Magic Component Platform (MCP)

import { z } from "zod"; import { promises as fs } from "fs"; import { BaseTool } from "../utils/base-tool"; // Types for SVGL API responses interface ThemeOptions { dark: string; light: string; } interface SVGLogo { id?: number; title: string; category: string | string[]; route: string | ThemeOptions; wordmark?: string | ThemeOptions; brandUrl?: string; url: string; } const LOGO_TOOL_NAME = "logo_search"; const LOGO_TOOL_DESCRIPTION = ` Search and return logos in specified format (JSX, TSX, SVG). Supports single and multiple logo searches with category filtering. Can return logos in different themes (light/dark) if available. When to use this tool: 1. When user types "/logo" command (e.g., "/logo GitHub") 2. When user asks to add a company logo that's not in the local project Example queries: - Single company: ["discord"] - Multiple companies: ["discord", "github", "slack"] - Specific brand: ["microsoft office"] - Command style: "/logo GitHub" -> ["github"] - Request style: "Add Discord logo to the project" -> ["discord"] Format options: - TSX: Returns TypeScript React component - JSX: Returns JavaScript React component - SVG: Returns raw SVG markup Each result includes: - Component name (e.g., DiscordIcon) - Component code - Import instructions `; export class LogoSearchTool extends BaseTool { name = LOGO_TOOL_NAME; description = LOGO_TOOL_DESCRIPTION; schema = z.object({ queries: z .array(z.string()) .describe("List of company names to search for logos"), format: z.enum(["JSX", "TSX", "SVG"]).describe("Output format"), }); private async fetchLogos(query: string): Promise<SVGLogo[]> { const baseUrl = ""; const url = `${baseUrl}?search=${encodeURIComponent(query)}`; try { const response = await fetch(url); if (!response.ok) { if (response.status === 404) { return []; // Return empty array for not found instead of throwing } throw new Error(`SVGL API error: ${response.statusText}`); } const data = await response.json(); return Array.isArray(data) ? data : []; } catch (error) { console.error( `[${LOGO_TOOL_NAME}] Error fetching logos for ${query}:`, error ); return []; // Return empty array on error } } private async fetchSVGContent(url: string): Promise<string> { try { const response = await fetch(url); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Failed to fetch SVG content: ${response.statusText}`); } return await response.text(); } catch (error) { console.error("Error fetching SVG content:", error); throw error; } } private async convertToFormat( svgContent: string, format: "JSX" | "TSX" | "SVG", componentName: string = "Icon" ): Promise<string> { if (format === "SVG") { return svgContent; } // Convert to JSX/TSX const jsxContent = svgContent .replace(/class=/g, "className=") .replace(/style="([^"]*)"/g, (match: string, styles: string) => { const cssObject = styles .split(";") .filter(Boolean) .map((style: string) => { const [property, value] = style .split(":") .map((s: string) => s.trim()); const camelProperty = property.replace(/-([a-z])/g, (g: string) => g[1].toUpperCase() ); return `${camelProperty}: "${value}"`; }) .join(", "); return `style={{${cssObject}}}`; }); // Make sure we use the full component name (with Icon suffix) const finalComponentName = componentName.endsWith("Icon") ? componentName : `${componentName}Icon`; return format === "TSX" ? `const ${finalComponentName}: React.FC = () => (${jsxContent})` : `function ${finalComponentName}() { return (${jsxContent}) }`; } private async saveTestResult(data: { queries: string[]; format: string; successful: Array<{ query: string; content: string }>; failed: Array<{ query: string; message: string }>; }) { const timestamp = new Date().toISOString(); const filename = `test-results/logo-search-${timestamp.replace( /[:.]/g, "-" )}.json`; // Format response as component structure const foundIcons = => { const title = r.content.split("\n")[0].replace("// ", "").split(" (")[0]; const componentName = title .split(" ") .map((word) => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)) .join("") .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "") + "Icon"; return { icon: componentName, code: r.content.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n"), }; }); const missingIcons = => ({ icon: f.query, alternatives: [ "Search for SVG version on the official website", "Check other icon libraries (e.g., heroicons, lucide)", "Request SVG file from the user", ], })); const response = { icons: foundIcons, notFound: missingIcons, setup: [ "1. Add these icons to your project:", foundIcons .map((c) => ` ${c.icon}.${data.format.toLowerCase()}`) .join("\n"), "2. Import and use like this:", "```tsx", "import { " + => c.icon).join(", ") + " } from '@/icons';", "```", ].join("\n"), }; try { await fs.writeFile(filename, JSON.stringify(response, null, 2), "utf-8"); console.log(`[${LOGO_TOOL_NAME}] Test results saved to ${filename}`); } catch (error) { console.error(`[${LOGO_TOOL_NAME}] Error saving test results:`, error); } } async execute({ queries, format }: z.infer<typeof this.schema>) { console.log( `[${LOGO_TOOL_NAME}] Starting logo search for: ${queries.join( ", " )} in ${format} format` ); try { // Process all queries const results = await Promise.all( (query) => { try { console.log(`[${LOGO_TOOL_NAME}] Fetching logos for ${query}...`); const logos = await this.fetchLogos(query); if (logos.length === 0) { console.log(`[${LOGO_TOOL_NAME}] No logo found for ${query}`); return { query, success: false, message: `No logo found for: "${query}"`, }; } const logo = logos[0]; console.log( `[${LOGO_TOOL_NAME}] Processing logo for: ${logo.title}` ); const svgUrl = typeof logo.route === "string" ? logo.route : logo.route.light; console.log(`[${LOGO_TOOL_NAME}] Fetching SVG from: ${svgUrl}`); const svgContent = await this.fetchSVGContent(svgUrl); console.log(`[${LOGO_TOOL_NAME}] Converting to ${format} format`); const formattedContent = await this.convertToFormat( svgContent, format, logo.title + "Icon" ); console.log(`[${LOGO_TOOL_NAME}] Successfully processed ${query}`); return { query, success: true, content: `// ${logo.title} (${logo.url})\n${formattedContent}`, }; } catch (error) { console.error( `[${LOGO_TOOL_NAME}] Error processing ${query}:`, error ); return { query, success: false, message: error instanceof Error ? error.message : "Unknown error", }; } }) ); // Prepare summary const successful = results.filter((r) => r.success); const failed = results.filter((r) => !r.success); console.log(`[${LOGO_TOOL_NAME}] Results summary:`); console.log( `[${LOGO_TOOL_NAME}] Successfully processed: ${successful.length}` ); console.log(`[${LOGO_TOOL_NAME}] Failed to process: ${failed.length}`); // Save test results await this.saveTestResult({ queries, format, successful: successful .filter( (r): r is typeof r & { content: string } => r.content !== undefined ) .map((r) => ({ query: r.query, content: r.content, })), failed: failed .filter( (r): r is typeof r & { message: string } => r.message !== undefined ) .map((r) => ({ query: r.query, message: r.message, })), }); // Format response as component structure const foundIcons = => { const title = r.content?.split("\n")[0].replace("// ", "").split(" (")[0] || ""; const componentName = title .split(" ") .map((word) => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)) .join("") .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "") + "Icon"; return { icon: componentName, code: r.content?.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n") || "", }; }); const missingIcons = => ({ icon: f.query, alternatives: [ "Search for SVG version on the official website", "Check other icon libraries (e.g., heroicons, lucide)", "Request SVG file from the user", ], })); const response = { icons: foundIcons, notFound: missingIcons, setup: [ "1. Add these icons to your project:", foundIcons .map((c) => ` ${c.icon}.${format.toLowerCase()}`) .join("\n"), "2. Import and use like this:", "```tsx", "import { " + => c.icon).join(", ") + " } from '@/icons';", "```", ].join("\n"), }; // Log results return { content: [ { type: "text" as const, text: JSON.stringify(response, null, 2), }, ], }; } catch (error) { // Log error console.error(`[${LOGO_TOOL_NAME}] Error:`, error); throw error; } } }