this.eventManager.emitSystemEvent({ type: EventTypes.TRANSACTION_STARTED, timestamp:, metadata: { transactionId: txId, }, }); return txId; } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to begin transaction', { error }); throw createTransactionError( ErrorCodes.TRANSACTION_ERROR, 'Failed to begin transaction', 'beginTransaction', 'Could not start database transaction', { originalError: error } ); } } /** * Commit a transaction */ async commitTransaction(db: Database, txId: string): Promise<void> { const transaction = this.activeTransactions.get(txId); if (!transaction) { throw createTransactionError( ErrorCodes.TRANSACTION_ERROR, 'No active transaction to commit', 'commitTransaction', 'Transaction not found or already completed' ); } try { if (transaction.depth > 1) { // Handle nested transaction transaction.depth--; this.logger.debug('Nested transaction committed', { transactionId: txId, depth: transaction.depth, }); return; } // Clear timeout if (transaction.timeout) { clearTimeout(transaction.timeout); } // Commit transaction await db.exec('COMMIT'); const duration = - transaction.startTime; // Clean up transaction state this.activeTransactions.delete(txId); // Emit transaction committed event this.eventManager.emitSystemEvent({ type: EventTypes.TRANSACTION_COMMITTED, timestamp:, metadata: { transactionId: txId, duration, }, }); } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to commit transaction', { error }); throw createTransactionError( ErrorCodes.TRANSACTION_ERROR, 'Failed to commit transaction', 'commitTransaction', 'Could not commit database changes', { originalError: error } ); } } /** * Rollback a transaction */ async rollbackTransaction(db: Database, txId: string): Promise<void> { const transaction = this.activeTransactions.get(txId); if (!transaction) { throw createTransactionError( ErrorCodes.TRANSACTION_ERROR, 'No active transaction to rollback', 'rollbackTransaction', 'Transaction not found or already completed' ); } try { if (transaction.depth > 1) { // Handle nested transaction transaction.depth--; this.logger.debug('Nested transaction rolled back', { transactionId: txId, depth: transaction.depth, }); return; } // Clear timeout if (transaction.timeout) { clearTimeout(transaction.timeout); } // Rollback transaction await db.exec('ROLLBACK'); const duration = - transaction.startTime; // Clean up transaction state this.activeTransactions.delete(txId); // Emit transaction rollback event this.eventManager.emitSystemEvent({ type: EventTypes.TRANSACTION_ROLLED_BACK, timestamp:, metadata: { transactionId: txId, duration, }, }); } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to rollback transaction', { error }); throw createTransactionError( ErrorCodes.TRANSACTION_ERROR, 'Failed to rollback transaction', 'rollbackTransaction', 'Could not rollback database changes', { originalError: error } ); } } /** * Handle transaction timeout */ private async handleTransactionTimeout(db: Database, txId: string): Promise<void> { const transaction = this.activeTransactions.get(txId); if (!transaction) return; this.logger.warn('Transaction timeout', { transactionId: txId, duration: - transaction.startTime, }); try { await this.rollbackTransaction(db, txId); // Emit timeout event this.eventManager.emitSystemEvent({ type: EventTypes.TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT, timestamp:, metadata: { transactionId: txId, duration: - transaction.startTime, }, }); } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to handle transaction timeout', { error }); } } /** * Check if a transaction is active */ isTransactionActive(txId: string): boolean { const transaction = this.activeTransactions.get(txId); return transaction?.active || false; } /** * Get transaction depth */ getTransactionDepth(txId: string): number { const transaction = this.activeTransactions.get(txId); return transaction?.depth || 0; } /** * Clean up all transactions */ async cleanupAllTransactions(db: Database): Promise<void> { for (const [txId, transaction] of this.activeTransactions.entries()) { if ( { try { await this.rollbackTransaction(db, txId); } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to cleanup transaction', { error, transactionId: txId, }); } } } this.activeTransactions.clear(); } }