MCP GitHub Issue Server

import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import { Logger } from '../../logging/index.js'; import { createError, ErrorCodes } from '../../errors/index.js'; import { Connection, ConnectionPool, ConnectionFactory, ConnectionState, ConnectionMetrics, validateConfig, } from './pool/index.js'; interface ManagerConfig { maxPoolSize: number; minPoolSize: number; acquireTimeout: number; idleTimeout: number; maxWaitingClients: number; healthCheckInterval: number; pruneInterval: number; } interface ManagerMetrics { pools: number; totalConnections: number; activeConnections: number; idleConnections: number; waitingRequests: number; failedRequests: number; avgAcquireTime: number; } interface ConnectionEvent { connection: Connection; metrics: ConnectionMetrics; } /** * Connection manager for coordinating connection pools */ export class ConnectionManager extends EventEmitter { private pools: Map<string, ConnectionPool> = new Map(); private healthCheckTimer?: NodeJS.Timeout; private pruneTimer?: NodeJS.Timeout; private metrics: ManagerMetrics = { pools: 0, totalConnections: 0, activeConnections: 0, idleConnections: 0, waitingRequests: 0, failedRequests: 0, avgAcquireTime: 0, }; private readonly logger: Logger; constructor( private readonly config: ManagerConfig, private readonly connectionFactory: ConnectionFactory ) { super(); this.logger = Logger.getInstance().child({ component: 'ConnectionManager', }); } /** * Initialize connection manager */ async initialize(): Promise<void> { try { // Validate factory configuration validateConfig(this.connectionFactory.config); // Create initial pool await this.createPool('default'); // Start health checks this.startHealthChecks(); // Start idle connection pruning this.startPruning();'Connection manager initialized'); } catch (error) { this.logger.error('Failed to initialize connection manager', { error }); throw error; } } /** * Acquire connection from pool */ async acquire(poolName = 'default'): Promise<Connection> { const pool = this.pools.get(poolName); if (!pool) { throw createError(ErrorCodes.STORAGE_ERROR, `Pool ${poolName} not found`, 'acquire'); } try { const connection = await pool.acquire(); this.updateMetrics(); return connection; } catch (error) { this.metrics.failedRequests++; throw error; } } /** * Release connection back to pool */ release(connection: Connection, poolName = 'default'): void { const pool = this.pools.get(poolName); if (!pool) { throw createError(ErrorCodes.STORAGE_ERROR, `Pool ${poolName} not found`, 'release'); } pool.release(connection); this.updateMetrics(); } /** * Create new connection pool */ async createPool(name: string): Promise<void> { if (this.pools.has(name)) { throw createError(ErrorCodes.STORAGE_ERROR, `Pool ${name} already exists`, 'createPool'); } const pool = await this.connectionFactory.createPool({ maxSize: this.config.maxPoolSize, minSize: this.config.minPoolSize, acquireTimeout: this.config.acquireTimeout, idleTimeout: this.config.idleTimeout, }); // Set up pool event handlers pool.on('connection:active', this.handleConnectionActive.bind(this)); pool.on('connection:idle', this.handleConnectionIdle.bind(this)); pool.on('metrics:updated', this.handlePoolMetricsUpdate.bind(this)); this.pools.set(name, pool); this.metrics.pools++;'Created new connection pool', { name }); } /** * Remove connection pool */ async removePool(name: string): Promise<void> { const pool = this.pools.get(name); if (!pool) { throw createError(ErrorCodes.STORAGE_ERROR, `Pool ${name} not found`, 'removePool'); } if (name === 'default') { throw createError(ErrorCodes.STORAGE_ERROR, 'Cannot remove default pool', 'removePool'); } await pool.close(); this.pools.delete(name); this.metrics.pools--;'Removed connection pool', { name }); } /** * Get manager metrics */ getMetrics(): ManagerMetrics { return { ...this.metrics }; } /** * Shutdown connection manager */ async shutdown(): Promise<void> { // Stop health checks and pruning if (this.healthCheckTimer) { clearInterval(this.healthCheckTimer); } if (this.pruneTimer) { clearInterval(this.pruneTimer); } // Close all pools const closePromises = Array.from(this.pools.values()).map(pool => pool.close()); await Promise.all(closePromises); this.pools.clear(); this.updateMetrics();'Connection manager shut down'); } /** * Start health check interval */ private startHealthChecks(): void { this.healthCheckTimer = setInterval(() => this.checkHealth(), this.config.healthCheckInterval); } /** * Start idle connection pruning */ private startPruning(): void { this.pruneTimer = setInterval(() => this.pruneIdleConnections(), this.config.pruneInterval); } /** * Check health of all connections */ private async checkHealth(): Promise<void> { for (const [name, pool] of this.pools) { const connections = pool.getConnections(); const activeConnections = connections.filter(conn => conn.state === ConnectionState.ACTIVE); const unhealthyCount = activeConnections.filter(conn => !conn.isHealthy()).length; if (unhealthyCount > 0) { this.logger.warn('Unhealthy connections detected', { pool: name, unhealthyCount, }); } } } /** * Prune idle connections */ private async pruneIdleConnections(): Promise<void> { for (const [name, pool] of this.pools) { const status = pool.status(); if (status.idleConnections > this.config.minPoolSize) { const excessConnections = status.idleConnections - this.config.minPoolSize; await pool.resize(this.config.maxPoolSize - excessConnections); this.logger.debug('Pruned idle connections', { pool: name, pruned: excessConnections, }); } } } /** * Update manager metrics */ private updateMetrics(): void { const poolMetrics = Array.from(this.pools.values()).map(pool => pool.status()); this.metrics = { pools: this.pools.size, totalConnections: poolMetrics.reduce((sum, m) => sum + m.totalConnections, 0), activeConnections: poolMetrics.reduce((sum, m) => sum + m.activeConnections, 0), idleConnections: poolMetrics.reduce((sum, m) => sum + m.idleConnections, 0), waitingRequests: poolMetrics.reduce((sum, m) => sum + m.waitingRequests, 0), failedRequests: this.metrics.failedRequests, avgAcquireTime: poolMetrics.reduce((sum, m) => sum + m.acquireTime, 0) / this.pools.size, }; this.emit('metrics:updated', this.metrics); } /** * Handle connection active event */ private handleConnectionActive(event: ConnectionEvent): void { this.emit('connection:active', event); } /** * Handle connection idle event */ private handleConnectionIdle(event: ConnectionEvent): void { this.emit('connection:idle', event); } /** * Handle pool metrics update */ private handlePoolMetricsUpdate(): void { this.updateMetrics(); } }