MCP GitHub Issue Server

import { BaseError } from './base-error.js'; import { ErrorCode, ErrorContext, ErrorSeverity } from '../types/error.js'; type ToolErrorCode = Extract< ErrorCode, 'TOOL_NOT_FOUND' | 'TOOL_EXECUTION' | 'TOOL_VALIDATION' | 'TOOL_TIMEOUT' | 'TOOL_PERMISSION' >; /** * Tool-specific error class */ export class ToolError extends BaseError { constructor(code: ToolErrorCode, message: string, context: ErrorContext, toolName?: string) { // Add tool name to metadata if provided const enrichedContext: ErrorContext = { ...context, metadata: { ...context.metadata, ...(toolName && { toolName }), }, }; super(code, message, enrichedContext); = 'ToolError'; } /** * Gets the tool name if available */ getToolName(): string | undefined { return this.getMetadata()?.toolName as string | undefined; } /** * Creates a string representation of the tool error */ toString(): string { const toolName = this.getToolName(); return `${} [${this.code}]${toolName ? ` in ${toolName}` : ''}: ${this.message}${ this.getUserMessage() !== this.message ? ` (${this.getUserMessage()})` : '' }`; } /** * Converts the tool error to a JSON-serializable object */ toJSON(): Record<string, unknown> { return { ...super.toJSON(), toolName: this.getToolName(), }; } /** * Creates a not found error */ static notFound( toolName: string, operation: string, metadata?: Record<string, unknown> ): ToolError { return new ToolError( 'TOOL_NOT_FOUND', `Tool not found: ${toolName}`, { operation, timestamp:, severity: ErrorSeverity.HIGH, metadata: { ...metadata, toolName, }, }, toolName ); } /** * Creates an execution error */ static execution( toolName: string, operation: string, reason: string, metadata?: Record<string, unknown> ): ToolError { return new ToolError( 'TOOL_EXECUTION', `Tool execution failed: ${reason}`, { operation, timestamp:, severity: ErrorSeverity.HIGH, metadata: { ...metadata, toolName, reason, }, }, toolName ); } /** * Creates a validation error */ static validation( toolName: string, operation: string, errors: string[], metadata?: Record<string, unknown> ): ToolError { return new ToolError( 'TOOL_VALIDATION', `Tool validation failed: ${errors.join('; ')}`, { operation, timestamp:, severity: ErrorSeverity.HIGH, metadata: { ...metadata, toolName, validationErrors: errors, }, }, toolName ); } /** * Creates a timeout error */ static timeout( toolName: string, operation: string, duration: number, metadata?: Record<string, unknown> ): ToolError { return new ToolError( 'TOOL_TIMEOUT', `Tool execution timed out after ${duration}ms`, { operation, timestamp:, severity: ErrorSeverity.HIGH, metadata: { ...metadata, toolName, duration, }, }, toolName ); } /** * Creates a permission error */ static permission( toolName: string, operation: string, action: string, metadata?: Record<string, unknown> ): ToolError { return new ToolError( 'TOOL_PERMISSION', `Permission denied: ${action}`, { operation, timestamp:, severity: ErrorSeverity.HIGH, metadata: { ...metadata, toolName, action, }, }, toolName ); } }