Cloudflare to GitHub Backup MCP Server

/** * The Standard Schema interface. */ export type StandardSchemaV1<Input = unknown, Output = Input> = { /** * The Standard Schema properties. */ readonly "~standard": StandardSchemaV1.Props<Input, Output>; }; export declare namespace StandardSchemaV1 { /** * The Standard Schema properties interface. */ export interface Props<Input = unknown, Output = Input> { /** * The version number of the standard. */ readonly version: 1; /** * The vendor name of the schema library. */ readonly vendor: string; /** * Validates unknown input values. */ readonly validate: (value: unknown) => Result<Output> | Promise<Result<Output>>; /** * Inferred types associated with the schema. */ readonly types?: Types<Input, Output> | undefined; } /** * The result interface of the validate function. */ export type Result<Output> = SuccessResult<Output> | FailureResult; /** * The result interface if validation succeeds. */ export interface SuccessResult<Output> { /** * The typed output value. */ readonly value: Output; /** * The non-existent issues. */ readonly issues?: undefined; } /** * The result interface if validation fails. */ export interface FailureResult { /** * The issues of failed validation. */ readonly issues: ReadonlyArray<Issue>; } /** * The issue interface of the failure output. */ export interface Issue { /** * The error message of the issue. */ readonly message: string; /** * The path of the issue, if any. */ readonly path?: ReadonlyArray<PropertyKey | PathSegment> | undefined; } /** * The path segment interface of the issue. */ export interface PathSegment { /** * The key representing a path segment. */ readonly key: PropertyKey; } /** * The Standard Schema types interface. */ export interface Types<Input = unknown, Output = Input> { /** * The input type of the schema. */ readonly input: Input; /** * The output type of the schema. */ readonly output: Output; } /** * Infers the input type of a Standard Schema. */ export type InferInput<Schema extends StandardSchemaV1> = NonNullable<Schema["~standard"]["types"]>["input"]; /** * Infers the output type of a Standard Schema. */ export type InferOutput<Schema extends StandardSchemaV1> = NonNullable<Schema["~standard"]["types"]>["output"]; export {}; }