Magic Component Platform (MCP)



Search and return logos in specified format (JSX, TSX, SVG). Supports single and multiple logo searches with category filtering. Can return logos in different themes (light/dark) if available.

When to use this tool:

  1. When user types "/logo" command (e.g., "/logo GitHub")
  2. When user asks to add a company logo that's not in the local project

Example queries:

  • Single company: ["discord"]
  • Multiple companies: ["discord", "github", "slack"]
  • Specific brand: ["microsoft office"]
  • Command style: "/logo GitHub" -> ["github"]
  • Request style: "Add Discord logo to the project" -> ["discord"]

Format options:

  • TSX: Returns TypeScript React component
  • JSX: Returns JavaScript React component
  • SVG: Returns raw SVG markup

Each result includes:

  • Component name (e.g., DiscordIcon)
  • Component code
  • Import instructions

Input Schema

formatYesOutput format
queriesYesList of company names to search for logos

Input Schema (JSON Schema)

{ "$schema": "", "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "format": { "description": "Output format", "enum": [ "JSX", "TSX", "SVG" ], "type": "string" }, "queries": { "description": "List of company names to search for logos", "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" } }, "required": [ "queries", "format" ], "type": "object" }