MCP GitHub Issue Server

/** * Connection state management */ import { Logger } from '../../../logging/index.js'; import { EventManager } from '../../../events/event-manager.js'; import { EventTypes } from '../../../types/events.js'; import { MonitoringMetrics } from '../../../types/storage.js'; interface ConnectionState { id: string; inUse: boolean; hasActiveTransaction: boolean; lastUsed: number; createdAt: number; errorCount: number; totalQueries: number; totalResponseTime: number; lastError?: Error; } interface StateManagerOptions { errorThreshold?: number; responseTimeThreshold?: number; } export class ConnectionStateManager { private static instance: ConnectionStateManager; private readonly logger: Logger; private readonly eventManager: EventManager; private readonly states: Map<string, ConnectionState>; private readonly errorThreshold: number; private readonly responseTimeThreshold: number; private monitoringInterval: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null; private readonly DEFAULT_ERROR_THRESHOLD = 5; private readonly DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TIME_THRESHOLD = 1000; // 1 second private readonly MONITORING_INTERVAL = 60000; // 60 seconds private constructor(options: StateManagerOptions = {}) { // Increase max listeners to prevent warning process.setMaxListeners(20); this.logger = Logger.getInstance().child({ component: 'ConnectionStateManager' }); this.eventManager = EventManager.getInstance(); this.states = new Map(); this.errorThreshold = options.errorThreshold || this.DEFAULT_ERROR_THRESHOLD; this.responseTimeThreshold = options.responseTimeThreshold || this.DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TIME_THRESHOLD; } private static resetInstance(): void { if (ConnectionStateManager.instance) { ConnectionStateManager.instance.cleanup(); ConnectionStateManager.instance = null as unknown as ConnectionStateManager; } } static getInstance(options?: StateManagerOptions): ConnectionStateManager { if (!ConnectionStateManager.instance) { ConnectionStateManager.instance = new ConnectionStateManager(options); } return ConnectionStateManager.instance; } /** * Register a new connection */ registerConnection(id: string): void { this.states.set(id, { id, inUse: false, hasActiveTransaction: false, lastUsed:, createdAt:, errorCount: 0, totalQueries: 0, totalResponseTime: 0, }); this.logger.debug('Connection registered', { id }); } /** * Unregister a connection */ unregisterConnection(id: string): void { this.states.delete(id); this.logger.debug('Connection unregistered', { id }); } /** * Mark connection as in use */ markInUse(id: string): void { const state = this.states.get(id); if (state) { state.inUse = true; state.lastUsed =; } } /** * Mark connection as available */ markAvailable(id: string): void { const state = this.states.get(id); if (state) { state.inUse = false; state.lastUsed =; } } /** * Start transaction on connection */ startTransaction(id: string): void { const state = this.states.get(id); if (state) { state.hasActiveTransaction = true; } } /** * End transaction on connection */ endTransaction(id: string): void { const state = this.states.get(id); if (state) { state.hasActiveTransaction = false; } } /** * Record query execution */ recordQuery(id: string, duration: number, error?: Error): void { const state = this.states.get(id); if (state) { state.totalQueries++; state.totalResponseTime += duration; if (error) { state.errorCount++; state.lastError = error; } } } /** * Check if connection is healthy */ isHealthy(id: string): boolean { const state = this.states.get(id); if (!state) return false; const avgResponseTime = state.totalQueries > 0 ? state.totalResponseTime / state.totalQueries : 0; return state.errorCount < this.errorThreshold && avgResponseTime < this.responseTimeThreshold; } /** * Get connection state */ getState(id: string): ConnectionState | undefined { return this.states.get(id); } /** * Check if connection has active transaction */ hasActiveTransaction(id: string): boolean { const state = this.states.get(id); return state?.hasActiveTransaction || false; } /** * Get connection metrics */ getMetrics(): MonitoringMetrics { let totalActive = 0; let totalErrors = 0; let totalQueries = 0; let totalResponseTime = 0; for (const state of this.states.values()) { if (state.inUse) totalActive++; totalErrors += state.errorCount; totalQueries += state.totalQueries; totalResponseTime += state.totalResponseTime; } const avgResponseTime = totalQueries > 0 ? totalResponseTime / totalQueries : 0; return { connections: { total: this.states.size, active: totalActive, idle: this.states.size - totalActive, errors: totalErrors, avgResponseTime, }, queries: { total: totalQueries, errors: totalErrors, slowQueries: 0, avgExecutionTime: avgResponseTime, }, cache: { hits: 0, misses: 0, size: 0, maxSize: 0, hitRate: 0, evictions: 0, memoryUsage: process.memoryUsage().heapUsed, }, timestamp:, }; } /** * Start monitoring connections */ startMonitoring(): void { if (this.monitoringInterval) return; this.monitoringInterval = setInterval(() => { this.checkConnections(); }, this.MONITORING_INTERVAL); // Don't prevent process exit this.monitoringInterval.unref();'Connection monitoring started', { interval: this.MONITORING_INTERVAL, errorThreshold: this.errorThreshold, responseTimeThreshold: this.responseTimeThreshold, }); } /** * Stop monitoring connections */ stopMonitoring(): void { if (this.monitoringInterval) { clearInterval(this.monitoringInterval); this.monitoringInterval = null; }'Connection monitoring stopped'); } /** * Check connection health */ private checkConnections(): void { const metrics = this.getMetrics(); const unhealthyConnections: string[] = []; for (const [id, state] of this.states.entries()) { if (!this.isHealthy(id)) { unhealthyConnections.push(id); this.logger.warn('Unhealthy connection detected', { id, errorCount: state.errorCount, avgResponseTime: state.totalQueries > 0 ? state.totalResponseTime / state.totalQueries : 0, lastError: state.lastError, }); } } // Emit monitoring event this.eventManager.emitSystemEvent({ type: EventTypes.STORAGE_ANALYZE, timestamp:, metadata: { component: 'ConnectionStateManager', memoryUsage: process.memoryUsage(), metrics: { connections: metrics.connections, queries: metrics.queries, cache: { hits: 0, misses: 0, size: 0, maxSize: 0, hitRate: 0, evictions: 0, memoryUsage: process.memoryUsage().heapUsed, }, timestamp: metrics.timestamp, }, operation: 'health_check', unhealthyConnections, healthStatus: { isHealthy: unhealthyConnections.length === 0, errorCount: metrics.connections.errors, avgResponseTime: metrics.connections.avgResponseTime, }, }, }); // Log monitoring summary'Connection health check completed', { total:, active:, idle: metrics.connections.idle, errors: metrics.connections.errors, avgResponseTime: metrics.connections.avgResponseTime, unhealthyCount: unhealthyConnections.length, }); } /** * Clean up resources */ cleanup(): void { this.stopMonitoring(); this.states.clear(); ConnectionStateManager.resetInstance(); process.removeAllListeners('beforeExit'); } }